
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Lost and Found--Cienna

As a child, I was raised in a strong, christian family. We attended church every Sunday and sometimes Saturday. Up until I was 10 years old, I believed nothing bad could happen to me, because as long as I believed, God would protect me. I miss my ignorance; it was blissful. In December, 2010, my eldest sister, Myesha, passed away. From this day, my life took a turn. My childhood of pulchritude and perfection quickly disintegrated before my eyes and I was thrown into a somber reality. Following my sister's death, my parents separated and later, I lost my childhood home. By 2013, I had been to several therapists. I was filled with anger and suffered from depression and anxiety at the age of thirteen. I prayed and received no direct answer. I felt lost and hopeless and God was nowhere to be found. I questioned His love for me and His very existence. How could God create me and put me through so much? How could He watch me sink into depression and allow me to lose everything and everyone I ever cared about? How could such a being exist? These questions ran through my mind; day-in and day-out. I strayed away from my faith and my family. I stopped praying; my prayers never seemed to be answered anyway. I was homeless, my father was jobless. We went from having everything to nothing.
I was foolish to question my beliefs and to question God. Yes, I lost all that I believed was important but I had everything that I needed every step of the way; God made sure of that. One of my family members took my father, brother, and I in. My father got back on his feet very quickly. My second eldest sister provided me and my brother with emotional support and sometimes financial. God ridded all the toxic people in my life so I could find self-love, something that I had been missing for years. I was so blinded by what I had lost, I didn’t realize what I had gained. I questioned the belief of my savior because I felt as if He let me down when in reality, I let him down. God never gave up on me, even when I gave up on him. God was
preparing me for life. He took me down the path He intended for me not the path I tried to venture lead by my own direction. He proved himself to me even though He owes me nothing and I owe Him everything. My questions strengthened my love and loyalty to Him. I have a new appreciation for everything and everyone around me. When I lost my beliefs, I lost myself. However, when I discovered them again, I gained so much more than I had before. I am grateful for all that I have and all I have earned over the past seven years. I am truly blessed with God by my side.


  1. This personal narrative is very powerful. I admire your willingness to express the doubts and concerns that you felt throughout this whole experience. I'm glad that you realized the power of your faith!
    -Alanah Arteaga

  2. Thank you for sharing your piece, it was strong and influential, Im also happy you found faith and God by your side.

  3. I love completely love this narrative. The way life works is crazy and unexpected, but there will always be a positive outcome in the end. I'm proud of you for being so strong and faithful!

  4. Your personal story is extremely inspirational. I believe that if others read your story, they would be able to find their way in life with God (or any deity they believe in) by their side as well.
    -Edmund Yim

  5. This piece exemplifies that you are a very strong woman who has endured through so much. The hesitance you had about your faith highlighted the fact that you were struggling yet at the end, I am glad you found reassurance in your faith with God and are willing to persevere through any obstacles that come your way.

  6. Your piece was so intriguing and I commend your willingness to share such a vulnerable side because it's not always easy. The description of your experience during this time was so powerful and so vivid through your word choice, and I'm glad you found self-love and rediscovered your faith. -Lexi Gomez, P4

  7. I am truly inspired by this piece because I relate to this! We all go through an obstacle in life but we eventually overcome it and learn from it!! God will always be by your side no matter what and thank you for sharing this piece!! It means a lot!! Amazing personal Narrative!!

  8. This personal narrative was very inspiring and showed what kind of girl you are. You are a strong, passionate, loving girl. I appreciate your strength in sharing this narrative on the class blog.

  9. A. WORD. This is a truly inspiring piece because I can relate to it so much. I've had my fair share of struggles and sometimes blamed God for it. Losing your faith is one of the toughest things to go through, but luckily I had people in my life who supported me and helped me through the pain. Loving God unconditionally through rain or shine can be difficult, but choosing to do so is honestly the only thing that got me through it, so its encouraging and inspiring to see other people find their faith DESPITE everything.
    -Shane Njoloma

  10. I love this piece so much. I appreciate your willingness to open up and share your trials and how you have overcome them. You have such a strong spirit and a true heart for God. Keep thriving and stay faithful, beautiful!-Taren Thomas

  11. oh my god! This is a beautiful inspiring story Cienna, I think its normal when something tragic like death happens a lot of people question faith and everything else. You just inspired people with this story I bet in the end it made you stronger than ever Cienna! Thank you for being brave to share your story with us.

  12. As I continue reading your piece, I understand the title of your narrative and that it has a much deeper meaning. You shared your struggle on losing faith and realizing God was always there but not always visible, it shows your strength and love for God. The love you have for your family and for God is very much apparent, that it was devastating when something happened to them. It was relatable to me as your story reminded me when I had my doubts in God too, but also overcame them. Good job!- Tiffany Soetojo

  13. I'm so happy you were able to grow as an individual following what you had just gone through. Looking at my own life, I never seem to see the good I receive. I'm glad now to say that I can recognize these acts and to have someone to thank. Likewise, I'm glad that you have too! Thank you for for sharing your piece.

  14. I loved reading this, it was truly inspiring. I can truly relate to this story as well. Although others may not have had similar experiences, the language used kept the reader right there with you and allowed them to feel the whim of emotions you did. It takes real courage to write an experience like this on a public blog, so thank you for writing it (: --kayla leonard
