
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My Valentine--Kaaria

Love is something that everyone experiences at least once in life. Love is that butterfly feeling you get every time you see your significant other. Well, I felt this feeling a year and two months ago. When I found this “love”, we both knew it was something we both felt the moment we seen each other. This happened to be someone I’ve always had a tiny crush on but never made an effort to speak. Till one day, one of my close friends told him I wanted his number, which wasn’t true but of course he believed him and he came over. Of course I was nervous and tried to avoid any eye contact while we were both blushing. So fortunately, we exchanged numbers and we began to text as friends. We texted for days in a row, back to back, and the conversation never got boring. Soon enough, we hung out and I couldn't get enough of the smell of his Acqua Di Gio cologne and his amazing smile. His smile would be so big, it would make you smile no matter what mood you were in. It would make your day better. After a while, we hung out one day, one day turned into every other day, and every other day turned into everyday. Before we knew it we became a couple. It wasn't something that was planned, but something we both knew we wanted. We did everything together. Wherever he went, I went and vice versa. You will never see us apart from each other. I looked forward to everyday because the smile I would get and the butterflies I would feel were something to look forward to every day. Now, a year and two months later, we have a bond stronger than ever and still till this day, we spend every moment we can together although, our families beg us to spend at least a day or two apart, the bond that we have is a best friend bond, a two in one. Love isn't the easiest thing to handle, and you don't expect it when shows up. But being able to realize and experience the feeling love brings you, it’s something incapable of putting into words, which is how I feel. Something that is unable of being forced upon. Which is why he will always be my Valentine.


  1. This is so cute!! Your details about the butterflies was great. I felt you put a lot of detail of how you felt and expressed your emotions very well. Good job!

  2. This is so pure! I love it! You didnt put any PG-13 details in and it just made it perfect because thats rarely seen in this world. I loved this description of love and it is something everyone should strive for. -Rachel Smith

  3. I thought this was super sweet blog post :). You and your significant other seem like a fantastic couple. I really enjoyed your descriptions of your feelings of love. Its a pretty cool and unique feeling. I always describe it as what goes on inside a cooking pot thats making ramen. When you are with something or someone you love you feel a really warm/happy sensation and you become really fired up.

  4. AHAHAHA, this is so adorable and cute. You really expressed your love in such a heart felt manner that it kind of made me jealous, because I would never be able to confess to the guy that I like that I like him. The fact that you describe your bonds as an attraction that will never be parted or broken makes me so happy and joyful, because love like this is so rare now a days. I LOVEEEEE the fact that you refer to him as your valentine!!!!!! I hope this love lasts FOREVER....GOOD JOB!!!!!

  5. All the details in this warmed my heart. I'm a total romantic and this just made me feel so hopeful for the kind of love you described.

  6. Awwww Kaaria I love this piece!! I love how I can feel how emotional and how attached you are to your significant other. You really described your love in such a joyful way.
    -Jeyovana Griffith

  7. Awww, LOVE is such a LOVEABLE topic! I LOVE this piece because I can totally relate in my personal experience. It's great to know that you and others are and will be able to be exposed to this beautiful feeling.

  8. This was a very adorable story and I love how you compared it to having a best friend, because I agree with that. I hope you find this love again or that it continues! --Megan T

  9. This was such a cute piece! I can really relate to this piece because I can never get enough of my "valentine". I really enjoyed this, well done.

  10. This piece is so adorable and made me feel really happy! The way you described the type of love with your significant other was very sweet. Great job! -Lauren J.

  11. This is so cute! I totally fell for the romantic love story, and I could truly see the strong bond between.

  12. I like this piece a lot and I am happy for you and your significant other. I agree with Andrea , I am a total romantic myself and it was sweet to hear the process of the start of your relationship.

  13. This is very sweet to read and endearing, I truly enjoyed reading it! Your description of love is so raw and pure, beautifully done!

  14. This actually made me smile while reading it :). You perfectly described the cute stages of falling in love. Good job!

  15. This is so cute! I like how you gave a lot of detail about how your relationship started and continues to grow, great job!

  16. Kaaria this is super cute! I love how you address the surprise of love and how it truly is an unexpected feeling, you know you like that person you don't know how much though until you realize exactly how much they mean to you. I also really like how you talk about the little things because when you love someone they truly are important. -J'Noie Parker

  17. Oh my goodness, my heart! This piece is so so sweet and you guys make me cry because you guys are so adorable! I love the way you described what love meant to you and the love between you two! Wonderful piece!
    -Gabbie B.

  18. This is a very good piece. It shows the way you feel about love and how everyone should feel when they find the right person!
    -Justin Huggins P.5 Solano

  19. This story is so freaking cute! I hope your relationship can go on and on. You described the awkwardness of getting someones number perfectly and your story made me smile all the way through, beautifully done!!

  20. This was so pure and sweet and I truly enjoyed how you walked us through your encounter with your significant other and how time passed you guys only got stronger and still are. I totally loved how you called it a two in one since they are your lover and your best friend. I hope your relationship only gets stronger ! Great piece :)

  21. aww, this really touched my heart because I know exactly how you feel. I love the details you used and how you express it, great job! -Lyndsey Ortega

  22. wowoowow, reading this piece made me feel so warm inside and that is just from READING your piece, I could only imagine this type of love. Thank you for sharing, this is quite beautiful! The development of you guys' love really helped me connect. GOOD JOB!

  23. aww this is so cute, you guys should be in a movie, because I felt like I was watching one. With your words you can really feel the true devotion you feel towards him, I wish you guys good luck! this is a great piece :)

  24. This was so pure and so beautiful! I think everyone has gone through this in their life and found their special someone they have a bond with! I love how powerful your emotions were and how you showed them through the writing

    -Melanie Salazar

  25. Aw it was so nice to read about something other than death and how terrible people are. How refreshing :)
    -Andy Burgos

  26. Aww this was sweet... It reminded me of that nerve-racking, butterfly feeling I've had before. Thanks for sharing your love story. It gives me hope that good, genuine relationships do exist out there. I wish your relationship the best, and good job!

  27. Omg I LOVE this piece!! I made my boyfriend because it's all lovey dovey and makes you get butterflies about your significant other and makes you happy. Your relationship sounds like you guys are two peas in a pod and really like each other it's so cute and makes me appreciate and love my hubby too. WRITE MORE STUFF LIKE THIS

  28. This was so sweet! I really enjoyed reading this because of the bond you and your significant other have. It warms my heart to see people genuinely happy. Great job!

  29. I thought this was so sweet and adorable! I love how you described how your relationship evolved overtime between the two of you. I also love how you explained the different emotions you felt. I hope your relationship continues to grow stronger and you guys continue to last.
    -Victoria Heredia

  30. I really enjoy this piece, I wish I knew the emotions you described haha. It's so cute and sweet and I think many others in relationships can relate to the type of love you feel towards your s/o. Great job! -Lisa Ryu

  31. I truly enjoyed that your piece showed what true love should be about. I also liked that you input real life experiences in order to enhance the emotion of this piece! -Tyler Kniss

  32. I love the title to the story, because I thought it was going to be a one day love but you made it to be a lifetime love. Such a really cute writing. I hope you guys grow more together! Very well written, loved all the details you wrote.

  33. This whole piece warmed my heart! It's nice to know there is still a chance of true love out there. May your rare love last forever. Great job!

  34. i absolutely loved this piece. i thought that it was so cute! the way you described him, and the bond you share, made me actually feel the emotion, the love, while reading this. Though i haven't experienced it yet, it makes me so happy to know that true love still exists in our world. Great job!

  35. Omgosh! I know exactly what you mean having your significant other as your bestfriend and you're always together, I love the many details of how you explained what love is!

  36. This was super cute. I've never experienced love, but when I do I hope it goes just as you described it because that was a fairy tale, something that every girl wants to experience. I'm glad you two are so happy together and I hope he continues to be your Valentine for many years to come. Great piece and great use of descriptive words to make the readers feel like they too are living out what you are experiencing.

  37. I really liked this piece and how well you were able to describe the way love can make someone feel. The cutest part about this was the mention of a best friend bond, which I think is the kind of love everyone hopes for. Great job!

  38. This was really cute! I enjoyed reading it, and as I read it I couldn't help but think back to my own relationship. I think it's really sweet and extremely relatable to how we all feel and think about our loved ones. It's always nice to remember and experience the sweet and simple beginnings of a relationship, and I thought that you really portrayed that very well in this piece. Good job (:

  39. This whole piece was extremely relevant and caused me to remember what I felt when i experienced love. I liked what you used to describe love even though when it's so hard to describe.
    -Sereenah Soare

  40. Oh my gosh this piece was so cute; I "awwwed" so many times!! A relationship with continuous happiness is so rare, I wish you two the best!

  41. Your story is so beautiful and sweet. Your relationship seems genuine and pure, which is rare among the majority of people nowadays, seeing as though they have different intentions and perceptions of love.

  42. This is cute and wholesome. Just purely how love comes about from strangers to an inseparable couple, this piece describes a wonderful process everyone should go through to find their significant other.

  43. This was a lovely piece that i can relate to. I understand everything that you're saying and i can fully support everything you say. Hope everything goes well for you.
    - Francis Talla

  44. AWWW this story is adorable! I'm so glad you found each other because you seem like goals. this was a nice reminder that true innocent love still exists. Great piece, I hope your S.O. got a chance to read it too

  45. I loved this piece! It was very uplifting and I could feel your emotion through your diction and how you described him, so cute, great job!

  46. This piece conveys an innocent tone that makes the story warm. The tone of the story helped to convey the pure love of the speaker and the purpose of the speaker to express his feelings to his or her true love.

  47. HOW ADORABLE!! This is too cute, you can tell that you are very very happy and YES GIRL a year and two months. Very well down, brought a smile to my face.

    -Vivian Chiang

  48. This piece was really great and the way love makes you feel is a great thing, your use of diction was great and your story was warming, good job!!

  49. this was really cute and i loved how the story was so pure and genuine. great piece!

  50. i loved how you expressed yourself about love in this piece. It was so pure and cute! -karina l
