
Thursday, May 4, 2017

My Lively Routine--Tristan

6 am: I’m awake. Sort of. My eyes could barely manage to read the time on my phone. I guess that’s what i get for trying to squeeze another episode in last night. Maybe just 30 more no i can’t, I still need to finish my math homework. Ok 10 more minutes.

7 am: Damn. It’s ok I can just do it in SSR. Should I eat breakfast first or change first? I’ll just change while i’m eating. I better hurry, Somijah is probably waiting outside, but she’s probably running late too.

8 am: Right on time. But i still got a few minutes to spare, i’ll just go to the bathroom real quick. This water is too cold for the morning, now my hands are going to be crusty. Aw no way, WHAT IS THIS? Is that syrup on my shirt, maybe if I wet it a little, but then there’s going to be a big wet spot. Oops that was second bell.

9 am: Should I eat my lunch now or should I wait? If I eat it now I am going to be hungry at lunch. Maybe I’ll just scavenge off my friends. I just want to go home.

10 am: I made it! Three more periods to go. Ok now this math...OOOOOOOOO, this song is a banger, ‘ LET ME SEE YOU GET LOOOOWW!!’ Oh everyone heard me, it’s ok, not the first time. Ok this is hard. I need help, maybe Austin did it.

11 am: I think, i think that discussion has made me rethink my whole life. What is my purpose? YOOO, Ruben is the plug for granola bars. These fiber bars really get the job done. I'm still a little hungry, I’ll make a pit stop at a snack cart on the way to math.

12 pm: I’m not sure what happened. I went to the snack cart during passing period then I had a quick chat with a friend, next thing you know first lunch is ending. Now i'm in math with 20 minutes to take a quiz. Luckily I studied and did the homework!

1 pm: This is the most boring part of the day. Should i just leave. Is this really how i want to spend an hour of my precious time. Sitting in the back listening to music, doing homework, falling asleep, the occasional teacher aid duties. I'll just ask to go to the “library.”

2pm-10pm: Depending on the day these crucial hours consist of working with my uncle, homework, eating, video games, and listening to music. But really, regardless of the purposeful activity, i'm always listening to music.

11pm-6am: The night is still young. Plus sleep is for the weak. I only sleep because I have to and believe it or not...I get tired. Also bags aren't as trendy as I hope they would be. If i close my eyes it won't be long before all this repeats.


  1. Tristen, I can totally relate to this. I felt like I've been on autopilot for a good while, just running off of 3 hours of sleep 4 hours if the gods of sleep are willing. I always see Ruben giving you granola bars and I can happily say that I'm a witness to your singing out loud. I commend your creativity and I'm glad that you were in my English class this year.

  2. I love this! The typical routine of a high school student. I like those spontaneous thoughts because they really represent the random mind of teenagers and it's nice that you used Caps to indicate the different changes in your tone. Really good piece!

  3. This is incredibly relatable. And I also like how I've experienced some of this stuff happen in third period such as when you sing out loud during SSR. Great job man!

  4. Relatable, accurate, and hilarious. Seeing how we live from the outside really puts things into perspective. I loved the conversational tone, it was so real.

  5. I hate to keep repeating what the other comments are saying but this IS something I can relate to!! It's almost like we are stuck in this everlasting cycle consisting of exhaustion, hunger, and work. I guess that is how life is supposed to be. I enjoyed how the tone shifted from funny, to frustrated, to even remorse. Great job Tristain!! --Megan T

  6. When I read this i was feeling total anxiety because I never do these things. It was cool to see how other high schoolers get through school and no wonder you guys are all zombies in school. It was a great read. -Rachel Smith

  7. This sums up my entire year omg, this is so accurate it's kind of scary how relatable it is to my life. Great job! -Lisa Ryu

  8. Great piece, lots of different aspects to find relatable from the sleeplessness, schedule, and fragmented thoughts. Seems like many of us could learn from our mutual, problematic habits.

  9. Man this is just like me! I'm glad to see other people are the same way.

  10. TRISTAAAN!! How funny that when I read this, I read it with a huge smile on my face just because I know you and I know that this is what goes through your day. I think it would have been super awesome if at the end, you ended it with "I'm awake, Sort of" just so we can see that it is going full circle, you know? But sooo hilarious dude, because my days are always like this, just everywhere. Loved it man. Oh, also, tell Ruben to lob me granola bars too.. Great job!!

  11. This piece is way too relatable for me aha! Senior year is a whole struggle. Good work bro!

  12. Tristan, you know I always got you on that math homework, but that singing is what made everyone enjoy SSR when you did, but your piece fully describes, I think everyone's routine this senior year.

  13. Priscilla RamirezMay 11, 2017 at 1:25 PM

    I enjoyed reading this story because this is the truth with many of us. Just like you, I find it harder to wake up in the morning now that we only have a couple days left. I also liked how you structured your story so the audience got a little insight on some of your thoughts during the day. Nice job Tristan.

  14. This sounds eerily familiar. Well done Tristan!

  15. This was hilarious because it's so accurate and relatable. Your writing style perfectly captures everyone's little inner voice as we go from day to day. Good job!

  16. I loved the comedy in this piece. Also, the morning part is so relateable. Just this morning I was going to wake up early to finish my ap statistics work and I woke up, but couldn't stay up. I think all students relate to the procrastination, exhaustion, and especially hunger of this piece. I love it!

  17. i loved reading this because i can totally relate to it. "sleep is for the weak" is my motto. I also find myself falling into an everyday routine consisting of waking up, going to school, eating, coming home, homework and music. Great job on this!

  18. Wow I didn't think I was going to relate to this piece so much. I find it hilarious how our motivation decreases so much the closer we get to the end. I also really appreciate how you integrated your own thoughts into this piece. It really helped to tie the piece to you. Great Job!

  19. Hahaha, I am not the only one who rethinks their entire life after a discussion. Overall, I really liked your piece and the detail you put into it. Great job!

  20. This is really relatable, graduation seems like it can't come fast enough. Your piece was very entertaining!

  21. This piece has described the past two years of my life very accurately, except that I sleep in most periods. Your piece shows how schools are routine and how demoralizing it can be sometimes, having to do the same thing over and over again for 180 days for four years. I love the style you wrote it in and you did a great job! -Ethan To

  22. Ah the doctrine of the absurd, I love it :P seriously though this piece was super relatable and I am a little upset that I just found out Ruben is the plug for granola bars, if only I would have known. I really like the way you organized your piece and just think in a few more days this routine will be broken for a while, at least. Great Job Tristan!

  23. Hey bro! This story wouldn't be possible without my granola bars right? It's a little mind-boggling that this routine has been occurring since maybe freshman year. Great story my dude.
    -Ruben Becerra

  24. This was such an entertaining piece and I really felt like I was in your head listening to your daily routine! This reminds me of that poem we read a while back where he wrote down his routine every day even though yours is far more entertaining hahaha! Overall, great piece!
    -Gabbie B.

  25. Why was this so relatable, humorous, and honestly just great?? It pretty much sums up my high school life and that's awesome. I really liked the structure you chose to present the piece because it gives us all a chance to follow where you are in the day (going off the Etiwanda Bell schedule)and just laughing because honestly most people go through the same/similar thought processes in the day. Spectacular job!
    -Bryanna Torres

  26. This piece is hilarious and related. With the wait to graduation getting shorter and shorter I find it harder to keep with the same flow that I had at the beginning of the year. Excellent job.
