
Thursday, November 30, 2017

I'm Sorry.--Ricky

I spent three years of my life in that house. I can’t even call it a house, that place was hell with four walls and a roof. We had been dating for what, two years now? Yes, two years and I was finally ready to come out. The night after I told my parents about us, I was woken up in the middle of the night by four men and a bag over my head. I remember screaming my head off and then I hear my mother. She told me “This is for your own good. You need to be cleansed, you're sick my child” I was so confused, I didn't understand what she meant and then I was hauled away from my home. They threw me in the back of a van and then I felt a sharp pinch on my thigh and then I drifted to sleep. The next time I woke up I was tied to a bed in a room I didn't recognize. I yelled for hours until someone came into the room and told me where I was. He told me I was at a “hospital”. He said that they could cure me of my sickness. And when he said that, I felt chills go across my body because I then knew what was happening. My parents had sent me to that place to cure my love for you. He explained to me that they based everything off of how I reacted to their treatments. They told me my showers, my meals, and activity time was based on my results of the treatments. He then told me that when I reached a certain level of the treatment that I would be allowed to make phone calls. Then he told me that I'd begin my treatment that afternoon. He left me tied to that damned bed, crying. I cried for hours and hours until someone came in and began to untie me from the bed. I kicked and screamed but they just called more people in to hold me down. They cuffed me and lead me out the room and into the hallway, down stairs and then to a white door. They opened it and in there was a steel chair a projector and a chair next to it. They placed me in the chair and as soon as my skin touched the chair chills coursed through my whole body. The hair on the back of my neck and arms stood up straight, I was frightened beyond belief. They strapped my legs and arms to the chair and then placed a strap over my head that held it in place. I stayed in there for a couple minutes, the anxiety inside continued to grow. Then the same horrid man came in and sat in the chair. He simply said that he was going to show my different images on the projector screen and see my reactions to them.. He then began to click through images of men, shirtless men, naked men and even placed videos of men being intimate. I then began to become aroused, naturally, and as soon as that happened he pushed another button and I felt waves of electricity course through my body. The last thing I remembered before passing out was the pain I felt and hearing my hallowed screams. When I awoke again I was strapped to that cold bed and he came in and told me that I wouldn't eat that night because of what had happened. He told me it was disgusting, that I was disgusting and a disgrace and with that, he left. That went on day after day after day. I then began to get to the higher treatment levels and they did things to me that I can't even fathom. I can't tell you what they did to me because it is far too sickening. Then when I finally reached the time to be able to make phone calls, that's when I called you and you came to my rescue shutting down that god awful place. I just want you to know that I love you so much Shane. You mean the absolute world to me. But when we touch sometimes I relive all of that again. I'm sorry that I can't give you everything you deserve. I’m sorry that I’m this broken, incomplete human but you have to believe me it isn't my fault. Trust me I would love nothing more than to make love to you but I just can't right now. You need to understand that Shane. If I even think about you in a sexual way I instantly feel electricity go through my body again. I can't keep going through that. I need more time. I know it's been five years since everything but what they did to me has scared me for the rest of my life. You need to know how so sorry I am that I can't do the things you want to do. I can't give you these things I still need some time. So if you can't handle that then I'm sorry, but you'll need to go. This will have to end. I love you so much. You are the love of my life but I can't keep doing this, I can’t keep seeing the hurt look on your face when I jump away from your affection sometimes. I hate not being able to touch you Shane, and I hate that I can’ finally be able to be fully with you. I hate that i have to say all this but we can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep hurting you and I know you know you can’t keep doing this. I’m so sorry Shane.


  1. This blog was incredible and i love how you were able to express every emotion you were feeling so that i would feel it too. I can't believe the things you went through and i am honored to have come across this piece and to know the deeper details you went through. This piece was incredible it was inspiring, and hopefully with time you can heal. nothing but the best

  2. Wow just wow this piece gave me chills throughout my body that lingered throughout the piece. I truly enjoyed this flash fiction, the plot was captivating, and the ending had me distraught.


  3. You expressed so much emotion that it hurt my heart. This was an amazing piece, I loved all the imagery you used and how it left me to the point that what else is going to happen next? Are they still going to be together? I loved it

  4. Wow! your piece was very interesting and I liked the use of your diction as it made feel like im experiencing the story it was also very captivating.

  5. Your portrayal of such a horrific and real occurrence was so captivating. Your use of descriptions made me feel like I was witnessing it happen and it left me with chills. I think the way that you ended the story and "conversation" with Shane was so well done with the emotion and explanation that you put in it that I felt like you were speaking to me and I could hear it being said. Overall, you brought something very serious and unjust into the light in a creative and emotional way.

  6. This story was very captivating, the visual imagery flowed through my head seeing every part of what the main character went through. The way the story was structured really kept me hooked reading faster and faster to see what was going to happen next.
    -Anthony Morales

  7. This piece was absolutely breathtaking. I kept anticipating the next line and was disappointed when I reached the end. The imagery that you utilized made me feel as if I was experiencing it firsthand. The topic is also very relevant because most people deny the existence of institutions like these. Excellent as always.

  8. I was hooked from the beginning of this piece and got chills as I continued. The way you structured it made it sound like a final farewell letter which added to the already heart-wrenching situation; I loved it, truly.
    -Megan Kukwa

  9. Your story captured my interest and attention from the first sentence. The more that the story went on and the plot line developed I found myself thinking "what does this mean" and "how did this happen." I loved this story and writing style and I wish it could've been even longer.

  10. damn. honestly this is intense, your diction and use of imagery makes the reader feel as though they are there with you, "I'm sorry" the title fits in with the story so well, outstanding job !

  11. Your piece was very captivating and it left me with wanting more. You did an amazing job at conveying the emotions of the characters and it made me feel as though I were the one experiencing it. Great job! -Lexi Gomez, P4

  12. Wow Ricky, this piece is incredible! So much emotion that I’m speechless. I loved all the imagery you used. Truly amazing and just wow.

  13. Wow... this piece was amazing. It really touched my heart. I could feel the emotion you expressed throughout the poem. I loved all the imagery and suspense!!

  14. This was great because of your great description of the scene and continuously telling us how the character felt and and what the character had seen, great flash fiction.

  15. This was absolutely phenomenal. I was hooked the second I started reading and was on the edge of my seat until the very end. I really like how you brought to light a serious issue through the work of a flash fiction. Your word choice really conveyed the feeling of fear. Great job!
    -Arianna Perez

  16. This piece was gut-wrenching and heartfelt. I loved it; the imagery you used only enhanced your story by a thousand times. Your diction and syntax were very well-utilized and overall this was an amazing writing piece! -Behrouz Khokhar

  17. The way you wrote this was very emotional and I enjoyed it. The piece has some really nice writing, Good job.
    -Ramsey Perez

  18. This was a beautifully written piece. I especially enjoyed your imagery, which I found to be very emotionally evocative. I love that you made a flash fiction piece that still contains a very powerful message and inspires relevant thought. :) - Naomi Friedland

  19. you did an amazing job.this story was great and had a lot of details in it.When reading ir I got the chills because it was so sad but great story

  20. This was extremely good. With the emotions and passion evident in the story, this was an amazing piece of literature.

  21. Wow this piece kept my attention throughout it all. The details made it really intense and entertaining. Great job on all the details to make the story more realistic - Tatiana Nunez per. 3

  22. WOW this was really good you kept me intrigued the whole time I was reading. I loved every single detail you put into this piece! This was such a great piece.

  23. Wow, this is amazing. The way you wrote this story with your diction and sentence really emphasized how broken the character was. Reading this made me feel sorry for the narrator and just sick at how someone could be that homophobic. The ending too of how the narrator just said "I'm so sorry Shane." That just felt so real and pushed forth all of the emotion from earlier in the story. This was just overall a great story.

  24. Wow this piece gave me the chills. I feel so angry at the parents for sending their son away to a such a place. The ending really made me emotional just to realize the suffering. Great job with your writing! -Kassandra Carlson, period 5

  25. What a chilling tale. The level of imagery and detail was phenomenal. I liked how the narrator did not give in and stood up for what he believed.

  26. All I can say is wow. As someone a part of the community, I give major props to you for making a piece about something so real that is still sadly happening today. Not many people are aware that this is what happens every day to people all around the world and you narrated this story beautifully. thank you for this.

  27. Awe love, this is such a good story. You're definitely getting so much better at writing these 'Wattpad' stories and I love them. There was so much emotion in this that it just hurt to read. I loved how you made it seem like a letter and a narrative at the same time because it really kept me interested. I love you! -Jøhnny Blue

  28. Wow! Your piece was very well thought out from the beginning to the end, you had me hooked i didn't want to stop reading until i got to the end. Hands down you did an amazing job!

  29. While reading this piece, it broke my heart, two people in love can't be together because of the ignorance and the hatred of other people. The imagery was fantastic, I feel the horror and how petrified the narrator felt every single day. Amazing- Tiffany Soetojo

  30. Holy...... wow
    Uhm, where do I begin. Fabulous. This piece is fabulous. It is beautiful. It is unapologetic (ironically). It is necessary.
    I love how there is a mixture of truth and fiction. You can tell this story with such intimacy like no other. Because, in a sense, it is your story. And that of anyone who can relate. This isn't just flash fiction. This is real life. This is real. This is real. It's something that must be known that these things do happen, this struggle does exist. Thank you for telling it the way that you did.

  31. All i can say is Wow! This piece of flash fiction was amazing. The story was captivating and I was constantly wondering what would happen next. THE flow of the story felt smooth as it transitioned from thought to thought. Continue your writing and you might just become a published author.

  32. This piece is full of so much detail and emotion. You did an amazing job at telling your story and enhancing it with great word choice and imagery. Very well done! -Daniel Recinos

  33. This makes me feel so worried about the outcome for people who come out. Your story represents the fear that I'm sure many people who have not come out yet feel. You really open the reader's eyes with the fear that these people may feel. Your ability to really include the reader in the scene is so powerful.
