
Thursday, April 4, 2024


Desire, a taboo word for most people. Desire is defined in Merriam-Webster as “to long or hope for; to express a wish for”. Desire, at its core, can be considered the driving force of human nature. It is the silent whisper of the soul, the urging that moves humanity forward towards new heights, previously unimaginable by generations of the past. Whether desire is used to pursue good, or bad, it is an intrinsic feature of every human being. 

Desire is a phenomenon that naturally pushes us towards a goal, whether it be material or a feeling, akin to a sense of accomplishment. From the human pursuit of material wealth, a desire for love and a sense of belonging, or even a desire to submit an essay on time for a good grade, desire is all around us and influences the path we take moving forwards in life. Desire can also be described as a double-edged sword, that has the ability to both help or harm the wielder of it, however it is to be swung. Desire can be used as fuel to push the boundaries of humanity further than intellectuals just only decades ago could ever dream of, enabling humanity to reach new heights and single-handedly shaping a better world for future generations. Desire can also be used to enable bad habits with instant gratification, like me wanting to check my phone to see a text message, or go scrolling through social media even as 11:59 approaches, keeping me in a cycle of what I call, a split desire. Two equally split conflicting desires, one to do my work and have the freedom to go to bed knowing I’m done for the day, or the other desire to have my instant gratification scrolling through social media, prolonging the inevitability of me needing to do my essay, but much less effort is needed. Desire can be wielded, both as a tool to push humanity past its human-bound limits to inspire and create a better world for humanity. Desire can also lead to ultimately falling flat in a cycle of reflection upon the past and the regrets it holds, desiring a previous experience or time. Regardless of how it is used, desire is an integral part of human society, for without desire, the world would be in a constant cycle of mediocrity, with no room for innovation, no desire to do your homework, no desire to push yourself to be better, no desire to do anything at all. 

In the history and entangled web of human existence, desire weaves its intricate threads all around us, shaping everyone’s experiences, desires, and ultimately, destinies. It is a relentless and unstoppable force that continues to drive humanity forward, even as we enter troubling times. It is the same force that has led us into this tumultuous period, and it is the ultimately same force that will push us out into the real world as we graduate and hope to succeed beyond high school, push us towards the 22nd century with new technologies and increasingly loftier desires, and even further beyond that past our lifespans and our children and grandchildren having their own individual desires, dreams and aspirations. Whatever obstacles await, some even as a result of misguided desire, it is ultimately our ability to harness this hidden desire that surrounds us all, that allows us to transcend humanity’s limits, and continue to push for the stars. Desire, whether or not it has its negative connotation in history, is needed. I think it’s the only reason I chose to wrote this, instead of sleeping. 

“Desire Definition & Meaning.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 15 Mar. 2024.


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