
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Patricia--How to

It is almost February. The month of love and hearts. When I signed up for blog submissions I was a bitter single teenager who wanted to write a “How to: Survive Valentine’s Day Single.” I wanted to talk about how we’re all independent people who don’t need no man or woman in our lives. Well, a lot has changed since then and I’m scared that if I keep that topic I will jinx myself and my boyfriend will break up with me. *knocks on wood* I will still focus on the idea of independence though. My friend recently posted a series on youtube called “Cuffing Season” and it teaches you how to get a girlfriend. He gives step by step instructions from learning how to style yourself to texting the girl. This, however, will be mostly for the girls and will not teach you how to get a boyfriend. It is a How To: Lower Your Expectations. Not in life, always aim for the best, but maybe in relationships. As much as we all want to be princesses, these boys can’t offer or even afford everything. I had a male friend, who has been in a relationship with a sophomore in college for two years now, help me with this. So here are some rules… Rule #1: Shoot your shot. It is 2016 and girls are still waiting for the guy to text them first. Like everyone says, chivalry is dead. Just deal with it. We keep waiting for the other person when we can start the conversation ourselves. Who cares if you double text, go chase after what you want. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that you are desperate. Warning: don’t seem too desperate though. Rule #2 : Be selfless. I’m sure they love hearing all about you but be careful not to seem too conceited and only talk about yourself. Ask them about their day or their interests for a start. There are times that we get carried away and forget that other people have lives too. This is not just about talking but spending time as well. People are busy, we have homeworks, sports, church, and other things. Your significant other cannot spend all day with you every single day. This is important to form an understanding between the two. Rule #3: Alternation. Men are labeled as the head of the household. In the old days they worked while the wife stayed at home and took care of the children. It is very rare to see that in this economy, both parents work. Alternate on who pays for dates. We cannot expect guys to pay for everything. This helps with budgeting and “prevents conflict regarding the fairness of your relationship when it comes to money.” - My friend, George. I think of it as a “You drive, I pay situation.” My boyfriend can do both but I don’t want him too. For example, at homecoming, my date paid for the dance tickets and I offered and paid for dinner. Seemed fair to me. Tool(s) needed: money. Rule #4 : Don’t be so materialistic. “Appreciate him or her for their personality rather than the things they give you.” - George. I see girls online tweeting “relationship goals” on pictures of other girls receiving Louis Vuitton purses from their boyfriends. What high school student in this district has that kind of money? There is probably some but still. Isn’t dating about the company and not the gifts? This is necessary so you don’t seem like an ungrateful gold digger. Receiving gifts are great but whining about receiving them is just terrible. Tool(s) needed: a heart. Guys love to spoil girls and girls love to be spoiled. I believe that it should work vice versa as well. It is so uncommon in this era. There are so many expectations that aren’t clearly talked about in relationships which lead to misunderstanding. Be independent. Don’t expect so much from one person. You never know what could happen, you might break up.


  1. Very practical and straightforward advice that mostly parallels my own opinions, bravo. The only idea I deviate from is chivalry is not dead, people just don't associate the concept with females, as in, women can't be chivalrous and it falls to the men to have chivalry. Also, tastes do differ in people, so your advice is quite sound, but your scenario isn't the only that can succeed, just depends on the people actually trying in a relationship. In a perfect world, everyone would at least try to follow these steps, but it's not a perfect world, and yet differing relationships still prosper with gold diggers, and other wacky archetypes. Lower expectations is a virtue in everything, equality is always a good goal, and independence is key to survival. Magnificent reasoning and a rational view of the world, very nice brain you got there.

  2. Nice little Keys to (Relationship) Success here, hope you and your boyfriend last!

  3. This made me smile so many times throughout reading it. You have such a gift to be able to write such a comical "how to" piece. I clicked on it expecting a list of supplies, then a list of directions. You incorporated all of those things in an entertaining, relatable, and funny way. Awesome job, Pat!
    -Marissa Putrick

  4. I love the way you emphasize that as girls we should take a stand of our own and no be afraid or shy to go after someone we're interested in. Along with the fact that we shouldn't have to wait for guys to make the first move or be perfect. Instead there should be a balance in the relationship for it to actually work. Very well written, good job!- Aileen Munoz

  5. I like the spin you put on the traditional "how to". People always say that life doesn't come with an instruction manual, but maybe your piece could be the first installment. Relationships are tricky, and a little advice to help get through them never hurt anyone! Nice tips!

  6. Wow! Nice job Patricia. I enjoyed reading this, it is so relatable and very helpful. “Appreciate him or her for their personality rather than the things they give you.” I totally agree with this.

    -Sirikanya Boonyanant

  7. This piece is very true and realistic, I think many girls need to realize what you talked about. I also agree that dating is for the company and not the materialistic things. I love the thought you put into it.

  8. Wow! This proves that there are girls in the real world who understand healthy relationships! I totally agree with your stance on how these relationships should operate, it should be a give and take from both sides not just one side doing all the work. Your format was very clear and I enjoyed reading it.

  9. I agree with your entire how to. It is important, especially in this time period, to overcome the fear of being rejected because you truly never know what can happen unless you actually try.

  10. I laughed really hard and I am not sure if I was supposed to, the culmination to the intro where you said what your how to would be about just was so unexpected to me. Anyway I enjoyed the concept of this story and like your take on this How To.

  11. I really liked rule #2, its really applicable to any type of relationship and sometimes we all need to be reminded of that.

  12. Haha Pat I can just picture you writing this! I thought this was fun to read and you have some pretty good advice and views on relationships and the roles men and women play and should play in a relationship. Good job Pat.
    -Celeste Martinez

  13. I suggest that all young women read this piece, its great in that it eliminates that stereotypical belief that a guy has to chase the girl and do a bunch of stuff to win her affection. I loved reading this piece and I have suggested it to my cousin who is also facing a similar ordeal. -Brian Rojas

  14. I enjoyed reading this because it shined light on the idea that men do not always have to be the man in the relationship, it can go both ways, its a very creative subject to write about, and relevant to many people especially around this time of year.

    -Sienna Carbajal

  15. This is a "How To" that is most definitely applicable in today's relationships now that we do have Twitter and "relationship goals"...yikes! I enjoyed how you incorporated the quotes from your friend, George, smoothly throughout the story. The writing was simple and flowed nicely and I believe the last few lines of this story are so important for some people in relationships to understand and take into consideration. Well done!

  16. Can I just say that this is exactly what every girl should know, I cannot stress enough how important it is for girls to love themselves before/instead of wanting love from someone else, and I could not have said it any better. This was very well written, fantastic job!!

  17. This made my day! I don't think anyone who reads this can get through it without smiling at least once! What I absolutely loved about your piece was that its so unlike the typical relationship advice one would expect. We live in a new age where gender roles just won't suffice in a healthy relationship, and its so important to remember that. All that's important is enjoying the company of someone you truly care about. Nice job! I have to say this is one of my favorites
    -Pavia Omolewa

  18. "Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that you are desperate."
    Such poignant advice, and the way you included it in your "How To" made that fact much more palatable. Shout out to Kevin Jackson for hooking up the "cuffing season" guides, and props to you for making this so informative and hilarious!
    -Christopher Trevino

  19. This was very comedic and made me laugh as soon as i saw How to survive Valentine's Day single. lol. I feel like teens of our generation need to read this because i feel like this is idea is important in maintaining relationships nowadays. Great piece!

  20. I really enjoyed that fact that you stayed with the independence of women and how we can take a stand. Your advice was great and very informative. Nice work!

  21. Very true, Very true! Props to you for learning the keys to a successful relationship, and thanks for sharing, we all need to be reminded now-a-days.

  22. Entertaining and humorous. I laughed and nodded in agreement throughout the piece. It is straightfoward and blunt, which I admire the most. It is a wonderful "how to" piece, which is truly enjoyable. Great job!
    -Jerelle Medina

  23. This is a cute story, I enjoyed reading the tips on how to get a boyfriend it was very entertaining. Great job :)
    -Kathlyn Juarez

  24. Wow aha this is a very relatable post that people should know I really loved reading this piece I enjoyed the topic of your writing well done very informative some should take into consideration
    -Paige J

  25. This was really informative and one of the most relevant how to's Iv'e read. I like how although you are already in a relationship you still felt the need to spread this information. Extremely relevant and so cute. Great Job Pat
    -Nahome Woldearegay

  26. I loved it, because you stated what you wanted to say as an independent woman understanding herself the fact that it was a how to made it enjoyable.

  27. Your beginning was super cute and I am so happy for you and your boyfriend. This was so well written and very true. I completely agree with you that a lot of us have expectations that are too high and your steps on how to lower them were so well written and to the point yet still fun to read and with a personal touch. You did a wonderful job. :)

  28. This writing was so cute! And it is perfect for this time of year. I like how you implemented quotes by real people to display the authentic touch of human life and that way not resembling just a playful fiction. It was very funny as well so I give you props for that. Great job!

  29. Your piece was creative and funny. Great job. I like how it was the reverse and it was entertaining and informative thoughout.

  30. Good piece I like how you made it funny in the beginning to catch the readers attention
