
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Next Seed, Please--Nora

Please do not think that just because an ‘Angel’s Trumpet’ flower is beautiful that it has the right to keep its poison in your skin. The flower will grow and it will grow for you because you are the one only one who is watering it daily. Please grow another kind of flower, these are so dangerous. My mother is a florist and she tells me about these all of the time. “An Angel’s Trumpet is one of the most gentle names for a flower, they even look it too, but they will hurt you.” She used to mention this all of the time, and I want you to know that too. I never listened to her though because I convinced myself that I loved these flowers, that these fragile looking plants could not hurt me. But let me tell you, they hurt me so bad. I was forced to love these flowers. However, as time passed I found out that they were not what they made themselves to be. I grew an endless garden of these beauties thinking that they would make my yard smell like a real heaven, but in reality they made my home a living hell. Every time I would try to pick one, it hurt. Every time I tried to smell one, it stung. And every single time I watered them they kept.. on.. growing. But I couldn’t stop. It felt like it was a dream, It felt like I was hallucinating. The smell of them made me feel like this is what I needed, that this is exactly what I wanted. At first, I thought I loved them, I really did. But i should have listened to my mom, they’re so dangerous. For the sake of you, I hope you listen to her too. I bet you are sweet, so am I. But when your garden is filled with plants that make you feel addicted to keep on growing them, please find new flowers to grow.

This was not what I needed and this is not what you want.


  1. Im not sure if this is a personal question but s this about drugs? -Rachel Smith

    1. This piece can be interpreted in MANY different ways. Personally, for me, it is not about drugs. :)

  2. I enjoyed reading this piece, especially since it is so beautifully written, and I think it itself is a beautiful flower (something other than an angel's trumpet of course). I liked the meaning behind it and how much the metaphor playing into it.

  3. I liked this piece and I feel like it could be interpreted in different ways. I liked the use of the "you"s in the piece as if you were directing this is someone specific. I thought it was gonna turn into a comparison had loving someone about the flower plot continued. Nevertheless i enjoyed it(:

  4. Very well written! I'm just going to guess that this is a metaphor for something in real life that is equally dangerous yet alluring and beautiful. I like the metaphor to the flower too because I think it is very true to the many flowers that look beautiful yet can be very dangerous

  5. I absolutely enjoyed reading this piece, I love how it has such a strong meaning behind it and the literary devices you used.
    -Jeyovana Griffith

  6. I don't know if i'm placing to much eisegesis on this piece but, is it about the toxicity of certain people in our lives. People who disguise themselves as something we need but, end up draining us physically and emotionally . Correct me if i'm wrong. Anyways I enjoyed your piece and it was well written.

    1. Woohoo! Spot on my dude. I wrote this piece to show how toxic someone was in my life and how exhausting it became after I grew to find how much it was hurting me. The Angel's Trumpet flower, which represented that toxic individual, ended up ruining a part of me and I did not know because that person looked to not be what I had ever thought they would ever be. I over-looked plenty of painful things this flower gave and seemed to have gotten addicted to the 'better things' hence me explaining how beautiful the flowers were; even though it hurt a ton I felt as though I couldn't do anything about it... up until I realized my worth ;)! I'm so happy that you enjoyed it, and I hope that made sense. Much love, man. Thank You Thank you. <3 :)

  7. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece Nora!! I loved the perspective you wrote from. At the end, you also surprisingly flashed to the other perspective for a glimpse: "this is not what you want."

    1. Thank you so much, man!
      I don't think a lot of people caught onto the idea that this was a personal piece about a time period in my life and that it was a warning to someone who is taking up the same toxic energy that I had once experienced. Does that make sense? Anyway, when I wrote that last line, it was extremely important to give them a heads up, since I only want the best for anyone. Especially someone who does not know what they're getting themselves into... But much love, Joey! Your word means a lot to me.

  8. Oh wow, you could replace anything you obsess over with the flower in this passage and it would still work so well. The way you describe addiction is spot on and it makes me look over my life if I have any "flowers" that I should get rid of.

    1. Let that hurt go, man! Grow some new, beautiful flowers!!!!! Thank you.
      I left this piece to be easily interpreted because I feel as though even if it has my own meaning to it, leaving it up to the reader to relate to it is important to me.

  9. WOW NORA, I was absolutely intrigued by your piece and by far this is my favorite of all. This blog conveys so much meaning, and the meaning that I personally gained from it was the fact that in our everyday lives we might be too caring and put our trust in those who tend to back stab us or betray us without us even realizing it happening because we might been too naive. As a person who is naive and puts my trust in others, I have been in the situation where people betray me and I tend to forgive them, but the reality is that we must open our eyes and make sure that people don't always take us for granted. It makes me sad that people have the heart to hurt others, but it is human nature and we can not change it, but the only thing that we can do it be aware of our surroundings and make wise decisions for our own benefit. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, because not until now did I realize all the times that people have actually took me for granted and betrayed me for no reason. Now you make me realize that I so be preoccupied with those who are genuine and not those who are fake. AWESOME JOB AND THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN!!!!!! <3

    1. AH! SAFA! THANK YOU! You have no clue how happy that made me. I am so glad that you were able to benefit for the better of yourself. It upsets me more than anything whenever I am reminded the lengths that people are willing to go through just to hurt someone else, and I guess that that is human nature, but the worst always finds it's way to the best. All we can do is build ourselves to pick out the nasty weeds and plant new seeds. I hope that the flowers that you grow in your garden radiate happiness and love. I am sending my love to you, always. <3 :,) BTW. you're so sweet!!!! REALIZE YOURE TRUE WORTH!!!!

  10. I love this piece and how detailed it is, as if you could really see the pain these flowers inflict. Is this all a metaphor for toxic people in our life's that we need to get rid of but for some reason keep them around?

    1. Yes! It is about a toxic energy that tangled my soul while I was vulnerable and not able to leave because I constantly over looked things that hurt, but because I became addicted that was when I kept it there. I felt like I could not go.
      Thank you for reading and spreading your love! :,)

  11. I really enjoyed reading this, because it was not only very beautifully written and descriptive, but because of the meaning that I got from it. The metaphor was really powerful and as soon as I understood I was just sort of in awe. I feel like using a flower to convey a message was a super creative idea. Great job!!

  12. This piece is so different, yet so interesting at the same time. The meaning behind the flower is so deep, and was written beautifully. Great job! -Lauren J.

  13. I feel as if this piece is so versatile, because it could be about food you shouldn't eat or about a bad relationship and this kinds of stories is what makes me think the most. All I could say is this was nicely written. -Martina Panganiban

  14. This is such an accurate description of addiction, whether it be so a substance, person, or just a habit. We are the only ones who can cease feeding it.

  15. Wow, what a wonderful piece. I love the meaning and depth you put into the flower and enjoyed the comparisons you made!
    -Farheen Ansari

  16. I love the extended metaphor here. It's so simple yet meaningful- not to mention beautifully written. I applaud the way you express deep emotion through the piece.

  17. This is a wonderful piece Nora!! I love the meaning behind the flower, and how the flower is a metaphor for anything that is toxic in life. Great job!!

  18. Your metaphor could be interpreted multiple ways but it is very well done. There is so much meaning throughout. Great job!

  19. Nora, this piece was absolutely profound and significant to all of our lives. Your last statement is amazing "please find new flowers to grow" and it really made me think about the flowers in my "garden" that I've been watering. Great piece love ! -J'Noie Parker

  20. I absolutely love that this piece is a metaphor for a much deeper message. Your description of the flowers and the addiction they cause was very intriguing and you also managed to include your subliminal message in a concise manner.
    Great Piece!

  21. BRO THIS WAS SO DEEP! I am at a loss for words, honestly. I absolutely love this piece, and how it can relate to anything that we love that is growing in our lives that does not have our best interests in mind. Once again, amazing piece! Absolutely beautifully written!
    -Gabbie B.

  22. I'm so curious what this was a metaphor for for you! Addiction or lust or danger or temptation??? I LOVEEE a good extended metaphor and you did it perfectly! except I do resent you a bit for not revealing it at the end. -Vanessa Lai

  23. I love pieces that speak from the perspective of someone who has gone through something obviously traumatic, and is using their experiences to warn the reader or, in this case maybe, another character. It's ominous and thought-provoking, which is a combination that I believe never fails to make a great piece. Great job Nora (:
    -Vanessa Colt

  24. Your piece is so amazing! I can really tell that this means something to you and it sends such a great message. Good Job, I enjoyed reading! - Sophia Cordura

  25. I love this Nora. I love the multiple implications it could have and how your story sort of mends and fixates itself within the ideals of that specific reader. Very well done.

  26. I truly loved this piece Nora, the extended metaphor you created with this piece volumes to so many different people, and I'm pretty sure many people can relate to something in their lives that they can't always get rid of. Great Job!

  27. This was honestly one of my favorite pieces that I have read on this website. Perfect.
    -Andy Burgos

  28. I really love this piece, especially the message behind it; something about how you need to cut toxic things out of your life because you can't and shouldn't waste your time trying to change something or someone just because it looks appealing. Addiction is debilitating and it is often harder to get out of a terrible situation whether it is an abusive relationship, drugs, or really anything else: at least that's the message I took from it. Overall, this is a really ominous and thought provoking piece, awesome job!

  29. LOVE IIITTTTT!!! Love the device of metaphors you used by explaining that bad people are like a bad toxic flower.Very well written and detailed! GREAT JOB!!

  30. Love this piece, it gave an interpretation of something so small can hurt and heal all at the same time, and once all of the flowers are gone they somehow come back

  31. To me this story is about a mom telling her daughter to stay away from boys. Boys will only break your heart, yet she will always try to "grow" some. I like your story because it can be interpreted in so many different ways. Great job!-Ethan To

  32. The use of the flower as an extended metaphor really emphasized the pain it caused. Sometimes we have to let go even though it's hard, we need to make sure that we ourselves are in line before we can grow flowers again. I really enjoyed your piece, great job.
    -Ruben Becerra

  33. Wow. I love how beautifully this is written and that there are so many ways it can be interpreted. My favorite is the interpretation of having toxic or dangerous relationships with others. Beautiful job!

  34. This piece very well written. I love how you compared toxic people to flowers blooming. I completely agree with you. I can see manyyyy interpretations from this but what I got from this is that there are many toxic people that we encounter in our life and its our job to stop associating with them despite how addicting or obsessed we may be. GOOD JOB!!

  35. Wow. Beautiful beyond words. The deep metaphor within this is just simply amazing.

  36. Wow Nora this is very good pal! I'm not sure if this was a true story or not but either way it was very interesting. I didn't even know what an Angel's Trumpet flower was before reading this but I bet you I won't ever touch, sniff, or grow one. Great job using descriptive language.

  37. I love this, Nora!!! your use of metaphors were so beautiful and I interpreted the relationship between the speaker and the flower as a metaphor for an unhealthy relationship that the speaker just can't seem to get out of. Great job!

  38. Nora, I had no doubt whatsoever that your blog post would be so very very good! I think using the Angel's Trumpet as a metaphor was perfect and really helped make your point that some people or things are bad for you, but you feel so strongly about them that you can't just let them go (I hope i'm interpreting the piece right when I say this). Overall, I loved every word! :)
    -Austin Gomez

  39. Beautifully written, Nora! It sends a great message, and I love how it can be interpreted in many different ways. Great job!
    -Jade B.

  40. I loved this piece Nora. I specifically loved how you wrote this piece in a way which when someone reads it they can interpret it the way they would like to interpret it. I personally took it as a life lesson about taking toxic people and people who don't really deserve your time of day and taking them out of your life. Great job!

  41. I love your piece, it really reminds me how we can get so blinded by the thought of bliss and happiness when in reality we are slowly rotting away because of it. Thank you Nora because this is the advice I need to hear. I guess it's time for me to find a different seed. Great job

  42. I loved this SO MUCH! I like the title because it reminded me of gardening and nature but when I read it I quickly came to realize this was about the negative affects those "toxic" people we choose to surround ourselves with ,before we realize who they actually are,have on us. At least I believe this is what you meant but nonetheless your piece is so well-written and can be interpreted in a multitude of ways and was just amazing. You combined the beauty/fragility of a flower with the wickedness/deceitfulness of some people and that was awesome!
    -Bryanna Torres

  43. WoW! Amazing, Nora! Although this can be interpreted in many ways, I interpreted your piece as a reminder of the importance of cutting ties with toxic people. Although they may seem nice to associate with, overtime they may negatively impact you more than you could have imagined. I also think it's quite amazing how parents realize bad relationships and anything in general, before we do. It's quite hard to listen sometime because we see a difference of time but we oftentime forget that history simply repeats itself.

  44. This was great! The ambiguity of the "flowers" and what they represent was used impeccably, and creates a broad lesson that we can all learn from. Great job!

  45. This is a fantastic piece with a great message! I love how you used flowers as the face of the story because it not only allows people to guess and find out what your perspective is and what you mean by "Angel's Trumpet flower", but it allows people to connect with the story in their own way, and see their own "Angel's Trumpet flower" in their life. Again, this has a great message, and I hope people listen to it and avoid "toxic situations"--whatever those may be for them--no matter how enticing they may seem. Thanks for sharing this!
    -Christopher Kerwin

  46. This was magnificently written. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing that I automatically assumed the flowers represented toxic, yet magnetic people; I love how the ambiguity leaves it to the reader to make connections to their own life. You're a beautiful, benevolent flower that I'm honored to have in my metaphorical garden.
