
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My Greatest Obstacle--Dominic

Throughout the ages from infancy to age 10 I had always been healthy in the sense that nothing was wrong with me but that all changed going into my 6th grade year. In the 6th grade this discolored patch of skin appeared on the left half of my ribcage and I never really noticed it until my parents asked me about. They asked me if I had been getting into fights at school and I told them that I have never fought with anyone. My parents decided to take me to a doctor but the doctor couldn’t tell me what it was or what may have caused this to happen. For an entire year I went to this doctor in which she had no treatment for it and couldn’t diagnose me with anything because as she put it, “She had never seen anything like it before”. Still not thinking much of it, I didn’t let it bother me. “Something wasn’t right”, is what I remember telling myself because for that entire year more discolored patches started appearing almost like a shadow was slowly creeping over me. Year after year it got worst and people started asking me questions at school, “Are you okay”, “Does it hurt”, “What happened”,and “Do your parents beat you”. I don’t blame people for being curious but these questions really upset me because they were being asked non stop. I would often find myself crying blaming myself for this when I knew that it was out of my control. After 2 years I was sent to a doctor who was able to diagnose me within five minutes. They couldn’t tell me what was causing it and there was no cure for it because they have no knowledge of what it was, the only thing there was, was a treatment for it that would only slow the process down. From then on I had to go to a doctor appointment every six weeks and had to constantly mis school. My 8th grade year I started to get depressed because there was no one to share how I felt about it and no one to relate with. My older brother Eric noticed me not acting how I normally would and had a talk with me about it. I remember these exact words, “pain is temporary quitting is forever so the pain you feel inside right now ,don’t ever let that stop you from doing what you want to accomplish in life because there's always someone out there who has it worse off than you”. Those words have motivated me so much to not give up no matter how low I get in life. I’m not gonna and say that having this condition didn’t upset me because it did just not as much as it used to. The things that upset were the thoughts that I had such as that I'm gonna have to live with this till the day I die, If i have children will I pass it on to them?, and will anyone love me for who I am and not my appearance? Now going into my senior year I've learned that i have to start learning to love myself if i ever want to find true happiness within myself, in my mind I thought that would be the hardest thing for me to do but at the start of my senior I met my beautiful girlfriend who loves me for who I am and doesn't let this condition bother her which has made it a lot easier for me. For the seven years that I have had to deal with this, my senior year is by far the happiest I have been in a while. I use to see this as a curse but I’m starting to realize it’s a part of who I am and If I want to be truly happy I’ll have to accept it.


  1. Hey Dominic, I thought this was a wonderful story :). I thought your brother was a really cool dude for giving you that advice and I'm happy by the fact that things have gone better for you and that your senior year is amazing.

    -Andrew Lin

  2. It's touching how much vulnerability comes out in this piece; I think you discussed your insecurities in such a hopeful way. You inspire hope for people struggling with body image and body positivity. Overall, amazing piece.

  3. Hey, Hi, Hello Dominic! I commend you on learning to deal with your condition. It shows that you are a strong person. I am glad that you are happy and that things have gotten better for you!!!

  4. Your reflection on your situation had a great message. Many people out there corrupt their minds with depressing thoughts. However, that quote that your brother said is very powerful and important as well. As humans, if we get hurt, we need to heal ourselves immediately before the injury gets worse. But depression is a tricky subject that leads to more denial and damage to an individual's mental state. "Pain is temporary, quitting is forever.." Great Job Dominic, this really moved me and I'm sure it'll move many others as well.

  5. Thank you so much im glad you enjoyed my story Andrew, this is something that means alot to me and i would of never thought about sharing so thank you again for the comment.

  6. Your piece is amazing. It's such a real expression of emotion and hardship but also of resilience and hope. I find your story and message of self acceptance inspiring.

  7. Your story is very inspiring, thank you for sharing it. Great job Dominic!

  8. Thank you so much Joey for your comment, I hope one day I'll have enough courage to be confident with myself and be able to help others.

  9. Thank you Kailah for your comment I really appreciate it and it means alot!

  10. Thank you for the generous comment Ramiz Im glad I got to share this story with you!

  11. Thank you Ivan for your comment and ive learned that there are things that can make you happy but to find true happiness and you have to accept yourself no matter the circumstance and love yourself for who you are.

  12. This was such an amazing story and it makes me sad that there aren't more comments on this piece. Really, really good piece. thank you for sharing.
    -Andy Burgos

  13. It's crazy what you find about people through this blog. I've known you since we attended religious classes at Sacred Heart and we got confirmed together last year yet I didn't know you were suffering through this. I commend you for your courage to share this personal account. I love how you were honest about your doubts and negative thoughts because it allows you to get them off your chest. Continue to think positive Dominic!

  14. I really love this piece. it is great that you were able to confide in your brother and have his words influence you to continue on as you used to. Don't let that bring you down, for it is what makes you, you. And it is truly great that you were able to find someone who loves you for you and does not let your condition affect your relationship, and that you are happy. I thank you for sharing this with us!

  15. This story is really encouraging knowing that you didn't let this keep you from being happy and being you. The condition you have will never surpass the unconditional love you have from your brother, family, girlfriend, and friends so I'm glad to hear that you aren't letting it beat you. Keep on pushing on through life, you're a strong person for getting through this. And this shows you that if you can make it past this, you can make it beyond any other obstacles in life.
    -Ruben Becerra

  16. Thanks for sharing, this shows a lot about your character and how influential attitude can be to finding happiness. Definitely found it motivating, great job.

  17. Your piece was very touching and well-written. Not many people realize the impact they can have on others by asking somewhat invasive questions, especially at a younger age when we're less considerate, but I'm so glad you got through it and are here to share how you feel now. Your message of self acceptance is inspiring and I'm glad you shared this story with us, thank you for making someone out-there, including myself, rethink the way we perceive circumstances and for providing us with a great quote to inspire us when times get rough.
    -Bryanna Torres

  18. The strong man accepts his flaws. And by you taking your brother's advice and loving yourself you've become a stronger person. I hope that your life is full of prosperity and that you never let anything bring you down again

  19. I went through a somewhat similar medical challenge with my leg. I know that it is not nearly the same but I am happy to hear that we both learned to overcome our obstacles and learned to love and embrace our differences, yours being your discoloration and mine being my large visible scar. I am happy to hear how strong you are.
