
Thursday, May 8, 2014


 How to bring out creativity

Have you ever had a blank sheet of paper and asked someone next to you “what should I draw”? It’s because you have soo many choices! The possiblities are endless! It’s kind of overwhelming. This could be relevent to any situation that involves your input on creating something out of nothing. It could be with photographing, making music, designing, writing, cooking, or even putting together an outfit in the morning. As an art and photo student, I’ve learned to cooperate with these types of obstacles. Being indecisive is one of the traits that I have and I completely hate it, but I always try to remind myself with one of my favorite quotes by Austin Kleon. “In the end, creativity isn't just the things we choose to put in, it's the things we choose to leave out.”

1.) If you think about it.. nothing is original. We are all influenced by someone or something and we are constantly being inspired. The best way I can word it is, you should pull everything that you love from hundrends of other things and mash it up into one thing to create something NEW that reflects who you are. So first thing to do is collect and take note of things you see/find and save them for later so when it comes down to creating your project, they can guide you.“Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new film, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul.” - Jim Jarmusch 

2.) After you’re well aware of what you love and want to steal from. Time to add in all your effort! Use your free time to think over ideas. DO PRELIMINARY WORK. Write out your thoughts. Sketch it out. Do some more research. Make 3 similar options for yourself and choose the best one. Make slight alterations until you’re confident with what you want. The process/outline is the MOST important part. I know for myself, when I’m drawing out my sketches and I find out what my final piece will look like, I get super excited and motivated. I’m pretty sure it’ll be the same for you. And to be straight forward, if you skip this step, you’re most likely going to end up with a shitty execution. Having a solid plan will make things easier.

3.) Now, make it! “Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read, build the products you want to use – do the work you want to see done.” - Austin Kleon

4.) Be open to criticism! The only way you get better is if you learn from your mistakes. Don’t be shy. Share it! Sometimes when you hear other thoughts, it strikes a new idea. I personally perfer people to point out my mistakes in my paintings/drawings more than just a “good job” type of comment. And if someone asks you for your opinion, give it to them!! With kindness and honesty.   
“All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste, but there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer.” - Ira Glass

5.) There’s always room for improvement. Find your weaknesses. I found out I suck at drawing symmetrical eyes on a face, by meeting people who kick ass. Once you become the greatest out of all your friends, find new people who are better than you. Be friends with them. They can probably give you tips or show you a cool new perspective. “You ever find that you’re the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room.” - Austin Kleon

“Think about what you want to learn, and make a commitment to learning it in front of others. Find a scenius, pay attention to what others are sharing, and then start taking note of what they’re not sharing. Be on the lookout for voids that you can fill with your own efforts, no matter how bad they are at first... Share what you love, and the people who love the same things will find you.” - Austin Kleon


  1. This is great because I love art & I love seeing & doing it but I'm not creative. This was very informative as to what goes on in the mind of a creative person. Great job!

  2. I love how the quotes you chose were so relevant to the steps you were writing. Just by reading your piece, it's easy to tell that you have a passion for art :) I definitely loved number one the best.

  3. I have three words...... "THEM QUOTES THOOOOO!" okay a few more words...This was a really good piece because evey step had a quote to back it up and it wasnt just some random quote either was deep and it fit perfectly! Good job!

  4. I love your "How To" blog! I'm not a really creative person what so ever, but I'm always looking over at your pieces in class an see how amazing they are and its nice to see what its like the mind of a creative person. Great Job!

  5. I love how you used a great variety of quotes. I think you chose the perfect ones that really help bring out the best of your work. All your tips and advices were very insightful and I feel that I learned a lot just by reading your blog. Nice Job!

  6. I love that this topic was given steps. It's a very interesting concept.

  7. I can't draw at all, but this submission makes me feel like I probably could. I think these steps could apply to many things in life, so overall: A+ :D (that's a smiley...not a D. I swear.)

  8. I personally took what you said into consideration because your really a great artist and i probably tell you this a billion times a day and im always bugging you for help, i really really enjoyed the quote by Austin Kleon on step number 3 it really spoke to me, i honestly think this was helpful because i hardly even do preliminaries let alone write out what i wanna do or draw im gonna take all of these tips from you, thanks!

  9. I love the quotes! I'm always quoting people and posting quotes on insta and all that good stuff. Maybe That is where my creativity lies.
    - Hannah Mueller (12) per.3

  10. Wonderful topic!!! Creativity can be a tricky bugger and so ill be sure to follow these tricks next time Im stuck. THe only one that I truly sturggle with is critism so I guess Ill have to work on that! Great Job!

  11. I love how you have such structure for becoming creative...its slightly ironic and you gave a nice spin to what being creative is.I liked it

  12. Oh lord the quotes galore!! I loved it!

  13. i agree with Nicole, i cannot draw either but this "how to" makes me feel like i could hahah:p your love for art is strong, i could tell! i loved your quotes(: good job!

  14. exuberant elizabeth! i do believe bugger is a bad word i cant believe you just outright said it.: o Anyways, Ariana, this was wonderfully encouraging and the utilization of quotes to emphasize your steps complemented them perfectly. I can tell Austin Kleon is a big influence. Thank you for sharing:)

  15. Such a perfect and different how to! I love all your tips in order to bring out your creativity. good job :)

  16. I really liked how you kept a positive attitude throughout your tutorial and that you used several quotes in each step to help convey each one with more meaning.

  17. I really enjoyed this "how to." When I read your first point, I was thinking "wow, that's so true," and I started imagining all these artists from the music industry getting inspiration off each other, even if they are stealing a couple rhythms because nothing is entirely original. My favorite artist ever is Kyle Landry and though even he makes his own improvisations and compositions, they're still the same techniques as Chopin or Rachmaninoff. Sorry, wasn't trying to get off topic here. But anyways, I appreciate your punctuation as a method of encouragement. I'll have to remember this for future reference. Beautiful job, Ariana!

  18. Your quotes and views are always so relevant. I love all your work. Keep it up.

  19. You made me want to go nd create something new from a bunch of old things. Thanks for sharing!

  20. I love this! This shows so much creativeness through writing about creativity! lol These quotes are very motivational and reminds us that everything is considered "art" no matter what you do it is up to us to find that picture/idea and make it to something big or small but something they are proud of doing. Thank you for these steps! i look forward to this!

  21. I really like this! It was very inciteful with your step by step. Good work!

  22. If you can dream it, do it! WOOH! I loved the first question, because yes, yes I have. This is such a great thing to read when your down in the dumps!

  23. I wish I was a creative person so I can apply this to my life great topic to choose to write about!

  24. this a good thing for me and all uncreative poeple. this very interesting cuz everyone got creativity in them gj

  25. A "How To" for creativity is incredibly original. How you even managed to take such a concept and perform it so well is mind-blowing to me.

  26. I loved this because I love to be creative and enjoy doing art. I also loved your choice of quotes!

  27. I have seen some of your work in class, and i think it is truly amazing! Great work with this piece it really makes you want to be creative.

  28. The concept of giving this steps was very nice! The quotes tie in very well to what you are trying to convey!

  29. I agree with what you said about originality and I agree that nothing is completely original

  30. I really liked how you did the " How to" piece. This was inspiring because when I see your drawings in class they are really good.

  31. Thank youuuuu. I used to draw before taking AP Chem and Calc but I didn't really draw because I would just stare at my blank page for hours not having a clue of what my mind looked like on paper. I agree that the outlining part is important because there are a lot of times effort is wasted on poor execution.

  32. I CAN TOTALLY RELATE. seeing as how i am an artist. and a writer. this is perfect (except i'm not one to do to preliminary work for my drawings) ;)
