
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Our Last Collection of 2022


Copyright: boboling

We have made it and the end is here.  With just a few more weeks of the school year upon us, we have our last collection of writers to view and comment.

There is a total of 8 pieces for this month.  You know what to do:

1.  Read ALL the submissions.

2.  Choose your favorites, at least 3.

3. Write positive and helpful feedback for the writer.

4.  You may leave your comments here on the Blog or on our Canvas Discussion Board.

5.  Use a chrome book, laptop, desktop computer.  Do not use your phone.

6. Comments and feedback due Monday, May 16th

Class of 2022,

I want to thank you for taking this class and contributing your creativity in your original pieces displayed here on the blog as well as in the classroom.  I reflect each year at this time and am filled with the bitter sweetness of May.  This is always a hard month for me because I see a plethora of emotions on your faces each day as Graduation approaches.  

I have enjoyed our time together, although a short time, it has been OUR time.  Thank you for sharing your found poems, your sonnets, your dance photos, your "goodies", your celebrations, your smiles, your tears and your YOU, with me and all of us!

Remember self care.  You are an ever evolving human.  Take care of YOU.  Always.

The blog is here for you to visit when you need to feed your SOUL!  Don't be a stranger.  Our paths may cross again in the future.  Until then, enjoy these last days of your senior year.  This is a most special time for you.  

Be Still. Breathe. Live. Create.

All my love,

Mrs. Solano


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