
Monday, March 20, 2017

Mommy is sick--Chyanne

It was the summer of 2009. I was 10 years old and I had just finished the 5th grade. Life was great, I was enjoying my summer before entering middle school. My mom and I spent everyday together, we went swimming, we went shopping, and we were inseparable. As the summer progressed, I noticed my mom and I were doing fewer and fewer activities together. Her mood changed; something seemed different, something was wrong. I saw that my mom would grow more and more depressed with each visit to the doctor’s. Then one day, my mom was sitting alone outside on the porch. I went outside to join her and I asked her what was wrong. She looked at me and her face spoke anger and fear; “Mommy is sick,” she replied. Immediately after speaking those three words, she broke into tears. I was only ten years old and I did not know the full extent of the situation, so I replied “It’s okay mommy, you will get better.” The reason that my mom was constantly in the hospital that summer was because the doctors thought that she had breast cancer. I cannot imagine the pain my mom felt having to tell this information to my brother and I, while watching the pain on her childrens’ faces. Yet, she stayed hopeful. Throughout that whole journey my mom promised us that she was going to be strong and get better for us. My mom was at the doctor's office probably 5 days a week getting multiple tests, scans, and biopsies taken. It was exhausting to her both emotionally and physically. When I found this news out, I was extremely terrified and upset. There was no way; not my mom, she couldn't be sick, she was and still is the strongest person I know. The results were not certain yet. Finally, after many tests and doctor's appointments, the results for her came back negative. I remember my mom coming back from the hospital crying, but this time it was different, they were happy tears. When my mom told me she wasn't sick anymore I felt overwhelming comfort. My mom is my best friend. She is my rock, my security blanket. I have always been a mama's girl and until this day, the thought of living without her is still something I can not process, let alone at ten years old. Those three months of my life had to be the absolute worst. During that time, I didn't know how much time I would have left with my mom. My heart ached thinking about the possibilities that could have happened to her. This experience in my life has taught me the importance of cherishing your loved ones and the time you are given. Although we were extremely blessed that the results were negative, I still believe it is very necessary to appreciate your family and not take the time that you are given with them for granted. I try to spend as much time as I can with my mom now, and I always try to tell her how much I love her and appreciate her.


  1. WOWW, this was a very heartbreaking piece, but I am so glad that the results came out positive. I love how you used this story to tell us the importance of not taking for granted the time with anyone especially our loved ones. Great job!

  2. I like this story because it teaches the value of time and spending it with those we love. -Rachel Smith

  3. I like how you say your mom is your security blanket and your rock because it shows that you have a deep connection to your mom. Also I like how mention that it's important to cherish your loved ones with the time you are give because, after reading this story, I will have to agree, you will never know if someone in your family could be diagnosed with a life threatening disease.
    -matthew jimenez

  4. This piece was very heartwarming and played right to the tee with emotion and deep love for one's mom and also best friend apparently. Such a wonderful piece, great work!

  5. This was such a beautiful piece. Great job!
    -Marlene Gonzalez

  6. I really enjoyed this story. I really appreciate and am very grateful for everything my family does for me. I could tell how much you love your mom and felt your pain at the thought of losing her. It was very well written, good job.

  7. A cancer diagnosis is so scary. I'm very glad the results were negative.

  8. I loved how it came out to be so positive, it touched my heart and i admire that connection you have, great job! -Lyndsey Ortega

  9. AW! I cannot even imagine that feeling, but I could feel the emotion written into the piece. Good work!

  10. This melted my heart! So much to handle as a young girl, I can't even imagine the burden. I wish so much happiness on you and your mom! -Mackenzie G

  11. This was a very heartwarming piece. I am so so glad the results turned out to be negative. I cannot imagine how tough that time was for all parties involved. I really loved all of the emotion you put in to this piece and how you said you learned to cherish your loved ones because that is extremely important.

  12. Wow you have a lot a strength and resilience. You stood by your mother's side throughout such a scary time and I commend you for that. I am extremely glad that your mother does not have cancer.

  13. This piece is very very heart pulling. I started tearing up while reading this because I also went through the same experience as you did. My mom like yours also received negative for breast cancer thank god. My mom is such a significant person that has done so so so much for me and my family and its sad that we take things for granted. Like you said, she is my best friend that has always looked after me for the good even when I act childish. Great Work!

  14. This left me in tears.. It is so important to stay hopeful in situations like these and to always cherish the ones you love most. I'm happy for you and your mom. Beautiful job

  15. Chyanne, I want to start off by saying that your piece really caused me to have a personal connection with the struggle and feelings that you had to endure as you faced the reality that your beloved mother was ill. As I was reading the blog I certainly felt that pain and fear that you were describing, because on the personal level I suffered what you had suffered at one point. No matter how much we express it, it will never be the same as actually experiencing this horrible situation. I always wish that no one experiences it because it not easy to cope with knowing that your loved ones might be ill or that you may soon lose them. The way you conveyed to the reader how you felt, and the sense of emotions that were expressed puts us all in question, because we all need to realize that life is short and we need to make the best of it sooner than later, especially since anyone at anytime can experience the same situation that you experienced with your mother. I am very much captivated by your strength and great job because this truly brought some change within me. I hope that you live a happy life and I pray that you never experience something like that ever again!!!

  16. You're such a strong girl for handling all of this at such a young age. I am glad the test came back negative and this piece has made think about everyone in my life and how time is precious. Beautiful piece

  17. This must have been so hard for you and I'm glad everything turned out okay. At least this experience has taught you to just how much your loved ones mean to you. So thank you for sharing this with us so that we too can also look at our family the same way you were forced to.

  18. I almost cried, I'm not lying. I pictured myself in your situation, and I can't imagine my life without a mother. Your mother is so strong for withstanding such physical and emotional pain! She is a woman of power and determination

  19. I felt every bit of emotion that was put into this piece. You are very fortunate to have a strong relationship with your mom. Great job!

  20. This is such a powerful piece! Reading it gave me chills! I am so glad that your mom is doing well and is okay, and I completely agree with you that we need to cherish our family and not take them for granted because we never know what may happen. Overall, great piece and I am glad your mom is feeling better!
    -Gabbie B.

  21. This is so saddening, yet powerful, and I'm glad you wrote this piece because it really shows you how precious the people in your life are and the time you have with them. It honestly made me tear up a bit and you did a great job !

  22. Chills! Your piece is so powerful because it's so real, having gone through a similar experience it really felt like it was all real again while I was reading your story, great work

  23. This piece hits a little close to home. My mom has been going through constant doctors visits so it's nerve wracking having to see your mom seem so vulnerable. I really loved how I could relate to your experience because I honestly have no idea what I would do without my mom. I don't think anyone would know what to do without their mom. Good job with writing this piece.

  24. Wow this piece is very honest and I appreciate it very much. I cannot imagine ever being in the position you were put in and I thank you for sharing this experience with us. Great piece!

  25. This story is very beautiful in the sense that you turn it around to see that not everyday is given to us and we have to appreciate everything we have , because it doesn't last forever. I like how I could imagine the tests and how draining it was do to your diction. This piece felt real and open about what she went through.

  26. This piece brought me to tears, I could never imagine the pain you and your mom felt through out the whole ordeal. I am so happy to know that she is okay and that her results came out negative. Stay strong. (I loved the way you described the mother daughter bond in such beautiful detail great work!)

  27. This is such a touching piece with the imagery of the look upon both your faces and i loved how she came back better and just shows how much of a strong woman she is and also makes me be thankful for the time that my mom had a stomach cancer that machines could not find until she found a woman who took it away which shows to spend every moment we have with our mothers.

  28. I cried reading this. It must have been so hard to see that all going on at such a young age but I like how your family stayed together through the hard times and were there for your mom. Thank you for sharing such a powerful piece! I'm glad your mom is okay! - Sophia Cordura

  29. Wow, I am so thankful your mom is doing well now. You made it so clear about how close you two are and that is beautiful. Thank you for this. -Keala Naipo

  30. Your piece was beautiful and very powerful. I cannot imagine having to go through this but the strength you showed through your writing is very inspirational. This piece raises awareness for the fact that we should appreciate our loved ones and show strength no matter the situation,thank you for sharing your experience.
    -Bryanna Torres

  31. This is really beautiful Chyanne. I love how you made a bad situation into something positive and took a life lesson from it. The use of imagery allowed me to feel as though I was experiencing it with you. You did a great job!
    -Cameron Smith

  32. This piece was beautifully written, I could feel your emotion through it and it depicted what a strong woman your mom is, amazing job!

  33. Your story gave me the feels. As we get closer to graduation and leaving to college, I've come to appreciate those small moments I have with my mom. Your openness about the pain you went through when you thought your mom was sick was inspiring. I honestly can't understand what it's like to be that scared, but the way you used details in your story brought me to tears. Thank you for this.

  34. Thank you so much for sharing such a personal and private part of your life to us all. I have lost many people in my life due to cancer and I cannot imagine losing my mom as well. Great job!

  35. This is so beautiful! it makes you realize that we shouldn't take anything for granted and always spend time with your loved ones because you never know what will happen. The connection between you and your moms so touching and heart warming and you did great job of explaining that! Good work!

  36. This was beautiful. I wish my mom and I had a close relationship like you and your mom do. Great story

  37. Wow, that's definitely a scare, but I'm glad your mom is okay! You're explaining the situation from your younger self's point of view, really shows how children handle these kinds of things, and I love that. Adults struggle with this kinds of situations and so children have it worse as they have no idea how real life is. Thank you for sharing this scary but then happy and relieving piece!
    -Christopher Kerwin

  38. Wow Chyanne, it's great to read a piece like this because I went through the same thing except it was my freshman year. Going home without my mom took a toll on my family and I. It's nice to know your mom is okay, so is mine. Stay bright girl (:
    -J'Noie Parker

  39. Reading this really made me imagine how I would feel in your situation, we often tend to take for granted the best people in our lives and sometimes need a wake up call in order to realize how much we love them. I'm glad your mom is okay!

  40. This piece was so genuine, and passionate. Not only did it teach not to take your relationships in life for granted, but I think it also payed tribute to your mom. And i thought that was so sweet. Greeat job, and thank you for sharing this with us.
    -Jordan Lee

  41. This is such a beautiful story . It reminds us to appreciate the people we love and never take them for granted . I loved the details you gave such a well written story

  42. I couldn't even imagine what this might have felt like, but i could feel a deep ache/fear by just reading this. That's amazing the results were negative! Beautiful story

  43. The story is touching and thought evoking. It makes the readers wonder if everything we thought is ordinary could vanish one day. The casual tone that the passage started off with achieved the effect of pushing the readers' thoughts.

  44. This is a very heart-warming piece. Indeed, the loss of our loved ones is a reminder to truly appreciate them while we still can. Thanks for sharing your beautiful story.
    -Nwojo Abba

  45. What a beautiful piece. I am so happy that your mom's test came out to be negative! Such a touching story!

  46. I love this piece. I remember when you told me this story and how afraid the situation made you at the time. It broke my heart to know that at 10 years old you had to experience something so traumatic. I know how close you and your mom are and that going through that could not have been easy, not to mention sharing this with all of us. You're super strong and I'm always extremely blessed to have you and your mom in my life. (: good job chylan

  47. Very tough news... glad your mom is better now though!

  48. I can feel your pain in this piece, my mom had to go through a couple things herself i can't imagine what i'd do if i were to lose my mom. i wouldnt be the same. Touching piece!-karina l
