
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Blue--He Had Brown Eyes

He had eyes, they were dark brown, but glossed over now. He seemed to be around the same age as me, maybe we could have been friends if it weren't for the standing situation. He was a private by rank, I could see it on his patch. I say “was” but he's lying right in front of me, clutching his rifle with a shocked expression stuck on his face, as if he were stone. All the color that may have been on his face before has been flushed out, leaving his face white as snow. Funny thing is, I'm not exactly regretting my actions, or at least I'm telling myself that. I mean he was going to shoot me if I didn't pull the trigger first. Or maybe he would've surrendered, after all he was alone. Was he a deserter? Maybe he didn't agree with what he was fighting for, if he even knew. After all, I was drafted and maybe he was too. Forced to fight for something he didn’t even understand, against an enemy who he himself had no personal quarrels with. No. Truth is I am afraid. I'm afraid that my soul will be damned to hell for killing another of God’s children. I'm afraid that I may see this young soldier in my nightmares. But that doesn't matter. What matters is him. And he's still staring at me just as the moment I shot him down. Hell, what about his family, what if he had kids or someone he loved? How will they get along without him? I'll be a murderer in their eyes for taking him from them. I can’t even conceive the spiral of emotions that they may face when hearing of his end. I could guess he had a mother by how young he was and I could guess that this news would be heartbreaking and I would be the one who put her through the pain of her own child’s life being taken away before she could have her final words. I can only hope they had made their peace before he left. Or maybe he was an orphan who had no one to look after him. That scenario doesn’t make me feel any better, in fact it makes me feel worse, thinking he had no one who cared for him. I would be the one who had ended his dreams of ever coming back to find love or acceptance in this mad world. That’s it. This world is the reason why we were put in this situation and why I’m even drawing up scenarios based purely on the fact and observation that he was in his youth before he was shot. Would he have done the same for me? If this was the other way around would he have pitied me? I wondered, staring blankly into his eyes. But really, maybe I should just get used to this. Maybe this the first step of becoming a true war hero and I just have to keep on going and not question my superiors. Come a couple of years they'll look at me with respect. That's if, if I live that long. I wonder who else feels the same as I do. Who else has wondered of their first kill, was it someone who seemed to resemble them as well? My mind is full of questions that I’m asking for the sake of a dead man so maybe he can lay to rest and I can put my mind at ease. I’ll close his eyes so can sleep and just get on with the war. I see his dog tags and read the information to myself, “Frederic Bernard”. I repeat that name in my head as I go on. Frederic Bernard, the kid with brown eyes.


  1. Outstanding story delving into the mind of a soldier, I always love war stories. Yours conveys to me the typical thought that no one ever really wins in war. Frederic obviously didn't win, and the speaker didn't win either since he has just gained more weight on his conscience. Intriguing and marvelous as always to see how each soldier views war, and how they justify what they do, when in the end, they have to keep moving forward, or die trying.

  2. I loved reading this I didn't want it to end! Great job!

  3. War, War never changes... It's always interesting to view a war in the eyes of the soldier. Nice job, azul.

  4. War is an intense subject that brings out a lot of emotion, and you captured these emotions very well. Nice job!

  5. I love the twist you put on the story by giving the soldiers point of view. The thought process and inner conflict makes it easy to connect with the soldier and know the kind of person he is as he stands over the body of a fellow soldier and contemplates his actions. Great job love!

  6. I really enjoyed how you did a war story this was one of my favorites I have read great job.

  7. I enjoyed how you got to right to the heart of the theme. War. Is war just a justification for mass murder? What are the morals of war and what can I as an individual really do about all this besides fall in line or be killed myself. But at what cost? I find it difficult to grasp all the horrible atrocities that occur during war. All the senseless killing. Thank you for bringing this perspective into my and others lives.

  8. wow! this is a very impactful story. you seem to be able to relate to the emotions of the story which makes it that much better, truly great job. -Courtney Jacques

  9. I really enjoyed seeing a different side of war and a more sensitive side to soldiers. I love how the descriptions of the boy in the beginning tied into the descriptions at the end. Very compelling story that I could see a whole book centered around!
    -Chloe Hopkins

  10. Wow, is all I can say. Who's is the real enemy? Is it the soldier on the opposing side, is it yourself, or even the war? I don't even know. In war the lines between right and wrong are blurred, and you captured that perfectly. Fantastic story, great attention to detail, and great imagery.

  11. Blue! Gosh this was so amazing and real. I feel like you really captured the feelings a drafted solider would feel after their first kill while also posing a serious question to society and our past.

  12. The change of perspective really got you thinking of what goes on during times of war. Rather than just knowing war is bad, this story shows why it is not just bad but terrible. -Joshua Kidwell

  13. I think my first thoughts drifted to the civil war and how Americans killed Americans but we never realize that the people who we call heroes and veterans killed people and they probably don't feel great about it. Sometimes we don't understand that it's more than just a war but the killing of other human beings who have families and lives just like we do.

  14. Very nice story Blue. I am fascinated with how heartfelt the overall text was. War is something that some love, and others hate. Some soldiers fall into despair, and others come out stronger. This story shines a light on such.

  15. Very thought provoking, definitely leaves the reader wanting to hear more about what will become of the young soldier! Great read and good job!

  16. I liked your use of imagery when describing Frederic's dead body. Your vivid description of how the narrator was feeling and his thoughts really allows the audinece to feel what he was feeling and it changes perspectives on wars when viewed from home front.
    -Oyinda Akinnusi

  17. Cold world... war is war it never gets better only gets worse. Love the story!

  18. Amazing job!! This is a thought provoking the reader, it made me question what I would do in that situation and what people in war are constantly going through. Seeing the speaker's internal conflict reveals their strong ability to empathize and it helps intensify the meaning of the story, as well as the speaker's conflict about whether or not they made the right decision. You captured the difficulty and guilt of that process very well.

  19. Wow, this was amazing! I honestly don't know where to begin! You provided amazing imagery that allowed your piece to flow, and held my interest until the very end. As the reader, I was able to explore the thought process of a man now mentally scarred from the implications of war. Every emotion from empathy to self-defense and justification was captured quite effortlessly and it made the story feel even more real.
    -Pavia Omolewa

  20. I've always loved war movies and stories, and this is no exception. You did a great job describing the emotions, and it gripped me to the end. Nice work!

  21. I was hooked, great writing. -Naeomi

  22. Great insight on the nature of war- putting a very human touch- and highlighting both the negative outcomes to both the murdered and the murderer. Glad to see a character with remorse!

  23. I love how the scenery of war was created and the way the speaker revealed their emotions of doubt and regret as he is put into this situation and blames the world for the many deaths. The reader could easily connect to what the speaker is feeling as we get an insight to their feelings of killing a human.

  24. Wow, this piece, the imagery, its amazing. You did an outstanding job at showing how brutal war is to both sides and showing that there is no true winner when it comes to war. Great job Blue.

  25. Great piece, really enjoyed the concept and it was a very interesting read. Nice job!

  26. Great Job Blue! I loved how you showed soldiers mindsets and how they relate themselves to those who they are fighting. Keep up the great work! -Damian Echavarria

  27. Great story. Ik you have much more of this story to share and that one day you do.

  28. Great story Blue. I loved your imagery and your consistency to add detail pertaining to each character. I also like that you approached this war story through a different lens, very thought provoking. Great job!
    -Nahome Woldearegay

  29. This was great I loved the first person perspective in the eyes of the soldier. It was so much better then just hearing about a war and being told numbers but actually giving a name to the lifeless body made your story have a better connection to the readers.

  30. Wow this was fantastic. I love how you managed to bring the reader into the narrator's perspective with the intense and descriptive details. The inclusion of his regretting thoughts and predictions of what could become have made a great addition to your purpose. Great work man!

  31. WOW! Great ending to the story. That last line is something powerful. Since the first couple of lines the piece already struck me as very detailed and the bits of self- reflection embedded throughout the story was the icing on the cake. Also, the thoughtful questions the chracter seems to ask himeself, great touch! Excellent Story and perspective writing.

  32. A very grim and realistic portrayal of war. Excellent job. Thank you for your submission

  33. Your perspective and plot development was really authentic. In your first few sentences, I already knew it was gonna be interesting. I honestly don't have any constructive criticism, your perspective was fantastic.
