
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Malco--The Cubicle Call

*tick, tick, tick, tick* Tom sat at his desk, staring aimlessly at the computer monitor, matching the rhythm of the clock with his ballpoint pen against his gray desk. Nothing but ringing phones and other average Joes complimented the noise of the office clock, which hung on the wall next to the “Number of Customers Served” board that hadn’t been updated in months. After a few seconds, the light on Tom’s phone flashed, and he picked up, ready to give the customer his “full” attention. “Thank you for calling Stockade, my name is T” is all Tom got to say before being interrupted by a stern voice. “Direct me to Management. I don’t have all day.” Tom, so very concerned by the man’s urgency, replied “Yes sir, of course. If you could just tell me your 10digit account number I could” “Do you know who this is? ” retorted the man, who continued, “Derek, Derek Bro c ade ? CEO of Stockade , the company you are currently employed under?” “I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to” “Don’t be sorry. Just means I don’t call around enough. What’s your name kid?” “Tom. Tom Quest, sir.” he replied cautiously, worried not to speak out of tone. In a teasing voice, the other line repeated, “‘Tom Quest, sir’. Sir? How old do you think I am Tom? Matter of fact, don’t even think about answering that. Well, since we’ve already stalled my progress today, I might as well act like a good CEO and ask questions that make it seem like I care. How do you like working in my company Mr. Quest? Be honest.” Considering his options, Tom started and said, “The pay’s decent, the work environment is friendly and” again, cut off for the fourth time this conversation. “I said honest Tom. Honesty is the best policy. You know who said that? I did, just now. So go ahead.” “Well, to be honest Mr. Brocade, I hate working in the cubicles. I hate having to answer phone calls and being bossed around by the nation’s “top 1%” on how to manage their money and stocks, my boss’ breath always reeks of coffee and cigarettes, and Jared and Tritia from Financing are always in the cleaning closet ‘sleeping’” ranted Tom. “Whoa slow down there Questlove, I’m not your girlfriend and I definitely didn’t ask for your life story. But your complaints are taken into consideration. Now pay very close attention Tom. Were you following the news this past December?” asked Mr. Brocade. After a moment of thought, Tom did recall the news headlines going into the new year. “Yeah,” he thought to himself, “you bought out Ronald Grump and Grump Towers”. “ You acquired Grump Towers, I believe.” “Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. Now listen here Mr.Quest. You have a name that sticks out to me, and a personality that seems semidecent other than the boohoos, which is more than I can ask for after dealing with these corporate chumps my whole life.” he said sarcastically. “ I was currently going to ask your boss about his personal favorites at the office, but I don’t think I have to. I’m going to make you an offer that any sane man that works in a cubicle would accept. And you will accept. Okie dokie?” “ Questlove? is this guy serious?” At any rate, Tom wasn’t sure if he was being pranked by the guys at the other branch again, or if this really was Derek Brocade. So, pretending to be a sane man that works in a cubicle, and going with the benefit of the doubt, he simply replied, “Okie dokie.” “Good,” Brocade said excitedly, “so here’s the job. Grump Towers is currently under renovation to become my personal man cave. I think I’ll call it the Bro tel. Get it? Hotel? Brocade? Nevermind. I need an assistant in managing all the busy work that comes with my nightlife, social life, and money life. And since you’ve taken my time, you are going to pay it back. Through “servitude” to a very wealthy man. By servitude I mean a better paying job. You’ll be working out of the top floor with me, and I could care less if you took breaks at the many beautiful night clubs and restaurants Mr. Grump has so kindly gone bankrupt from. So, let’s go on a “quest” together shall we, Mr. Quest?” Tom was confused, sweating, and oddly excited. He felt like he was about to become a Robin to Batman, C3PO to R2D2, or Donkey to Shrek. Still dumbfounded, all he could usher out was another, “Okie dokie”. “Awesome sauce. Now, about Jared and Tritia…” Mr. Brocade trailed off.


  1. funny how you made Donald Trump into Ronald Grump, and I don't know but quest reminds me of a cartoon I used to watch called Johnny Quest. anyways Nice story I liked how an ordinary day can turn to getting promotions. -Erick

  2. The way all of the words come together in your story make me want to read it more & more. Great job(:

  3. I loved all the pop-culture references, I love your humored style

    1. Another very effective way of capturing our thoughts as well as our sense of storytelling. I love the cubicle-worker to high roller concept you used: it made the story that much more enjoyable and relatable. Great job my man.

  4. I really enjoyed this piece! I feel like your writing flowed smoothly and I like how you portrayed the characters and their personalities as the story progressed. Nice Job! - Aileen Munoz

  5. I enjoyed how the characters names' explained their traits. I also thought it was clever to make a seemingly boring office day turn into a "quest".

  6. I liked your piece a lot and how you turned his normal day at working in a cubical not doing much into him getting a great promotion and talking to the CEO something he probably thought he would never do just sitting at a cubical. Good job!
    -Maite Vano

  7. I liked the piece. The main character was able to rise to the top, or so we think. We don't really know anything about this mystery caller, only what hesays. Your story leaves it open to the reader to decide how the story ends.
    -Anthony Giliberto Jr.

  8. I enjoyed the humor very much! I also very much liked how the character's personalities unfold

  9. I really liked your story. It was funny and very well written. Great Job -Leila Cornett

  10. you do a good job of story-telling and I agree with Matthew,all the references aided in how relatable and humorous the story was.

  11. I liked your story a lot and how the piece was written .
    -Ashley Lowman

  12. I really like how you incorporated humor and comedic elements into an original idea. Your imagery and use of dialogue really helped to convey the differences, and later, similarities between the two characters. Great job!
    -Chloe Hopkins

  13. I apparently missed a few of the pop references but I really liked your piece nevertheless. It gave me unrealistic dreams for my future but also a new goal.

  14. This was such a fun piece to read. I loved the detailed imagery in the beginning that made it so easy to imagine the setting. I also enjoyed the humor, and sarcasm. Great job!!!

  15. I really liked how you included humor in your piece. Overall nice job with the story line and style

  16. All the puns as well as the references to modern life make this a very enjoyable piece to read, the writing is fantastic as well. -Brian Rojas

  17. I like how you used Ronald Grump, made me laugh haha, anyways great piece!

  18. The story itself was written beautifully. I loved the dialogue and the characteristics given to each character right off the bat. Great Job!
    -Emmanuel Huntspon

  19. I can relate to tom a lot class sometimes gets boring, but i love the way the characters are introduced!

  20. I can relate to tom, class can get slow sometimes. I love the way you express each character

  21. I liked this flash fic, it was different from all the others, especially the humor entwined in the story. You did well on portraying the modern office job, and I liked that you used imagery. Nice job!
    -Oyinda Akinnusi

  22. This piece Is very entertaining, and I love how the characters interacted with each other.

  23. I really liked your story! It was written really well and engaged me the whole time. I especially loved the Ronald Grump reference. Great work!

  24. I loved how well written and funny this was, definitely my type of story. Overall great job!

  25. I enjoyed the piece. I liked how it all came together and the references to pop culture.

  26. I love the references used in this piece. One of the few funny works. Keep up the good work!

  27. Clear and concise points and interesting, nice! -Naeomi

  28. Love the dialogue and detail in this story. Keep up the great work! :)

  29. You're a literary thug Malco, your words robbed me of all my sadness and propelled me into a world of joyous fantasy! The jaded cubicle employee trope has largely become tiresome and drawn out, but you've managed to give Mr. Quest some internal dialogue which really makes the reader involved! For example, when you say he's "pretending to be a sane man working in a cubicle," it really drives home the exhaustive, poorly lit atmosphere of Quest's work environment. I want him to party in those Grump Towers! Bravo!
    -Christopher Trevino

  30. This piece of literature that you created sounds so natural, I loved it! The best part about it was the way Mr. Quest made a comparison to him becoming Mr. Brocade's Robin, C3P0, and Donkey, it was quite original.

  31. I loved this piece, it met beyond my expectations.Your creativity was truly revealed, and i wished that this story was continued.

  32. Great story, the characters are memorable the layout is very amusing. Good Job Malco!

  33. Your piece was hilarious. I loved how you brought in Donald Trump. Very creative and the personality of Tom is great. Good job!

  34. I enjoyed the imagery presented in this piece very much. I liked how it seemed so real in how an employee explains his job to his boss and how he tends to sugarcoat things at first in order to not give a "bad" answer. It sheds a lot of light on what life could be like after we enter the job world.
    -Jeremiah Eugenio

  35. Loved it! The story line was fun and light-hearted not serious which is a nice change from many of the other posts. For some reason Brocade made me think of Michael from the Office. Good Job! -Luke Riddington

  36. I liked the plotline of the story it was quite entertaining and I enjoyed the different personalities of the characters. Good job :)
    -Kathlyn Juarez

  37. i really like your humor use, it made the piece more fun and easy to read. Nice job on imagery as well. -Shaniya Trotter

  38. Got a real good chuckle out of that. Good story, very light-hearted.

  39. "Donald Grump and the Grump Towers." Favorite part by far. The personality of Brocade is almost too real and I definitely love his personality and the way he teases with Quest. And of course the comparisons with Donkey to Shrek and C3PO to R2D2 are very clever. Very engaging read Malco, good job.

  40. The imagery in the beginning made it easily to connect to the setting, I liked your main character his personalities unfold through the story it was amazing.

  41. Haha. Your story made me laugh at Grump. I like the fashion you told your story in; beginning with the sound effects and ending with allusions.

  42. Not ashamed to say I was continuously laughing throughout the story. I really appreciated your use of diction and the little side references to today's culture. Also, you found a way to develop the plot thoroughly as well as drop hints about how Tom views today's society so excellent Job. Now about that supply closet joke....

  43. i enjoyed reading the different personalities of the characters, it was very open and nice. -janier

  44. i love it, it was very creative and i love the different characters parts.

  45. All of your allusions are very humorous and well delivered good job. Thank you for the submission.

  46. Hey Malco! Wonderful read! I appreciated the nice political jabs as well as the complex characters. It was incredibly entertaining to read!

  47. Such an amazing piece. Wonderful characters and very creative.

  48. Somone definitely took good notes on "pop culture". This was hilarious I loved it
    -Bobby freeman
