
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Lend Me Some Kindness--Jessica

It's crazy to think how many people we come across with everyday. We see thousands of faces each day, but we never really stop to get to know someone or show some kindness. I stop and observe the people around me at school as music floods in my ears. People shuffle past me and rush to their next destination. I smile at a few people that I pass, just as an act of kindness, but many just turn away. I open the door for a few people but little acknowledge me. It’s ok I guess, but I’ll never quite understand a few things. Why is it that when we smile or wave at someone it’s considered weird? Even if we are strangers. Why are simple acts of kindness considered so rare nowadays? I dislike the fact that others can’t simply smile back or say thank you. What does it cost you? It doesn’t take a lot out of a person. It’s crazy because these little acts of kindness are so powerful. Kindness goes a long way. It makes others feel warm inside. It’s evident in their smile and eyes. To me, that’s one of the best feelings ever. As shmoop would say, “chew on this”. Imagine how the atmosphere in a room would transform by simply acknowledging each other... These are our peers. Friends that we drifted apart from for no reason at all. We might have even grown up with some. So why not say hi? I get it. We don’t talk to some people anymore because that’s life and what not. Others might think what’s the point if we’re graduating in a few months, but I say ,why not? Exactly, because we are graduating in a few months. Then, we are off in different directions and onto bigger, better, and more exciting things in life. We might not ever see each other again. Soon, high school will just be a memory. A cluster of photos collecting dust on your night stand, photo album, etc. etc. (Split lol). Anyway, I’ll remember those who were kind to me. Those who made my high school days more enjoyable when I would literally just contemplate everything in life and resist my urge to casually stop showing up to school, you know how it is. I believe that kindness is the simplest yet one of the most impacted acts of all. We all have the ability to spread kindness, but it’s our choice if we want to or not


  1. I usually sit in class with a very tired and annoyed face, and your piece got me thinking. Smiles are free, so why not smile more? Thank you for writing this; I think it will remind a lot more people (like myself) to show some kindness.

  2. I loved the title of this because it was kinda of demanding in such a sincere and kind way. I completely agree on your standpoint so I really enjoy this piece, good job!(:

  3. Jessica, I LOVE this piece so much you are such a kind person. I'm glad you realize the indispensability of kindness; it's necessary to be truly happy

  4. I agree! Kindness should be out there more often. People are too engulfed into what is happening on their phones that they forget to look up once in awhile and greet the people around them.

  5. I really enjoyed reading this piece. It was insightful and I completely agree with you. I think people underestimate the power of kindness and the impact it can have. Thanks for reminding us to spread more good around us. Great job Jessica!

  6. I really liked this piece alot. What your saying is true not alot of people show kindness. This was so good it made me speechless, well done.

  7. Thank you for writing this piece, it's so inspiring and true. It makes one think why are we not more kind to others.

  8. This piece really got me thinking. It made me realize that I am one of the people that's guilty of not smiling at people and being too quiet on my "thank you"s that nobody can ever realize I said them (oops). And the people that do take the time to be kind often go unnoticed. But just because we're going to be out of here in a few months and one day all of this will be forgotten doesn't mean we should just breeze through it and not think about anyone else. Great job!!

  9. This really got me thinking why it is odd to smile at people you do not know. I used to do it all the time to just acknowledge someone walking by if I was on a walk or when I walked past a classmate who I had never spoken to while walking to class. I have stopped doing it over the years but now I want to pick it up again, it should be normal to express some kindness.

  10. This great, because it is something so unnoticed and underappreciated sometimes. It's the little things that count and they really do add! Like Andrea said its a great reminder, to even just pass the favor on and hold the door for someone or give them a nice warm smile.

  11. The world could use a little more kindness for and from everyone. This entire piece is a perfect reminder of that, if all of us were just a little nicer to everyone, the world would be a much better place. Thanks for writing this.

  12. I really enjoyed this post and glad you shared it. We really take smiles for granted. Its something thats really simple and can make everybody's day much better. This made me look back to years when I smiled a lot more enjoying almost everything a day had to offer. I would blame not smiling as often for being busier, but we're always busy in our lives. Just gotta manage the time we have and just enjoy the time we have left. I'll definitely become more self aware and try to smile more for both myself and others.

  13. Positivity is a rare thing to come by, and maybe it shouldn't be. I love this piece and i hope you continue to spread your smiles. It's a great thing to bring attention to this subject.

  14. I feel like people in our age range have gotten lazy with being kind to one another and don't find the need to put in effort. Personally I notice that I forget to be considerate of others feelings by not doing things that should be common curtesy. This really made me think twice about how my mentality towards others should be.
    -Alison Bohorquez

  15. I definitely agree with this! We all need more kindness around school, especially because of the huge effect it may have on people, which we often take for granted. Good job!

  16. This piece was great on such a simple topic. Kindness if more of a rare act now and I can definitely relate to both you and the people you describe. Sometimes I'm that girl that doesn't want to be bothered with anyone or anything and other times I'm literally the person who will be late to class if someone seems sad. I offer my counseling services 24/7 haha ! Good work girl !-J'Noie Parker

  17. i really enjoy this piece and complete understand the struggle of people not always being kind to the people they pass each day. I think a lot of it has to do with the region we live in, because I visited some states in the south and just as you are walking on the street, someone else passing by will smile, wave, ask how your day is going, little things like that. Sad to think that is, in southern california don't have that southern hospitality. Nice job!

  18. I loved this piece because even though it was simple it really had me thinking in depth of how everyone could use more kindness towards each other and I completely agree how it's not hard to smile at someone because a mere smile can create such a great of positivity. I liked your etc. quote lol. Great piece !

  19. WOW! this piece really struck out to me. Its so scary how we're finally going to graduate and do "big things" as we once thought it was like when we were younger. I completely agree with you. Although kindness is such a simply action, it can lead to a major impact in one's life. GOOD JOB! (:

  20. Your piece was so eye opening and made me realize that we all could be a little kinder to one another. We all often forget that other people have feelings and become blind to the importance of showing that kindness to others. Great piece! - Sophia Cordura

  21. I think this is the kind of optimistic thinking our generation is lacking nowadays. I am glad you wrote this, it really opened my eyes and made me realize that when someone smiles, or makes a gesture towards me, it really enlightens my day, so why don't I return the act. I love the tone of this, and it is conveyed through the whole piece. Great Job!

  22. I totally agree! with everything! but honestly I don't spread enough kindness myself :(. a little kindness goes a long way.
    -Andy Burgos

  23. I think we consider a random smile weird because we lack trust in each other. We take every wave or smiles as a threat to our own well being. Even when I see someone smile at me, I automatically think something is wrong. Your personal narrative was great and could also make a great abstract idea if worded correctly. -Ethan To

  24. You live by your word, we walk past each other almost everyday before school and after school and you always are smiling and I try to give you a smile back. I'm sorry for any times I might have missed you on one of those. Like you said about us seeing thousands of people each day, imagine if all those people were kind to each person they saw. It would make a huge difference lives for us all. Also, smiling takes less physical effort than it does to frown. This made me remember how back in the fifth grade my nicknames used to be Smiley because I always had a smile on my face. After reading this, I think I will try to live up to that nickname bestowed on me by my fifth grade teacher and be more kind to others. Kindness does go a long way although we may not know it.
    -Ruben Becerra

  25. Wow this piece really made me think. This is so true! Even the smallest acts of kindness go a long way, like I personally just feel a little happier just being smiled at on my way to class! Thank you for writing this piece and putting some attention to the fact that we can all give more and use more kindness in our lives.

  26. I liked this piece a lot because how disconnected people as a whole seem to be to one another is something that I think about a lot. This was also a great reminder that I need to smile more at strangers, even if they don't smile back. Great work!

  27. I could not agree more with this. Kindness can take us a long way. It opens us up to the world and others and begins relationships with people we never thought we would have. If we all showed a litlle more kindness and respect it would make the world around us just a little bit better

  28. I liked this piece a lot. I was thinking the exact same thing the other day. Kindness can be shown in many different ways like you said just opening a door or smiling at someone walking by is Kind so why not do it, it won't hurt. Thanks for sharing this piece.

  29. JESSICA YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!! You are so kind and such a great friend and person. Your piece is beautiful and I agree with everything you said. Great job! :-))) -Jade B.

  30. I really enjoyed this piece because I completely agree with everything you said. Honestly, little kind gestures will make my whole day, even if it is a wave in the hallway or a smile. Thank you for reminding me to be a kinder person. Great job!

  31. I absolutely love this, and could not agree more! This is what people need to read, and I'm so glad you wrote this. It is such a tragedy that kindness is so rare nowadays. To think, that just simply saying "hi" to someone, asking how their day went, giving a random complement, or like you said just a smile can make someone's day, or at least bring in a little sunshine. This was definitely something that needed to be talked about, and I love how you brought it up. Amazing job!

  32. I enjoyed your piece because this very thought has been pondering in my mind for months. I've been ignored many times but it's usually because people look straight past me. Even though this has occurred many times, I haven't quite let it change me as a person. I appreciate your kindness, the smile you attempt to put on other people's face, and all the doors you have held open. Continue doing so, you never know who you could positively impact!

  33. I LOVE THIS PIECE SO MUCH!!! I truly think it is such a beautiful thing that beautiful people like you exist in this world. Thank you for encouraging people to be kind to one another and spread positivity; I will do my best to look up and smile more when I am walking around school. Splendid job!

  34. This piece is very eye opening and i appreciate it alot! Why continue to bring negative in the world when there is already enough?? we really do need to be more positive! Amazing job!
    Brie D.
