
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Changes in my life- Lyndsey

 It was four years ago, 2013 my 8th grade math and science class where I realized my whole life was going to change. Now you may think that this event I am going to tell you will sound very cheesy, but I don’t regret it one bit. His name is Kasmir Dina. I had him in my math and science class when I first met him, we became best friends instantly. It first started when he always needed help on math homework, we would talk on the phone for hours, and in class he would always be messing around with me where I realized he had feelings for me. The day he asked me to become more than friends was the happiest day of my life, even though we were so young. It happened during lunch I was walking out the bathroom and he was outside with his friends just waiting to ask me. Our relationship is so different from others, throughout our high school years we have had so many ups and downs, but it helped us become who we are today.  He has helped me in so many ways that no other guy could have done, and I am truly blessed. You may know him as #5 on the field, varsity football player who is amazing at what he does. I know him as #1 in my heart and if I wouldn’t have had him in any of my classes, I wouldn’t know what love would feel like. Love is a very strong feeling and a complicated thing to deal with at such a young age, but it is something we are all going to have to deal with sooner or later. Not only did my day change, but so did I, because of him I know what is real and what is not. I never really told anyone this much about my relationship but it is something that holds a huge place in my heart, so why not. Everyone has their own time to figure out what love is, and I was blessed enough to receive this blessing in my life so early. It’s the type of relationship where you can actually see a future with them you know. This event is significant to me because it gave me an outlook in life, and it taught me so many things all because of the day we met and so on. Even though we have done a lot of mistakes, we have learned from them to help ourselves grow. It’s the little things in life you appreciate even if you get into dumb little arguments, you can’t let that make you fall apart, you just move on from it. A lot of things have changed these past years, and now that it is senior year, we are both ready to see what life has in store for us. He is the type of person, who would do anything to make others happy, which is why I am the happiest I could be. It’s something to share with all of you because at one point I didn’t think I would have found anybody, and look where I am today. Patience is really the key and it is worth it because you find someone you can truly be yourself around with. This might have been the cheesiest story I could have ever written, but I would like everyone to know how important he is to me and how something so little can become something so big.


  1. I've spent way too long trying to figure out how I'd like to word this comment because reading this just made me feel like, "Lyndsey, girl, your relationship sounds too cute and I can't handle it." I feel like that's really odd to write because I don't think we've ever met or anything, but your piece was so heartfelt and sweet that I just had to say that I'm very happy for you guys. Good job!

    1. thank you so much! it is not odd to write, this made me smile thank you (: -Lyndsey Ortega

  2. This is so cute!! The emotion you expressed in the story really showed how much you care about him. From what I read, you have a very strong relationship that you are very passionate about. Great Job!

    1. I appreciate that so much, thanks girl! -Lyndsey Ortega

  3. wow this was really cute. No one really expects those middle school relationships to work out for long, but I am so glad yours did. I can tell from this piece how mature you have become. From the words you use I can see how much you appreciate and love him and that is so sweet.

    1. thank you, and im gad it did work out hehe, thank you so much !! -Lyndsey Ortega

  4. I am so happy for you guys! This is so cute and beautiful! Wonderfully written.
    -Farheen Ansari

    1. thanks Farheen it means a lot !! -Lyndsey Ortega

    2. I'm happy for you guys, it's a really great feeling when you have a significant other. You feel like you can accomplish anything because they give you that confidence. I agree with the part when you said to not let dumb little arguments break you apart, its better to bend a little and compromise than it is to break. And also at the end when you talked about patience being key, it truly is because you are able to find that special someone.
      -Ruben Becerra

  5. Girrrrrl! Ahhh this was way too cute. I honestly wish you both forever and always. This gives me hope in the love out there. Very well written!

  6. Aw this was so cute, I smiled the whole time I read it! Its reassuring to see a successful relationship because those are so rare now. Great job!

  7. WOW my heart really just melted. Just by reading this, your passion and love you feel for your boyfriend greatly shows, that's so beautiful. I am so happy to have read this because it shows how everyone finds that special someone no matter the age. Beautifully written!
    -Bryanna Torres

  8. What a beautiful piece , Reading pieces like this one give me hope hat everyone truly does have someone out there meant for them , i wish you guys the best :-)
    -Narelle Stewart

  9. I know exactly how you feel, I have dated my boyfriend Adrian for the last 4 years. We meet in 8th grade too. It always warms my heart to hear of other people who have been dating their signinfgant other for such a long time, especially in our day and age where short term relationships have become the norm and people only date for the title. Its nice to know there is still much love in this world especially in the younger community
