
Thursday, May 8, 2014



“A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else…” Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people.  It is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. To me the true meaning of friendship is what I have with this one individual.  We have become close friends, through all of the good times and even closer through rougher times which has enabled us to get to that point where we no longer have to do or say anything to understand what either of us are feeling or thinking.  We met each other during the summer before freshman year at cross country practice not knowing that this would be the beginning of a great friendship.  Little did we know that the two different lives that we lived had so much in common; we both have annoying siblings that we love no matter what, we were both athletic… well at least one of us carried on with that, we both have the same sense of humor and laugh at the same jokes, but most importantly we both have the same personality that just clicked as soon as we met.  Later on when freshman year started, we found out that we had been put into the same classes, which we were really excited about.  Throughout the course of that year, we bonded and grew closer as friends, but it was that time of the year where we were no longer freshman and summer had come.  We had so many things planned for the summer but as those two months passed, we found ourselves not being able to do any of those things because we both had many family events that we both had to attend which never left anytime for us. The beginning of sophomore year had arrived and once again we’ve been put into the same class by chance.  We started catching up on lost times that we had not been able to fill during the previous summer and just like that it was like we had never parted. Junior year was the one year that we didn’t share a class but that didn’t stop the great friendship we had. The years came and went and senior year had come.  Hoping to be in at least one class together for our last year of high school, we had been denied of that which made us really sad.  We had already went through one year of not having classes together after two years of having classes together, but somehow by chance she had gotten transferred into the same English class.  The moment she stepped foot into that door, we immediately starred at each other and started laughing because we knew it was going to be a great year.  Now our senior year is coming to an end, it’s a bittersweet moment, but as we soon part ways in our different decisions in where we want our futures to start, I know that no matter where life takes us, we will always have each other to talk to and we can always pick up where we left off.  This is what true friendship means to me and forever will our friendship last. “A strong friendship doesn’t need daily conversations, doesn’t always need togetherness, as long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends will never part…”


  1. Aww this is so cute! And they always say your friends change throughout high school, so it is so great that you've remained so close. Great job!

  2. I love your definition of friendship. I also loved how you made your friendship come alive with your words, I felt as if your friendship was flowing through your words :)

  3. maaaaaaan that definition of friendship is so true! As I was reading this, I was thinking about my past friends. Great read.

  4. aaaawwww this is sweet! And that quote at the end was really good, I like the way it tied everything together...Your definition of friendship is flawless! Great Job!

  5. That last quote gave me the gaves....which is really good! Nothing gives me the feels :)

  6. Awww man as soon as i read we had the same english class i knew exactly who this was about! Its so sweet of you to write this about her :) I really enjoy you concept about friendship and the ending quote was beautifully presented. This made me think about the people that truly matter

  7. Is this your "I believe" final paper? Haha!!! It was great none the less.
    - Hannah Mueller (12) per.3

  8. Great definition of friendship! I like the wuotes scattered thoughout and the the topic choosen! gOod job

  9. This was such a sweet blog entry and I could really relate to this whole hit it soo hard on that nail... wow...

  10. i loved your definition of friendship! this was so cute! I'm glad you and your friends were able to stay so close throughout high school! i hope your guys' friendship continues to say strong! good job!

  11. Friendship is so important to me also. She is like my best friend!

  12. I'm kinda downed we never got to find out who the friend was aha i was worried it was gonna end with you two driftin apart, and im really glad it didn't.Using quotes as the frame was a great idea I'd never seen before. Thank you for sharing:)

  13. it is always so great to hear when someone has kept friendships for so long. great topic choice :)

  14. This was a really enjoyable read that allowed me to think about old friends and new friends. Great job

  15. Hmm.. I thought I recognized this from somewhere in class the other day haha. Nice job :)

  16. I think we can all relate to this because we all have experienced friend ship at its good and bad times.

  17. This is really cute! I think its awesome that you guys have managed to stay friends :)

  18. WOW! I really love this Piece! This shows how much love true friends are for each other! It reminds me so much with my own best friend and that I am very thankful and lucky that both our senior year we had two classes together and i can not thank enough for that to happen. Thank you for sharing your piece! Just remember that friendships never last but if you believe in good compnay you will have more great friend! I love this.

  19. WOOH! I love friends. This is beautiful, even though I don't have many friends. haha, I know I should appreciate the ones that I have. And I love your quotes!

  20. Loved that you started with a quote, and love your point of view of what friendship really is!!!

  21. Friendship is such a valuable thing to cherish I love the way you have insight on the idea of friendships

  22. I admire how you managed to keep your friends so close through the hurricane that's high school. Not many people can do that.

  23. awWww how cute. its like every persons HS life meetin new people and becoming best freinds but the meaning of friendship is very tru gj

  24. Friendship! Seems like such a simple word, but in reality it can mean so much and the way you described it was perfect! Great work !

  25. I agree with what your idea of friendship is, I wish all relationships were like that.

  26. I totally like you definition of friendship! This is a really touching story and that quote at the end was great.

  27. Awwh Jessicka you did an amazing job and I love how you explained our friendship. My eyes started to get watery.

  28. Yup I can relate to that feeling of being close to someone and then rarely seeing them because of scheduling issues. I liked your interpretation of friendship because it demonstrated that it's not some ideal bff spinoff yet there can still be those moments that are really endearing.

  29. i almost teared up man. this made me think of my best friends whom i feel i could not live with out!
