
Thursday, May 8, 2014


It was 2005 and I think I was about ten; thinking of a dream and aspirations on which I had no clue… happy to be me, following a carless life in which I had no sonata. I initiated a path with a ball some cleats and red crew. Its life, its passion, it’s the intensity I want and heart throbbing moments I need. I belonged to the lifestyle and it was to be eternally mine. I love it, sweat it, and praise through it all. Dread no icon and fear no opponent, I will play through each and every one of them with a striving purpose and an exhilarating heart. It’s a sinking drug and there’s no rehab for this one. Place your body against the pitch and fight your stress away. Resulting in Symphonies of memorable moments and slow motion picture frames, I capture them all for the memory lane scrap book. It has a principle and gives me something to look forward to. It requires liability and ambition baby, it’s not for all and some just can’t seem to grasp the momentum of the ball. You can see it in the eyes and feel it in the soul. Stay hungry and you’re certain to succeed. Sure there are some sign affects like swelling muscles and heartbreaks but its all part of the plan; it later leads to resting modestly and dreaming masses. Eat, sleep, and stay humble to it; it will ease any pressure and erase any sorrow. Many don’t notice it but it can go a long way, building character and shaping lives. Every pass, dribble and kick is a gateway to a sweet bitter disposition. No matter the weather, time, or location it has the power to bring any nationality together. The game is the ruler; deciding to either bring you to your knees or making you a victorious idol. It doesn’t or will ever discriminate any shape, size, color, or ethnicity. Does it compare to any other ideal sport? Well shit, what other sport do you know that makes you annihilate force upon your bones right down to the marrow? Which other sport do you know that keeps your heart running at a jump starting pace for 45 minutes? Which other sport do you know that holds no wimpy equipment throughout a whole game? It’s simply one of a kind, no replacement and no equivalents  … Man do I love the sport, there’s nothing more wondrous than a ball at your feet and a group of ground clinching teammates hunting down an untouchable goal with same triumphing thirst. Don’t stop until you have it at legs reach and then just simply blast your ambition away to victory.  It’s the golden culture of our world since its first originality. The world has no meaning?  Nah bruh, soccer is life <3. 


  1. The love a person has for their sport is so cool. It makes us all individuals. I can relate completely! Great job!

  2. Cris, I loved how I could hear your voice through your words! This had me smiling because I could imagine your whole face lighting up as you tell someone this. You have a way with words :)

  3. I really like your blog because even though soccer is a topic that everyone can write about, you made it unique. I like your line "It’s a sinking drug and there’s no rehab for this one" and other like it; I find them catchy. Great Job !

  4. I really like how you expressed your love for your sport!

  5. The way you love soccer is so intense that its as if you are one with the sport. Great job!

  6. The whole time I was reading this I was rapping it in my head. Very cool. You should make it a song.
    - Hannah Mueller (12) per.3

  7. This love letter to soccer was very well written, you did a great job :)

  8. I could easily tell the love you have for this sport, i honestly was so drawn to how you explained everything and i found it even more intriguing to see it through some one else's eyes because i honestly dont know how it is to feel that rush and sensation that a sport gives you, if im being honest im just a couch potato that enjoys bike rides here and there..

  9. MAn this blog submission really makes me miss the sport I love, Volleyball! Despite knowing absolutley nothing about soccer except that a ball and a goal post are invoved, you truly encaptured me. ANy way great job!

  10. Your passion and love of this sport is so palpable. This was so great I really enjoyed your story and your flashback to when you were little :) Great story bro!

  11. This makes me think about when i use to play sports. Good times

  12. i loved your submission! i can relate to all the things you talk about because i used to play soccer (: the end was so funny, i liked how you personalized it(: "nah brush, soccer is life" hahha:p good job!

  13. oh my sweet buhjeebies. what passion! This was intensely vivid and got me riled up as a reader, such a devotion is admirable. Thank you for sharing:)

  14. I can really understand the love you have for your sport. great job and very relatable!

  15. I was guessing throughout the whole submission trying to guess what sport it could possibly be. I was amazed you were able to express how much you like soccer in such a different way. Good job!

  16. I love when writters tie the selection into sports. Good job.

  17. Ok Brah! " Stay hungry and your certain succeed". I really liked that line. Thanks for sharing Brah.

  18. You know, it took me a while to understand what you were talking about. But then the ending brought it full circle. Good job!

  19. NAH BRUH! hahaha, that's awesome! I honestly don't know anything about sports, but i DO know band, hahaha, and I feel the exact same way. Band is life, duh. Ew, justkidding. I'm not a nerd.

  20. I completely understand how someone can be very passionate about a sport I really liked how candid you were with your piece

  21. Sports in general is something that a lot of people don't understand the emotional connection that can come from just kicking a ball around. This really hit home for me.

  22. This literally made me want to just get up and go play soccer right after I read it! Great Job!!

  23. I know exactly what you mean that you have a love and a passion for the sport! Soccer is my life and i know i cant go very long without playing it! Very well written!

  24. Dang, way to express how you feel about sport! Great story!

  25. Great job! I love seeing someone that has a passion for something.

  26. They way you expressed your love for soccer was really amazing and I like the way you ended it.

  27. Ohhhh man I love how honest this was because your tone is what it wants to be. Cool that you mentioned soccer until the very end of the narrative.

  28. i agree with reyhan, this hit the spot bby. good job.
