
Thursday, May 8, 2014


My first thoughts were… “I have to get away.” I couldn’t stand the abuse, or the sexual endangerment of my children any longer. After months of planning my escape I finally found the courage to leave on this night. My husband, Darin, a drunk; when he drinks he becomes angry and violent. I could take the beatings for my kids’ sake, but after he touched Bianca I knew it was time to go.  A suitcase packed for me and my two children Bianca and Sadie I loaded up my car. Daylight would soon be approaching, and I knew it would be at least five hours till my Darin found us gone.
                Everything and everyone in the car we headed for my sister’s house till I could figure out my next move. We hit the freeway towards La Verne from Redlands. I put a bit of music on to calm my nerves and get my mind off the crazy actions I was taking to get away from my husband. I know he’d be furious when he realizes what I have done, and if he ever caught me I have no doubt he’d beat me to death. Almost to my sister’s house I began to feel more at ease with my decision.
                We pulled up to Lynne’s house at about 3:00 am. My sister is a bachelorette, and a successful business woman, but is incredibly humble and giving. I knocked on her huge door of her million dollar mansion. And A light came on within a few seconds. I saw her tired face look out the window at me, and she quickly opened up her home.
Lynne: “Eva what are you doing here, and at this time?”
                                             Eva:  “I had to get away from him Lynne…The beatings, and what he did to Bianca, I just couldn’t handle it anymore!”
Lynne: “Okay come inside, you are welcome to stay for as long as you need.”
                I brought my sleeping babes in and the one meager bag into this great house. I then proceeded to tell my sister what was going on, and my plan. We talked for about half an hour before her phone rang unexpectedly. *Ring ring*
Lynne: “Hello? Yes here she is. Eva is Darin.”
                                             Eva: “What do you want Darin? No I am leaving you, you are out of control, and I will not let you hurt the girls or me ever again. Get out of our lives! *Click* Lynne I’m sorry we have to go… Darin is on his way here, and I can’t face him anymore. I’ll call you when I’m safe, but If I know Darin he won’t stop looking for me until he gets the kids and makes me pay for my actions.”
Lynne: “Eva please, let’s just settles this with him; you can’t run from him forever.”
                                             Eva: “I won’t run forever, but just until I know my children and I are safe.
That’s when all the running began in mine and my children’s lives.


  1. It is so sad when you hear stories like this, they make me so sad. Very good job!

  2. This was so suspenseful! I would to read more of this to see what happens to Eva and the kids and if Darin ever finds them. I love your writing style. :)

  3. You did a good job! This was sad yet encouraged me to want to read more to see what would happen next.

  4. This is intense! I was thinking what was going to happen, then cliffhanger! I could see this on tv or something, good job!

  5. Aayyee this was good! I could fel the suspense! dang I just hope Eva and the kids get away from that bastard...what she should have done was call the police on that scumbag (other words in mind) ...Loved the story though, really good job! :)

  6. "I have to get away" ... what an incredible impact!

  7. I hope you write a sequel and Darin gets hit by a bus and falls off a cliff into a piranha infested lake.....just kidding. They should be alligators. Good story :)

  8. This is pretty scary, i honestly wouldnt know what to do if i was in her position but i sure as heck know that i wouldnt stand to get beat not even once nor my children because i would seriously kick some as* one way or another! I thought when Lynne answered the phone and told her husband she was there was pretty dumb because she hadnt even settled in and was ready to flee again.. this story was something like no other

  9. Wow great piece. It really opened p my eyes onto a serious topic...have you ever seen the movie "enough"? Its kinda a similar story but with a great happy ending. Oh and "SLeepign with the enemy" is similar as well. BOth are a must see. GOod job!

  10. That ending was so cool. I enjoyed how I could continue to imagine that the chase never ended and that somewhere out there in the reader's imagination Eva and her babes are still running from Darin... This was so sad and completely raw for the was really good. Muy bueno trabajo!

  11. It sucks to think about people who are trapped in those kinds of situations. I hope the Eva will decide to fight back one day and him off their backs for good. Great job with the piece; it really kept me engaged.

  12. this sounds like a movie or something! you did a really good job! it had my emotions all over the place! keep writing! i was intrigued from the beginning! amazing job!

  13. it was so sad but I felt a little confident after that. Well done!

  14. OH MY GOODNESS EXUBERANT ELIZABETH ENOUGH IS SUCH A GOOD MOVIE FLIPPEN JLO THOUGH. but hannah, on your story. WTF LYNNE WHY WOULD YOU JUST HAND YOUR SISTER THE PHONE AND LET DARRIN KNOW SHE WAS THERE?! Wonderful narrative, got right to the poin with that intro no dilly dallyin for you. Thank you for sharing:)

  15. Kept me on my toes and made me want to read more! excellent work :)

  16. While reading this I could really imagine how scared she must have felt when driving to her sister's house. Its unfortunate that she had to continue running away with her daughters.

  17. Wow I can totally picture this as a Lifetime movie! (Don't judge.) I liked the names you chose. Especially Bianca, that was great.

  18. You were able to really tap into my emotions. Good job.

  19. Eva is dumb! I'm sorry but any good sister would have answered the phone and been I haven't seen her or no she was here but she took off to Egypt...not oh yeah here she is. Forgive me for my little rant. Good job!

  20. AWH MAN! No, these make me sad. Plus, there's no happy ending. :( Write more!

  21. Wow I was kind of thrown aback by this I really don't know what I would do if I were her please write more

  22. This definitely had me on the edge of my seat as the suspense carried me through the piece until the very last word. Very well written.

  23. Loved your style of writing!! It was really suspenseful.

  24. its sad to read these typa stories :( but thats a good mom trying to protect her kids and off with darins head!!!

  25. So intense! i hope every thing turns out okay for everyone! Good job!

  26. Wow, I liked your story. I love that your story has an appeal that anyone can relate to.

  27. Shocking story! The first person point of view made this very deep!

  28. This is a deep piece but a really good one. Good job

  29. Awwww man just mentioning La Verne made the set up for the plot local if that makes sense; like I would see this woman's situation of KTLA 5 breaking news or something, so good job with the imagery.

  30. so like this was a good story. but i have an unexpected pity for Darin though because what if stops being a drunk, and then never get to see his daughters again? :(
