
Monday, March 20, 2017

La Mer --Jennifer

I don’t know what year it is, what time it is, where I am. All I know is the dark blue hue let in through the windows. I’m always SO hungry now. I haven’t been able to move the mess of skin and teeth under my nose for months now, let alone find proper food to eat. I remember the party I was at before the war broke out and how my life was but now all thoughts are drowned out by my insatiable itch for Adam, the good stuff, my bread and butter. Lucky for me, I don’t have to use my mouth to get it in me. Ain’t nothin better than the feeling of a rusty needle in my arm, satisfying my need. Its funny when my veins glow red. I carry cast iron hooks in my hands, in case a Big One shows up. My size don’t compare to his but I’ve got an itch. I wander the empty promenade looking for one of those little runts in a dress. The floor creaks beneath me and the walls drip from the leaks. I’m SO hungry. Better to find one without a Daddy. Makes it easier for me take her out and take my Adam. I’m spliced up to the point where I can disappear and reappear at a moment’s notice. Saved me a couple times from the Big Ones. I hear one moan in the distance, but no red for me so I keep walkin’. Walkin’ for weeks, my feet are probably bleeding but I’m so numb all over. I got into a couple brawls here and there, I think I even lost a hand but I just stuck a hook into the raw bone. God, I am so hungry. The city is lost by the sea and so is any sense of reality. SO hungry. Wait. What’s that? I hear her sweet voice calling out to me and smell the good stuff. I hear her Daddy but I just want one hit. I appear behind her and slash her back, staining her dress red, and I keep slashing ‘til I hear her Daddy’s footsteps. I run away ‘til I stop hearing his stompin’. I missed the goddamn Adam. All that work for nothin’. That’s what hurts bad. The itch is more painful than I’ve ever felt. I don’t even notice when I look down and see the Daddy’s drill through me, makin’ a mess of my guts.


  1. I don't even know what to say. This story was so sickly amazing that I couldn't stop reading it! It's so intense and wonderful but I'm so confused!! Great Job!
    - Aliyah Dumas

  2. I'd read this book if you ever wrote one with this as an excerpt. -Rachel Smith

  3. I wish this kept continuing on it was so good. It also had great imagery and description!

  4. I wish this kept continuing on it was so good. It also had great imagery and description!

  5. Great Job, this can be interpreted many ways because everyone has their own "Adam".

  6. I do not know what to say after reading this. I'm speechless! It really kept me on edge because i did not know what was going to happen. I was confused while reading it but at the same time i really enjoyed reading it! great job!

  7. The piece truly reminds me of the novel "Lord of the Flies". A dark tone was conveyed through the use of gruesome languages in the piece. Which, assisted the purpose of the speaker to develop unpleasant yet memorable images for the story. -Raymond Chiang

  8. I love love love your use of understatement in this piece. It truly reflects the mindset of a person addicted toa a substance, only after that one thing with no regard for the world around them. Wonderful job, I'm highly impressed and also intrigued. -Audrey N.

  9. Although it left me confused, I think that what made this whole piece intriguing. It made the reader want to keep on reading to decipher what the piece is actually about only to realize that each person can have their own interpretation. -Martina Panganiban

  10. This piece consisted of dark and intense imagery that made me feel a bit uncomfortable but persuaded me to keep reading. Great job!

  11. This reminds me very much of BioShock and the city of Rapture especially with the mention of Adam, the Big Daddies, and Little Sisters, it is very interesting to be put in the head-space of the deformed splicers who are only addicted to gathering and consuming Adam. I hope this is what this is what this story was referencing and I didn't just go on a tangent for nothing, haha. Regardless, the use of mystery and ominous intrigue throughout this piece was what made it so interesting for me to read. Very nice job!

  12. I wish the story never stopped! it was very thrilling and imagery was used well to create a visual. Good job!!!!
    -Justin Huggins P.5 Solano

  13. I really enjoyed reading this excerpt you’ve made. It was really compelling to keep reading, but sadly it doesn’t continue from there… Thanks for creating such a piece with many imagery to indulge in!

  14. What a wonderful piece! Great job, especially on your uses of many literary tools. You really emphasized on imagery and suspense! The story always kept the reader on edge in addition to drawing us in and wanting to read on! Great job

  15. This was very well written and you truly left me curious for more. You had a lot of imagery while leaving some of it up to our imagination. I really wish that there was more to read. I was really left questioning who the Big Ones were and how the Daddy and the little girl helped to satisfy their hunger. You did a really good job

  16. I love dark imagery! The darkness of your piece is what kept me reading, great work

  17. Great use of imagery, I felt like I knew exactly how everything looked like. Good job!

  18. Your piece pulled me in closer and closer so I could find out what was happening. I loved your use of imagery to really bring the story to life. I wish it would have been a longer more descriptive piece.

  19. Your piece was so amazing! I loved how we had access to the narrator's thought process, personally, I love that writing style! -Jessica B.

  20. Wow, so a little confused, but I'm not sure I want an explanation! I kind of like the room for interpretation. I love your stylistic approach to use names like "Adam" or "Big Ones" I can really appreciate that in writing. Also, great imagery!! -Vanessa Lai

  21. I feel so lost and yet I completely understand what you were going for...I think. All I know is this is AMAZING and one of the best pieces that has been on the blog to date. -Mackenzie G

  22. The imagery and diction you used were great, it kept me interested throughout the whole story! Great job.

  23. I read this piece aloud and i could see every image jennifer. the dark imagery really drew me in to your short story and helped me to visualize everything that was going on. very beautiful :-)
    -Narelle Stewart

  24. I read this piece aloud and i could clearly see each image described in your short story, excellent use of imagery , i would of loved to read more and learn more of the characters , beautifully written though.
    -Narelle Stewart

  25. This piece is very thrilling and very well written. The use of imagery really kept me on edge, great job!
    -Jade B.

  26. Kinda made me confused for a second, but then it made sense. Loved the dark imagery. Also loved the unpredictable ending. Great writing!
    -Harley Liera

  27. I love the mysteriousness of this piece. I had to read it a few times to try and understand the situation, but I'm guessing Adam is a drug? Either way it was an amazing piece!

    -Ishrat Khan

  28. I thoroughly enjoyed the vivid detail and imagery you put into your piece! It always kept me on the edge of my seat. Good job!

  29. Good development of the character by the use of diction. Also, good job on creating a suspenseful tone through the gory imagery!

  30. I love this piece because its gruesome nature is definitely different from the other posts on this blog and is really refreshing. Also, the language used is very fitting for the setting and the imagery is very vivid, which suits the gruesome aspect of the story. Also, does this story take place in the Bioshock universe or is it at least influenced by it? The Big Daddies, their drills, and all else kind of point to that, but I'm still curious. Anyway, great piece!
    -Christopher Kerwin

  31. This piece had many literary terms that struck me. The main one was the imagery and was used very well in the situation. Great job
    -Benjamin Chong

  32. Wait so whats hungry? Is it some type of animal and we are reading its thoughts? I really think Im on to something but great story

  33. i love this piece because everyone can have their own "Adam" making this piece so much more relatable, great job -Somijah Reed

  34. I love this! Great job! I especially enjoyed the story line and imagery included. You used many literary tools and it really kept this interesting. You really emphasized on the scenery and it kept me wanting to read more!

  35. I love how intriguing and ghastly your piece was; you have such a remarkable mind and profound ingenuity! I'm so used to reading flowery, happy stories and reading this was truly refreshing. The imagery was wondrously graphic and the perspective of the piece was deeply captivating. Great job!

  36. Wow this story tackles addiction head on. The darkly realistic way you address the cravings and lifestyle associated with addiction is chilling

  37. This was such an interesting story it left me confused and wanting to read more of it , I love the imagery you used it really caught my attention

  38. You had a fantastic use of imagery and the way the story was written was captivating. The title of the poem, the ocean, is beautiful reflecting the beauty of the piece!

  39. This reminds me a lot of BioShock. I'm going to be honest with you, I haven't gotten a chance to play it, but I do know what it is and like your reference to it. I love how you put us into a point of view that not only reflects the game, but also the character's own background and story line. Nice job!

  40. I really enjoyed your use of imagery, giving us a clear image of what you saw, and sharing the feelings you had when writing this.
    -Francis Talla

  41. After reading this I feel like a mom who doesn't understand teenager slang haha. It was great though! such a clear picture was painted in my head.
    -Andre Burgos

  42. This piece was honestly super twisted and gruesome and I thought it was really cool how different your writing is compared to others. It is very unique and has a sense of character in it. Good Job

  43. This was definitely a great piece great use of imagery

  44. This piece was a great use of diction and imagery!! -karina l.
