
Wednesday, May 4, 2022



Tales of Shadow People come from everywhere in the world. These “Shadow People” wander through the perimeter of our world, just barely out of sight. Most people say that they cannot make out any noticeable features on their faces and they seem to have gender. These entities sometimes simply walk through our bedroom at night and they are never seen again, while others lurk in the shadows for long periods of time. However, they all have one thing in common. They leave victims laying in bed, terrified.

My name is Barbra Macholfenschtein and I’ve studied Shadow People phenomena for as long as I can remember, and from my research I have come to the conclusion that they really exist. Due to the fact that they have absolutely no distinguishable features, people assume that the shadows that people are seeing are just a figment of their imagination, coming from the silhouettes of objects in their peripheral line of sight, like clothes hanging in a closet or a lamp, but I know better. Thus, I can’t seem to pull myself away from reading about Shadow People encounters online or in the library whenever I get the chance. After some thorough research and my personal experiences with these shadows, I have been able to categorize them by behavior so anybody who reads this can be aware of what they are dealing with.

Harmless Shadows. These are the ones we see as kids that cause us to look under our beds at night. They appear to walk throughout bedrooms, without even seeming to notice the people in the room.

Evil Shadows. These entities are known to just sit and watch its victims with big, bright red eyes

The Man with the Hat. He is known to appear at your bedside or in the doorway to your bedroom, unmoving, just standing tall. Victims of The Hat Man often feel as if all of their breath is sucked out and they feel paralyzed under his gaze, not able to move or speak.

A lot of the encounters that I have read about are the same. . The victim wakes up suddenly in the middle of the night to a terrifying human-like creature standing at the foot of their bed or in the doorway to rooms and closets. They feel as if the creature is sitting on their chest because they can’t breathe, move, or close their eyes. As suddenly

as it started, the figure seems to disappear into thin air, and the person regains all movement. Psychologists call this sleep paralysis. Some say that these “visions' ' come from being in a state between asleep and awake and are just because your eyes haven’t adjusted enough to signal to your brain that whatever is in front of you is just a coat hanging in your closet. This could also explain why you feel as if you can’t move, because your body isn’t fully awake. Though that would be a less terrifying explanation, the people who have reported seeing Shadow People claim that they are not asleep when it happens. They report waking up to these entities being directly in their line of sight, as if the creatures themselves awoke them.

No matter what these entities actually are and regardless of what they are here for, my advice to you would be to sleep with your lights on, because once you see a shadow person, it will never stop haunting you.


  1. This is an eerie post I like it but It really gets you to think. It is a bit creepy but is a goof piece. -Nya Clemons

  2. I really liked this piece. I have always been a huge believer of paranormal things, so this was definitely right up my alley. I loved how you included different "shadows" people have seen and how you tied in seeing them to sleep paralysis. I enjoyed this piece, thank you for sharing it with us! -Julissa Zavala

  3. I really liked this piece. I am a huge believer of the paranormal and so this was definitely right up my alley. I loved how you included the various "shadows" people can see, and how you tied in sleep paralysis to seeing the shadows. Thank you for sharing this piece with us! -Julissa Zavala

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece! I liked the interpretive take on sleep paralysis with paranormal activity. I felt like this would be an amazing foundation for a horror movie! Great work, Maniyah! ~Meghann Domond
