
Tuesday, January 26, 2016


The scene sets in with Mark, a boy that seems about 17 years of age. He is on the floor seemingly unconscious in a small white room that contains nothing but a single door. “Ugh… where am I?” As Mark exams his current location, he starts to ponder the thought of why he can’t remember anything before he woke up. “Why can’t I remember anything? I don’t even remember who I am or anything about my family.” Mark then notices the push-bar door that leads out of the empty white room. He then proceeds to open it and find that behind the door is a room of similar proportions to the room behind him, although this time there are two doors and a note on the floor. Mark walks across to the note and reads it. The note reads “Welcome to the lab Mark, you have been chosen to be a participant in our little game…of death. What lies behind these 2 doors are a series of puzzles, in order to escape this lab you must solve these puzzles. For, once you solve these puzzles, an entrance to another room will appear, and within that room are 4 doors all leading to puzzles, and the room after that will have 8 doors all leading to puzzles, solve those and then you get 16 doors, and the number of puzzles you need to solve will constantly increase, until you reach the end of course. Although, you probably shouldn’t even start anyway, for the probability of you getting out of here is 1/99999999. Why the outrageous probability? Well, remember how earlier I said this is a game of death? Well…. One mistake in this silly game and you will die a horrible and gruesome death. This note has gotten too long. It is time for you to start playing. Have fun.” ~Anon. Filled with confusion and rage, Mark tears up the note and starts to worry if he’ll ever get out of this god forsaken place. “So if I don’t pass these puzzles, I’ll die? What kind of sick person would make a game like this? Am I the first person or have there been others before me?” Pondering at these questions, Mark enters the door on the left, what he sees is just a button. Mark presses the button and then he hears gears turning overhead, but nothing happened after that. Mark exits the left room and then enters the room on the right. Inside this room is the same thing, a button. The button is pressed and gears churn overhead, after the churning stops, Mark leaves the room. Although when he exits, he notices that a door has presented itself in front of where the note used to be, in the middle of the two puzzle room doors. When Mark enters the room, he notices something on the floor, another note. It reads “I see you’ve passed the first room, ready for the next 5?” ~Anon. As Mark finishes reading the note, the floor below him opens up, sending Mark through a black abyss. Mark seemed to fall for more than an hour until finally he landed on a gigantic air mattress. At first the room was pitch black, no light seemed to enter or escape the grasp of the room, until a gigantic monitor with the words, “Ready for more?” popped up in big read ghastly print. The monitor then went blank and 4 doors were revealed, behind each door was an item. Behind door number one was a gun, behind door number for was a knife, behind door number 3 was a noose above a stool, and behind door number 4 was a note. Mark picked up this note and read it, it said “The odds are against you, kill yourself now and avoid the torture that awaits you.” ~Mark. “Wait a minute, this is my handwriting, was I here before?” Mark questioned. Mark dropped the note in confusion and disbelief as to what he had just seen. Slowly recollecting himself, Mark went ahead to take his own advice and picked up the gun and shot himself, or so he thought. The gun didn’t have a bullet loaded in it. Instead it was a flag that had the text “BANG!” written on it. “What in the world?” Mark exclaimed. Mark then went on to take the knife and tries to slit to his throat, except this knife wasn’t actually made of metal, it was made of plastic. “Why can’t I just put myself out of my misery already? Even the note told me to do the same thing…” Mark said while starting to well up with tears. Finally Mark went on to take the noose, this time he had finally succeeded in ending his life. With his last seconds on Earth, Mark started to remember something, something very important. This entire experience wasn’t actually real. Mark woke up in a hospital bed surrounded by bright white lights and a life support system. A board ahead of him had read “No response. 12/30/15” It had been 30 days since Mark had entered his coma. As Mark became aware of where he was and what kind of situation he was in, Mark tried to get out of bed, but could not lift himself from his bed. He then proceeded to try and call a nurse, a nurse named Peter had responded almost instantly. Peter had explained everything to Mark, since Mark suffered from dementia and severe brain damage. He had not remembered anything from his coma or his life. Peter had said that Mark was in a car crash, and that Mark was driving. Mark had fallen from a 2 story building while doing his job of repairing roofs and cleaning out gutters. He had landed on his head, and was almost completely disabled. The only thing that he can is his mouth and eyes, nothing else. Mark wished for death after hearing this.


  1. You have a great use of tone & imagery in this story. I enjoyed reading it!

  2. Poor Mark, hopefully he can recover from this or find his peace somewhere else (yes im hoping for a fictional character.)

  3. Very interesting story with a great ending! The story flowed very well and was easy to read. Good job!
    -Marissa Putrick

  4. I have just realized how many grammatical errors there were in my post.

    At the end I added the part about the car accident but later changed it to the part about him falling on his head. I forgot to completely remove the bit about the car accident.

    The other error that I noticed was that the door with the knife is named "door number for" it should actually be "door number two."

    Please ignore these and any other errors you see within the story. I was too tired to proofread and therefore missed the errors.

    Enjoy the story.

    ~Ryan Kang

  5. The wording was a little repetitive in the beginning but it definitely has a great storyline.

  6. First of all, I applaud your math skills , because personally I would not have been able to keep track of that many rooms! I really like the way your tone was pulled off because it really does reflect the confusion you feel in a dream when things don't quite make sense. I also liked how you used his dream to reflect his feelings about his injuries & that you connected that to the reason his dream seemed so morbid, it really tied up your story. Nice work!

  7. To me your choice of grammar was really good and I just enjoyed reading your story

  8. I was hooked from start to finish. It gave me a heavy feeling in my chest and I really felt for Mark. Great story!

  9. Marl is both lucky and unlucky depending on the way you look at it. It is written well with good descriptive words. Nicely done Ryan (:

  10. Mark must've been watching Saw the night before. I would think someone would be happy to survive, but at the very least, at least he cheated death?

  11. nice job on your story, i liked the pacing and where your character was left off. It creates an interest as to what is to come next in his life.

  12. Nice ending and i loved the imagery that was in this story.
    Ashley lowman

  13. What an interesting perspective on what happens to people when they're in a coma. Great attention to detail I really enjoyed reading your story.

  14. The story was very interesting I really enjoyed the imagery you used. Nice job!
    -Kasandra Felix

  15. has a Saw feel to it, I liked those movies. good job I liked when he had to choose an item to kill himself with.

  16. This had a really nice flow and the imagery was great! Keep up the good work!

  17. A very vivid and dark story. I sympathize for Mark and his endeavors in his coma and also when awakened. This was a great story to imagine in my mind and you've done a great job
    -Emmanuel Huntspon

  18. You have such a creative flow, great work!

  19. The plot twist was very surprising, very nicely written with good imagery

  20. I like the way this piece was written. The ending was also well made. Keep up the good work.

  21. This was even more grisly than a Grisly Bear! The very idea of such a scenario frightens me to my core and sends shivers down my spine! Ghastly indeed! The climax had to be the most terrifying, yet satisfying scare in the entire story. Mark not only was involved in a car crash, but he was was also repairing roofs and cleaning gutters while he was driving, causing him to drive off a two story building! Such intensity in your description, such brutal imagery! Bravo!
    -Christopher Trevino

  22. Great use of imagery! I could picture the whole path in which Mark was taking in order to find out, it was all a dream. Didn't expect that ending good job!

  23. I have to say that was the most interesting piece of writing that I have ever read. There were a lot of problematic events and plot twists. I liked the ending of the story the most. Good job and keep writing.

  24. The imagery in the story was very vivid and helped me see it in a different perspective than I would otherwise. The pacing was well done and I enjoyed your story.
    -Jeremiah Eugenio

  25. I really enjoyed reading this piece, i hope Mark can get better too even if he's just fiction.
    Shaniya Trotter

  26. I liked your story, because it really calls into question whether escaping death is worth it, considering that Mark is essentially trapped inside a prison that is his own body and that he will be stuck there forever. Keep up the great work! -Damian Echavarria

  27. Great imagery in the piece. That device alone hits home especially since we just finished Pygmalion

  28. I like the way you used imagery in this article and the work and detail you put into it. Great job

  29. I like how the twist came fast and yet still came had a good pace and didn't happen too suddenly so the reader could still understand what was going on. Great take on getting into the mind of a patient with dementia.

  30. I like how you set up the plot of the story. I especially loved your twisted ending and the adventure Mark had to take to survive. Congrats on successfully creating such an adventurous thriller! Nice work.

  31. i like how you did the plot of story and i really like your ending of it
    Darrell Mcdowell

  32. I can tell you really thought about the development of the writing before you began, therefore I genuinely enjoy the flow and creativity. Perhaps in the future, change up your diction and make it a little more eloquent.

  33. I liked the plot twist in the end of the story good job!

  34. Woah! That story definitely left an impact! Such vivid imagery and I was definitely rooting for poor Mark the whole time!
