
Monday, March 20, 2017


 It’s hard living when you killed yourself. Each day I stare at the crumpled papers pinned up above the T.V. The T.V. of which you’d watch me play video games. You would always rest your cute brunette head on my chest, grasping your phone, probably on social media. I'd tell you social media is pointless. You’d smile and I’d look at you and grin but only short enough so I wouldn’t be distracted from my Xbox. I wished I looked at you longer. You had a smile that was so genuine and sincere, you seemed to love sharing it with the world. I’d watch you jump into your group of acquaintances with that smile. I knew it’d make them happy, or at the least, it made me happy. You expressed this infinite brightness that made you glow, attracting so many people. You always knew so many, it never failed to amaze me. I'd walk you home and you'd always be greeting someone new, someone I’ve never seen before. But that would be no surprise since I was rather quiet and reserved, and a little more so before I met your radiance. You told me you loved my silence because whenever I did talk it was always so intellectual, mind consuming, and significant. Nevertheless you shared pieces of you which was usually kept to yourself. It was darker yet truthful and inspiring. You spoke of society and its ignorance, and how upsetting it is that serious topics like depression and suicide are just memes and jokes on twitter nowadays. One day, you talked about a person you knew who contemplated depression and death but was so unsure of himself because it was the “norm”. You said that your friend didn't want to see a doctor because “every teenager has suicidal thoughts,” and that it was “normal to want to kill yourself.” You told me that he didn't want to seek help because he didn't think he needed it. I looked at you. You were balancing on the sidewalk, smiling at the ground. I asked, “Are you concerned for him?” You stopped, looked up at me with a one-sided smile and said “He already killed himself.” I apologized and you said it was okay because it wasn't my fault or yours or his, it was society's. You said that maybe if we didn't make jokes about being depressed or jokes about killing ourselves so nonchalantly things would be different. Maybe if people understood that clinical depression does exist and not in people who stress over a night of homework. I agreed that wanting to kill yourself should never be a trend. It was always difficult for me to tell whether someone was serious about wanting to die or if they were just upset. Maybe they were serious; I couldn't understand or relate to it. You mentioned something about how I appreciated life and what it gave me, which was you so of course I did. I stared at you, you smiled, I smiled back and you said you loved me so we don't need to worry about a thing. Your silver smile twitched. Now, I stare at the ground, with flowers in one hand, the notebook pages in the other. I sit on the grass, the engraved stone taunting me. I look down at the pages and read them. Your beautiful handwriting is scratched against the pages and I hear your voice in the words. The words keep apologizing and I know your voice is shaking. I knew things happened before I met you but you said that you were okay and very happy now. I should’ve saw through it all. Tears were streaming down my face as I glance over the last line: “I was the friend, I'm sorry.”


  1. Omg, I think I kinda teared up after reading this lol. This was a really great story. Great job!
    -Marlene Gonzalez

  2. It's unfortunate that suicide and depression aren't taken seriously. When you said that clinical depression exists and not just because of a night of homework, you were very right and so many people complain over little things. Great job.

  3. I'm at a loss of words. Just without the ending, this piece was already well-written. The friend who was always smiling despite his concern for society is such an admirable character and to see that plot twist at the end truly was gut wrenching. Suicide is such an issue that our society fails to really address and I commend you for your eye-opening work.

  4. This is a fantastically gripping story. I literally had my jaw drop as i finished. I particularly liked the twist ending you had. Great Job!

  5. What really got to me is when you said that your friend said it was normal to have suicidal thoughts and that they don't want to be cliche. That is sadly very true which is so unfortunate and needs to be changed. This was such an eye opening story, very well written.

  6. "clinical depression does exist and not in people who stress over a night of homework" really got me. There's a difference between having a bad day and wanting it to end and having actual suicidal thoughts and depression. It's something people don't really think about and it's become so normal to think things like that, especially for teenagers, and that's really upsetting. We make things that are difficult to deal with into jokes for everyone to understand, but sometimes it's hard to tell where the humor ends and where the true feelings begin. I think you did a really great job conveying a really serious and difficult topic. Great job!!

  7. I agree that suicide has been portrayed as a trend and is talked about in nonchalant ways. It has come to the point where we can't distinguish between whether a person is in need of serious help. This was a captivating piece and was well thought out to show the story as a whole

  8. This is a beautifully written piece. I recently lost friend. She didn't kill herself... she had leukemia. Reading your story reminded me of her. She was such a good friend to me. I meant to write her a letter to let know that I was thinking of her and that she is always in my prayers, but I kept pushing it off and then she passed way. I didn't write her a letter and I'll never be able to. Not a day goes by without me thinking of her. I didn't think that the last time I'd see my friend was at her funeral. I wish I had just taken the time to write her a letter... she would have loved that.

  9. This story was extremely well written. I completely agree that depression is a serious issue that our generation unfortunately makes light of. The plot and emotion behind the story did a great job highlighting the reality of this mental illness. Great job!

  10. This piece is very very beautifully written. The ending left me in awe. I totally agree that its so bad that people joke about killing themselves that its hard to grasp whether they are being truthful or not. I absolutely love how you are bringing awareness to suicides because it is something very common in our age group. Great Job!

  11. Wow, Plot Twist. Generally, I seem to catch where the writers are going with their pieces, but I honestly didn't see this coming. Great Job at luring me into the story... it evidently worked. And yes, I do believe that so many people nowadays fight with depression and suicidal thoughts because society has broadcasted it as a normal event that happens all the time. You brought up this problem in a captivating way and I hope this trend will diminish.

  12. Wow the ending really surprised and caught me off guard. This piece has such a strong message. It is true how a lot of people take death and suicide lightly when they talk about "killing themselves" just because of schoolwork. This is a such an amazing piece, great job!!

  13. That twist, it just really left with this feeling of emptiness; it was just so amazingly written and just speaks out against many people's views on suicide and how it shouldn't be taken as or made to be a joke. Really great job!

  14. WOW . WOW. WOW.... Leezeth this piece was fantastic beyond description! I really was not expecting the ending and it makes me so mad to know that there are people who are careless when it comes to making fun of such serious psychological and mental issues. Especially since at some point throughout our lives we all experience some form of sadness and emotional instability. I can't seem to understand why people are so heartless but I truly applaud you for being that person who bring about such an important issues that has been neglected for so long in our society. People who do not care about such issues should be ashamed of themselves because depression and suicide is something far beyond our control, yet we all need to contribute somehow to help those who undergo depression, instability, and who attempt suicide. I cried a little as I was reading this because all those who I know who suffer from such problems came to my mind and I promised myself to start helping them more than before to really have them start realizing that they are a part of this society and their present is as important as everyone else. Thank you for writing this piece, I really appreciate your talent in writing and that you conveyed a message so perfectly through such a short story. GREAT JOB!!!

    1. Thaaank you so much for your response. I'm very glad you enjoyed it. Also, I agree with every statement you wrote. We are all responsible for our actions and the people around us can be affected in some way. I was hoping with my piece I was able to move some people with my message. Thank you again!

  15. Its sad that depression is common within our age group and many kids our age take their lives. This was a great piece and the ending threw me way off but in a good way. Great job!

  16. This was sad but still a great story. Good job!
    -Justin Huggins P.5 Solano

  17. This is such a heart wrenching story!!! This piece is so well written. It's intriguing from the very first sentence to the last. It so well written and conveys so much emotion in every sentence. This is great piece good job!

  18. It really is hard to grasp the concept of whether or not someone is being serious about killing themselves because our generation is so fixated on being perfect in every way. Suicide and depression isn’t something to joke around with, especially when no knows what everyone is currently going through.

  19. I think this piece is so important because it brings up a topic that many do not take seriously but is actually a very grave serious topic. This piece is amazing, great job! -Lisa Ryu

  20. Leezeth, this was a really insightful piece. You brought such an important problem in today's society and I think that often times people forget that suicide and depression are so much more real than a stupid meme. You really brought up the idea that we need to take things like this seriously instead of brushing it off and making a joke out of it. I really enjoyed reading this because it was so real, and so sad. And by using the perspective of someone on the outside, it gave an even deeper implication to the severity that this issue has. I think that oftentimes we forget that this effects everyone. You did an amazing job.

  21. Thank you for taking on a topic that needs to be addressed so badly in our lives. It's scary how common it has become to hear people talk about depression and suicide in such a casual way. Your story perfectly portrayed such an important message in a beautifully emotional story. Great job

  22. I am speechless. It angers me a bit how people do not take depression and suicide seriously and how they just brush it off to the side like it's nothing. It frustrates me how the people who need help do not get the help that they need. People need to understand that it is a very big topic. But overall, I think you did a really great job in writing this piece. Thank you for sharing!

  23. Wow.. I literally dropped my jaw in class right now reading "He already killed himself". I loved the way you slowly went into your story including some background to go along with the plot. Wow.

    -Vivian Chiang

  24. This piece was beautifully written. I like how you used bright imagery to contrast with the rather dark topic, and I like the plot twist at the end. Good job Leezeth! -Ethan

  25. Wow, I think this is a very important piece that I'm glad I read. Sometimes it is hard to not play into trends or funny memes or whatever everyone else is saying, but your writing made it personal. I liked your ability to move the story along and have real feeling characters. Thank you for your criticism it was eye opening. -Vanessa Lai

  26. This piece is amazing!! really targets the reader and makes them think about how often people and possibly themselves say these things. It truly is hard to know whether sometimes they actually mean it or not. Thank you for sharing this and hopefully opening everyone's eyes to reality.

  27. leezeth this piece really did make me cry. as i was reading it aloud , i had no idea what it was leading up to. you made an excellent point about depression and suicide. and how people make it a joke nowadays when it isn't when it is in fact very real and should not be joked about at all. beautiful piece my friend. :)
    -Narelle Stewart

    1. Thank you for reading and understanding my message. I'm glad you agree wholeheartedly with what I was trying to convey.

    2. Thank you for reading and understanding my message. I'm glad you agree wholeheartedly and see what I was trying to convey.

  28. This actually brought tears to my eyes. This was so good! I love that you made a story out of a serious topic. Society does normalize depression and killing themselves which is not okay and this story says exactly why it isnt okay. I'm speechless. Very good job!
    -Cameron Smith

  29. Wow is all I could say because it's sad that this is the reality now. Some people with depression and suicidal thoughts don't ever want to say anything or when they do they get told it's nothing. You did a really great job writing this.

  30. The ending had me shook. I really like this piece because it does portray a important message and how harsh reality could be. This piece was very insightful and brings awareness to the readers that depression and suicide are very serious problems in society. Overall, I really enjoyed this piece Leezeth! Thanks for sharing it (':

  31. Even with the amount of increasing awareness for mental illnesses and their severity; there is not enough distinction between the little complaints and serious underlying, chronic issues. This piece was thought provoking to say the least.

  32. Wow. I'm speechless. The imagery you created was so beautiful. You addressed not only love but depression as well and you were so right about how society throws depression around now and days like its nothing and belittling it. Lastly that plot twist was just speechless. Thank you for writing and sharing this.

  33. I'm glad you could write so gracefully about a serious topic such as this. This massive effects of depression and suicidal thoughts haunt us all. Having lost someone close to me due to suicide, this was kinda hard to read because we as outsiders never really know what's going on inside. You did a great job of amplifying the power of the mind.

  34. The direction this story goes is so unexpected and it's written so well as to not expect otherwise. The topic at hand is always difficult to talk of but you do it so effortlessly.

  35. I truly appreciate this post since I personally know someone that has been clinically diagnosed with depression, and I know the constant way people treat life with fragility and do not understand the overwhelming negative emotion that some people truly feel. It is not a matter to joke about and people don't understand that, you handled the topic well and the ending caught me off guard. The piece shows a lot of insight on a touchy subject and was maturely written.

  36. Thank you so much. I'm glad you agree with my message here. And I tried my best to make it sound like an actual fictional story that made sense without "preaching to the choir" or talking too much from a personal perspective. I'm glad I was able to achieve it from the readers.

  37. This is a great story and I truly appreciate this piece because now a days people think that its okay to make jokes about being depressed and/or suicidal when it is such a serious topic that shouldn't be taken as a joke. But overall great job with this!

  38. Wow, that hit me hard. Depression is not an easy subject to talk about or express, but you did an amazing job. Not only did you bring up and discuss the topic at hand, but you were also able to evoke the feelings of both of your characters within the reader, both sides of the conflict, making it really hit home and stick with you. Amazing job.
