
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tajmine--How To Whiten Your Teeth

  How To Whiten Your Teeth   

      Straight teeth are great but are they white? Your smile is a big part of your appearance so  you have to make sure it's in pristine condition. Also it can be apart of your self confidence. I  know that if you're insecure about your teeth you might not want to smile often in front of  people or look them straight in the eye. Here are some ways to do it naturally and easily so  you don't have to use any of those whitening strips that take up to a year to show the results  you want.

One way is to use baking soda and lemon juice. The baking soda buffs away any surfaces  on your teeth while the citric acid in the lemon juice bleaches your teeth. All you have to do is  put both of them on your toothbrush ( NOTE: You don't have to use toothpaste while doing  this) then brush away. You CAN'T do this everyday because too much acid can do be bad for  your teeth so you should do it once every two weeks. Also don't keep the brush on your teeth  for more than a minute.

       A second way is to use coconut oil. As you may have heard coconut oil has many wonders  and teeth whitening is one of them! There are two ways you can do this process. The first way  is to just plainly get a spoonful of coconut oil and swish it in your mouth for 5­20 minutes. You  may find this gross (and it is) but you may just have to deal with it in order to get those pearly  whites. The second way is a little less painful. All you have to do is just add a few drops to  your toothbrush while you're brushing your teeth.   

Another way that requires less bravery is to use strawberries! Using strawberries is a good  way of whitening your teeth as well.  You need to have a cup of strawberries and crush them  up. After you've done that, paste them over you're teeth for a few minutes then brush and  rinse. The strawberries have some sort of acid to brighten your teeth. 

 If all fails you can just switch your toothpaste to a different one. It can just be your toothpaste  not being strong enough to be able to whiten your teeth. If you don't know which one to use  you can go to your dentist and he/she can prescribe you to a specific one.  

 I hope you have used any of these ways useful or able to help you if you're struggling with not  having the white teeth you want. The result of these ways will not come instantly. It can take  up to a few months but the results will be certain. Maybe now you will be able to smile and  laugh more. It's always nice to smile and now you can do it without being held back by your  insecurities (and it's good for your health). 


  1. I like the different ways you discovered to whitened your teeth.

  2. Very intresting to know ! You can learn something new every day ! Great information especially about the coconut oil !

  3. Oh wow! This is such a useful piece of advice and I'm glad that you wrote this because now we can all use this and make our teeth shine and whiter. Thank you for this wonderful and useful advice!!

  4. Interesting choice of topic, but it was nonetheless very informative. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Oh my gosh 520 minutes? Whoa. This entry was extremely informative and it kinda makes me want to go out and buy a Costco sized tub of coconut oil. I how you incorporated little side comments in the parentheses. You made me laugh with the "you may find this gross (and it is)" part. Great job.

  6. It is good because she is telling us how we can keep are teeth whiter and that can be helpful. So I think that was a good story to talk about.

  7. It's very important to make sure your teeth are as healthy as possible. One of the ways is to whiten your teeth! Good to know.

  8. At first I thought it was easy to get your teeth whiten but following all these steps made me think that I should do it. I say my favorite is the strawberries. Good job your descriptions and keep it up!!!!!

  9. At first I thought it was easy to get your teeth whiten but following all these steps made me think that I should do it. I say my favorite is the strawberries. Good job your descriptions and keep it up!!!!!

  10. This "How To" was great! It provided many options to help solve a problem many people struggle with. Great job connecting it to the idea that people should smile more often to feel good.

  11. Hygiene is very important to me, so I enjoyed reading your piece. I am always looking for ways to improve my smile. Thank you so much for sharing!

  12. I knew about the baking soda, lemon juice, and strawberries, but never about the coconut oil. I'll have to try it at home :)
    I personally enjoyed your post because I feel as if you want to make people feel more secure about themselves, and you offered some of your knowledge to do so. And I agree, it is definitely nice to smile and see others smile (which I'm assuming is a purpose of the passage.)

    Good job :)

  13. Oh my God! This piece literally makes me smile:)
    Ironic right. Anyway, this is an amazing piece of work you managed to provide non-damaging or dangerous ways to whiten teeth which is pretty smart for people that have these struggles. Great job and Great Idea.

  14. Good job! I've heard all of these solutions except for the coconut oil. That one really surprised me. However, do you really swish the oil around in you mouth for 520 minutes?

  15. I've always wanted my teeth to be whitened but I didn't really know how exactly. Thanks to this information I know now what I have to do. Over all really great work.

  16. at first i thought this was a weird topic to tight about but it turns out extremely helpful im going to do this and see how it works out for me

  17. Great piece!! It was informative and interesting.

  18. Oh wow! I didn't know any of these little tricks. I think I'm going to try one out. Good Job! I know a lot of people still want to know how to whiten their teeth without strips.

  19. This is "how to" was so informative and interesting. I never knew there were many ways to whiten your teeth. I also find this very useful because I currently have braces and once I get them off I can really focus on getting my teeth extra pearly white! Great work!

  20. Wow I never knew there were so many ways to make your teeth whiter. Thank you so much for sharing and providing more than one method to achieve a goal that many strive for. I can't wait to try some of these and improve my smile !

  21. It was very informative and very descriptive including the things to do and not do. Good job

  22. Having braces and being lazy to clean my teeth every single time I eat (which is a lot) isn't that great for my teeth since it's a kind of nasty color at the moment, but seeing this "how to" will definitely help my teeth out! Thanks for the information and nice work(:

  23. I'd never heard of any of these remedies prior to reading this, very informative and well written!

  24. I loved that you wrote about something people actually do want to accomplish. I am going to try it. Good detail!

  25. I always look up teeth whitening formulas to make at home, so its great to see some new ones on here especially the strawberries one! Very different!

  26. Thanks for these wonderful tips!! I'll be sure to try them out in order to get perfect white teeth.

  27. I like how the overall message of this piece is to not only whiten teeth but also to boost people's confidence and help them smile more.

  28. Thank you for this and I just bought baking soda last week but haven't started using it yet because I hate the taste.

  29. This piece is pretty unique in my eyes because I never thought that I would ever hear a piece regarding whitening teeth. I like how you explain different ways that we can whiten our teeth to gain that confidence we need in ourselves, so thank you for sharing something new that caught my attention at first site (:

  30. Excellent how to! You should write for a teen magazine. I enjoyed how you presented coconut oil as gross BUT necessary for white teeth. I plan to try these techniques myself, get your sunglasses ready!

  31. Very cool. I thought strawberries were bad for my teeth but it's cool that they actually help. The coconut the 520 minutes time is crazy, I can't think of anything that i could occupy myself with if i was going to try to do that. I enjoyed this piece.

  32. very informational and interesting
    good job! :)

  33. Never really knew how to whiten my teeth before this. Interesting topic choice and informative.

  34. Thanks for the advice. My friend is always bugging me that he wants whiter teeth but I tell him that the whitening services in the mall isn't worth his money. Thank you!

  35. this was so cute and fun to read! You did a wonderful job! I'm probably going to try a few of these techniques aha
    It was very interesting:)

  36. Thank you! i needed this information. this was very informative especially around this time of the year for me.

  37. Haha I love this "how to" because now I will apply it to myself! It was informative and highly interesting! I love this quirky piece. Good job!

  38. good job on the explanations. I have always wanted to know how to whiten my teeth.

  39. i like this how to guide its very informative

  40. Very descriptive and helpful. One day when I get the chance I'll try it. Great Job! xx

  41. wow this how to was interesting. Ill have to try this.

  42. Wow, very informative. I would not think that strawberries would help to whiten teeth. Such an interesting piece, never knew that there would be so many remedies to whiten teeth.

  43. You found the most peculiar ways to whiten teeth I just might have to try these. This was very funny good job!

  44. Hah what a great "How To" topic! Who doesn't want to know how to whiten their teeth? The piece was very informative and well written thank you for the tips.

  45. I liked this piece a lot because I didn't know there were so many ways to whiten your teeth. It was very informative and well written. Good job!

  46. I like how you give us multiple ways to whiten our teeth. I might even try these. :) I like how you went with the all natural route and provided explanations. Thanks for sharing your work.

  47. Good sense of persuasive instructions. Makes me think twice on what I should be pursuing.

  48. Very interesting! I've never heard the strawberry one before. Quite informative.

  49. Awh, this how to is so cute very beneficial to your readers! I feel like I could imagine your voice through the way you included notes in parentheses and the way you would caps lock some words. Your tips will be useful. Good job! (:

  50. Very informative, I'm going to try some of these out.. Good job!

  51. This gave me more tips on how to whiten my teeth. Considering I knew most of them because a nice bright smile is very important to me.

  52. informative yet interesting, the way you write makes it easy to read because your use of diction and the comments made keep it interesting.

  53. This is really great! I had no idea, this was really informative. I could really use this considering I just got my braces off! I will take your advice and run with it lol! Great job and awesome topic!
    -Dylan Keetle

  54. Interesting topic but written great. Well done!

  55. Thanks for all the great options, I love that you noted some important facts, but I think it could have been more explicit since we're talking about teeth whitening steps.

  56. To be honest, I'm going to try this. It was brief, gave the reader all the information needed, and explained it thoroughly. C'est génial! Keep up the great work. (It made me grin)
