
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Honesty vs. Integrity--Taylor

The clear differences between honesty and integrity are evident in how people live their lives. Sure, they can be the same concept, right? The short, easy answer is no, they cannot be. Honesty is one of various components of integrity. One can be honest without having integrity but it’s not possible to have integrity without living honestly.  J.C. Watts, a politician, has said that "character is doing the right things when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught." This statement proves that people have the wrong idea of what living their life with integrity consists of and are most likely only living with a sense of honesty.
Honesty can be defined as being truthful and fair. It is quite simple to understand, people either live their life honestly or they don’t. There is no room to try and negotiate this idea. People may tell white lies once in a while to spare themselves from others but at the end of the day they still aren’t living a truthful life. Also, just because someone tells the truth, it doesn't mean that they have the right intentions or moral character. Honesty only requires that people tell the truth, so it leaves room for people to act immorally in many other ways. For example, if someone breaks a valuable object and doesn't tell anyone, they still remain honest. If they aren't asked about it, they essentially still haven't deceived anyone. However, just because they haven't lied, by them not owning up to it on their own, they don't have good moral character.
When we look at the definition of integrity, it consists more than just honesty. It is a person’s adherence to moral and ethical principles. Essentially, it is the soundness of a person’s moral character. People who abide by their morals follow them on a day to day basis and don’t disregard them when they potentially become inconvenient or unprofitable. A person with integrity would have admitted to breaking the valuable object, without being asked about it because they would feel that it’s the right thing to do. Not only is integrity composed of more than honesty but it also more rigorous to maintain. For example, companies that sell products can maintain honesty by mentioning the potential harmful materials of the product. But, if the company wanted to have integrity, they would refrain from using potentially harmful materials in their products all together for the safety and wellbeing of their customers.
In conclusion, living with integrity has more value and better shows a person's moral character than only having honesty. While having honesty is a good trait to have, there is much more that goes into a person's moral character. A person who tells the truth doesn’t necessarily have a good character but those with integrity maintain their morals and values no matter what they may encounter or how difficult it could be to do so.

“Integrity Quotes .” BrainyQuote,


  1. I think this was a very interesting idea to explain! The ideas of integrity and honesty are usually two that are used in the place of another, your ability to distinguish the difference between the two was seen in your use of clear examples that made the difference easy to see. I believe you showed a lot about not only the ideas themselves but how we as people live and perceive them. Overall, your explanation of integrity and honesty through the use of someone's morals was very reflective and made me reflect upon myself and my own morals.

  2. This piece on honesty versus integrity is very eye-opening, especially the quote used in the first paragraph. I agree with your idea that honesty is just a component of integrity, and that integrity has a higher value than honesty. -Brandon Porter

  3. I really liked your writing style. It felt interpersonal, like you were talking directly to the reader in a comfortable tone. It was also really cool how you compared the dennotations and connotations of the words honesty and integrity. I had never really thought of the words like that but I really liked the ways you analyzed both words. I see honesty and integrity in a whole new light now. Overall, good job.

  4. The writing style was really nice. I enjoyed the description, because it allowed me to connect with your story. Great job!!

  5. I loved how thoughtful this piece was. It really evaluated two words that are often interchanged, and made me consider my values. Very insightful and thought provoking!!!

  6. I love how you chose to explore and define honesty and integrity as two distinct concepts. The quote you provided a strong and interesting hook into the rest of your piece as well. As a reader, you prompted me to think about how I can have more integrity and live more honestly. I applaud your well thought out piece, and personally found it amazing. -Hannah Espejo

  7. This is really good! I like your examples on how someone may react when they break something valuable or how companies produce potentially harmful products while still remaining honest. Great job! -Kassandra Carlson, period 5

  8. This piece is really great. You have given a clear idea of what inergity amd honesty is and its difference. Nice work.

  9. This is a very thought provoking idea because as children many of us are told that 'honesty is the best policy'. But now that we are older and look back on that we realise that honesty is not the only thing that you need to follow the be a good person. I think that integrity has so many more components that honesty with makes it a better trait to maintain then honesty. The writing was very well done. Good job!

  10. Great job. I really like how you compared the dennotations and connotations of honesty and integrity. Your analyzations of the words were thought-provoking too. It makes me think of honesty and integrity a lot more.

    -Akunna Chilaka

  11. The quotes used in the first paragraph were very powerful. your detail while explain the difference of the two made me agree with you so much more. Very well written.

  12. Your writing style makes me feel as if you are directly talking to me which was very well done. Honesty and integrity are two ideas that I generally consider the same yet your writing demonstrated the clear differences between the two. Amazing job! -Behrouz

  13. This piece was inspiring. I think a lot of people know me as an honest person, but your piece inspired me to strive to become a person of integrity as well. It is really important that people in our society have integrity and your piece explained that.

  14. Your piece was really good all the way through, I never lost interested and I love how you distinguish the differences between honesty and integrity because I feel like many people think they are the same thing most of the time. They do go hand and hand but I love your piece, with the informative tone and relaxed tone as well.

  15. I loved this because many people believe honesty is the only way to be a good person when in reality, some of the most evil hearted people are very honest. Your emphasis on the need of integrity really got me thinking of its own implications on my life. Great job!

  16. Taylor, your blog post was fantastic! Your analysis of "honesty" and "integrity" was intriguing, out of the box, and intentional. I wholeheartedly agree with the conclusions you drew and hope that more people live their lives with integrity, not just honesty. I recommend streamlining your sentence construction so the reading of your piece is more fluid. Great job!

  17. I loved the diction you used and the differences you showed. Integrity and honesty are very important and especially how humans view it.

  18. Very knowledgeable piece of writing. The Information was put together well without exaggeration or droning boring lectures. You may consider continuing this style of writing in a professional setting as a textbook writer or newspaper column.

  19. I very much agree with your statements between the difference of honesty and integrity. It makes us realize that integrity is much deeper than basic honesty. Also, I think your style of writing is amiable.

  20. I liked how you didn't make it sound biased based on your own experiences, shows a lot of maturity in a young writer. It was interesting to see how you conmpared and contrasted the differences. I think having integrity is more important than honesty because it comes with a lot more, which you talked about.

  21. I thought this piece was interesting because it brought forth to me an idea that I have never really put much thought into. Very convincing and thought provoking. -Jonathan Castillo
