
Thursday, November 30, 2017

A Pessimist’s Guide to a Happy Life--Jonathan

There are two steps to being happy, at least in my perspective. These two steps
are crucial to being the best version of yourself you could be, and a way to stay true to yourself. The key to happiness is simple, take the time to breathe, and chase your passion. As corny as it sounds, it’s one of the few truths in life. Apply it and the world is yours. Life is all about growth and learning from experience. 

Take the time to breathe, relax and realize that everything will be okay. It’s november of your senior year, you’re submitting college applications, you’re drowning in AP homework, and bombarded with stuff going on at home. Let’s be honest, you’re probably reading this submission the day blog comments are due, stressing over making the deadline. Take the time to breathe. Our hardships are here to make us stronger and wiser people, be grateful that life presents you with challenges that make you see the beauty of life and the struggles and growing opportunities we’re given. Take the time to acknowledge where you’re at, and “smell the roses”, so to speak. High School comes once, and goes quickly. Appreciate all it has to offer, go to dances, games, events. Make the most out of what you are presented with, and let go of unnecessary stresses. Be good to yourself, we all know school, work, and family are incredibly draining at times. Take time to ensure you’re at your best mentally and stay healthy. Once you take the time to breathe and relax, you become the controller of your universe, and nothing can stop you, let go and realize that things happen for a reason.

Chase your passion. Don’t make the mistake of living a life that isn't on your own terms. Take that art class you’ve been dying to learn from, ask that girl out, post
that song you wrote! Our passions are the driving force behind our actions and the motivation that pushes us through the hardships of life. Your passion is who you are, and don’t be afraid to shoot for the stars. Nobody has ever regretted chasing their dreams. Don’t let anybody stop you, put a finger in your face and tell you you’re no good, you only have one life, don’t live it letting others dictate your world. When toxic people try to bring you down, you’ll prove them wrong because you are fierce, driven and passionate. It’s you against the world and when the opportunity arises, do not back down. Chase your passion because at the end of the day you want to know in your heart you chased your dream and didn’t let anybody stop you. Don’t let a parent, teacher, or anybody for that matter tell you that your dream is too big, too small , or unattainable because we all knows the greatest and most innovative people had to come adversity to reach greatness. You are the controller of your destiny. Remember that your situations do not define you- but your reactions to them do. Let go, breathe, and chase what drives you, and the world will be yours and you will be happy and live a life knowing you have been true to your heart. Live life at 100, because one day you’ll be looking back, and you’ll want to be smiling, not regretting.


  1. This post was very inspirational and I enjoyed the motivation that you gave to people who want to pursue their passion or dream. I also enjoyed how you showed how fast time will past and that we should enjoy living in the moment.

  2. This piece really spoke to me, and it is all true. With all the stuff that is running in and out of our life we need to take the time to find yourself and surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you and make memories. We all need to enjoy the moment for everything else that is troubling you will all fade away.
    -Marycristy Garcia period 2

  3. This post is so great! It's become quite common to hear negativity lately and I'm glad you want to help spread positivity! I encourage you to keep going and I hope someone gains something from this read as well!!!

  4. Wow this is reeeaaalllyyy good. like REALLY good. i love how you're so open and straight up with everything, & it is super inspirational and made me really reassess my life choice. fantastic work man!!!!!! :)
    ~Krystal Adodo

  5. This post was inspiring because we all should be living life to the fullest because tommorow is not a guarantee. We should enjoy every moment and live everyday as if it is our last. - Caleb Leyva P.2

  6. This post was very inspiring as I believe we all should live life to the fullest because tommorow is not a guarantee. We should live everyday as if it were our last.-Caleb Leyva P.2

  7. I really liked this piece. It is very true and relatable that yes us high school students are very stressed out at this time in our life. But we do have to enjoy it. I also lied the message of doing what you want and not what others want-Jesse Jauregui

  8. This post was very inspirational and gave me another view on my high school life. I liked that idea of carpe diem that was repeated in your poem, living your life at the fullest and enjoying it in the moment because you never want to live with regrets.
    -Anthony Morales

  9. This was a great piece filled with lots of advice that us seniors needed to hear. It is easy to get caught up in the craziness of life and this helped me to see the bigger picture. The steps were simple, but it is definitely easier said than done. Excellent job.

  10. This was so motivational and honestly, relaxing and calming to read. The title was intriguing and I didn't regret clicking on it at all. It was super relatable (yay, procrastination) and just such a stress reliever to read, honestly. Thanks for that. -Fatima J.

  11. I really enjoy how insightful and optimistic this piece is! You gave great advice about life and school while still acknowledging the struggles and hardships that students face every day.

  12. I enjoy the colloquial language that you use throughout the piece and the piece makes me want to go after my dreams, carpe diem!

  13. This piece was definitely well-needed as I am one of those people who are frequently stressed out and overwhelmed by so many events occurring simultaneously. I really like the part where you said "hardships make us stronger and wiser people" as it provided me with an insight on life.

  14. I really enjoyed your use of motivation, it really got me thinking and your advice was very helpful and encouraged me to take chances in my life so i won't regret it in the future and to live in the moment - Lexy m.

  15. This post gave me a reminder that I should always take a step back, realize everything in front of me, and appreciate what I have. These few months have definitely been a time of stress and work but you gave me a reminder that allowed me to see beyond the stress. This piece also reminded me that I am in control of my own life and I should chase whatever my dreams are with all of my passion. Thank you. -Kenneth Chen

  16. I really appreciated this motivational post during such a rough few months! I enjoyed how you encouraged many people to chase their dreams or goals and to just live in the moment since time goes by so fast. - Caitlin Fanning

  17. This was extremely motivational to me. I love how you repeatedly said how we all have one life and make the most of it and if stress is piling up, don't forget to take a break and breathe. I also like how you said to live in the moment. Well done! -Behrouz Khokhar

  18. I really like the realness that this post covers about high school life. I'm stressed out myself, and reading this brought me to a little bit of ease, so thank you for that. People often take time for granted, so it is important to live in the moment. Great job!
    -Arianna Perez

  19. I absolutely loved this piece. It seems like you put a lot of hard effort and determination into it, and it really showed! I actually walked away with some helpful advice from this piece, and I truly appreciate it.

  20. I loved this post, I related to it on many levels and it gave me more motivation to make it through these last few weeks. Thank you for sharing this wise piece of advice.

  21. This piece was honestly amazing. I've been so stressed with school, college apps., etc. and your piece really helped. It was so accurate and precise. By far one of the best pieces I've read.

  22. The advice you provided in your writing was both helpful and insightful. I appreciate the optimistic approach you took on what students like us may be struggling with this semester. It definitely relaxed my mind reading your piece so well done ! -Hannah Espejo

  23. This piece is really good. Its inspirational because some people actually do a hard time being happy and it's great that you wrote something that can be very relatable to mean people.

  24. This is a great piece, it is very inspirational and motivating. It's interesting to see your perspective and take on things considering the circumstances. I, myself am drowning in homework and assignments while trying to maintain a social life and a job.

  25. Awesome piece. A very motivating and relevant post during these busy months. Truly shows that even though we constantly experience stress, anxiety or sleepness nights due various things happening (college, graduation, AP tests, etc), the payoff will be extremely rewarding.

    -Akunna Chilaka

  26. I am so amazed by this I don't know what to say. This was so encouraging and uplifting and was exactly what I needed to hear. I love how you view happiness and I have to be honest I was a little skeptical when you said there was only two steps but the further into it I got the more sense it made. Surprisingly I have no arguments I truly believe that the way you described obtaining happiness is accurate.

  27. I love how you address the audience so directly and on such a connected level, it really makes the piece compelling to read. I agree with you completely and hope i can keep remembering to accept life and push on to do what's good for me.
    Alessandro Seminario p.5

  28. Wow! All of a sudden, I feel extremely motivated to go out into the world and conquer all obstacles. You have made me realized that life truly is short, so I have to make the most of it. We are all given one chance, so we must do it to the best of our ability and you most likely have inspired many others to finish off this year strong!

  29. Life being put into such simple terms really puts things into perspective. Personally, not talking in seminars or class discussions really hurts me in the long run. Simply talking and taking action would have deterred all of this stress. I really like what you said about how we should look back one day, smiling and not regretting. In any case, I agree with your views and you did a great job in expressing them.

  30. Wow this was so deep and inspiring! We shouldn't worry so much about the little things but let those things make us stronger. Amazing! -Mercedes Bradford

  31. Sweet piece, Jonathan. Your optimism is refreshing in a year filled to the brim with stress. The use of the second person was really thoughtful, personalizing your message effectively. Here's to following dreams!

  32. First of all, this is so motivational, thank you. I really loved the emphasis you put on happiness and the simplicity of it, and the perspective you put towards the hardships we all go through. Also, your reiteration of relaxing and taking time to breathe was very encouraging as it is something often overlooked at points in our life.
    - Tyger Ghodossi

  33. This piece was quite motivating, calming, and nice to read especially during this time in the semester. All the students, especially the seniors, feel the heat right now dealing with many different things going on at once. This year so far has been quite overwhelming and stressful but I applaud you for the positive outlook you choose to project. Thank you for sharing your tips it's good to know I'm not alone in this whirlwind of stress.

  34. This piece struck me in a way, composed by a writer that goes through the same struggles as almost everyone during their high school career, which made the read even more intriguing. - Timothy Miraflores

  35. This was a great post, it was really motivational! It is really cool that you are sending out positive vibes, senior year is getting tough and this just made it a little bit easier.
    - Alana Robinson, P4

  36. This is a really good piece that speaks a lot of truth, something that we all need every now and then. It is also something that can inspire one and make one think about appreciating every single day, whether it was good or bad. Very inspirational, well done! -Daniel Recinos

  37. I really enjoyed this piece! It was very helpful and even inspired me to new ideas because I too could be a pessimist at times. So thank you for the great advice, it was very motivational.

  38. Let me begin by saying, "Wow; I needed to hear (or read) this." Despite your self-proclaimed pessimism, this piece is nothing short of inspiring. I also enjoyed the unconventional format of this "how-to" and your focus on relaxing, taking risks, and following one's passion. This made it feel like I was witnessing a motivational speech, rather than attempting to follow along a step-by-step guide to leading a happy life. -Lauren Whightsil

  39. In the sea of negativity that I see everywhere, on social media or in day to day life it's nice to know that there are people like you that keep my hopes up and show me that maybe I should just take a short breather. Calm down and realize everything will be okay. Thank you for this, I needed this.
    -Oscar B. 2nd

  40. this was so nice to read, it gave me hope and reminded me that i need to take a step back from everything sometimes. I love how you connected with every reader, and gave it your personal touch because we are all dealing with the same kind of different issues at this time and it can get confusing for all of us. I think I'm going to have to read this piece every time i am stressed because of how it clears the mind. i loved the positivity.

  41. I love how relatable you made this. It made me reflect on how I'm living my life and if what I'm doing is just bringing me stress and misery. This helped me realize that it's important to take a breath and breath like you said in order to be happy. -Genesis Mendoza Per.3

  42. I like how you made this piece easy to relate to. I also think it is important to understand that it was written by someone who understands. Thank you for this piece. -Jonathan Castillo
