
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Unthoughtful Words--Silia

I didn’t mean it. I was angry. The words flew out of my mouth before I had the chance to
think about the damage my words would cause. It wasn’t until it was too late that I
realized what I have done. I hurt her and little did I know that it would hurt me even
more in the end. But what has been said cannot be unsaid and not even all my “I’m
sorry”s will bring her back.


  1. Structurally, I'm impressed at the way the shortness of the piece really emphasizes its message. The whole idea of losing control for a moment and not thinking having drastic effects something is common and profound really. The story describes a single moment with life long effects yet it all happens in a couple lines. Great read.

  2. This was a very sad and thought provoking piece. It makes me not want to be mean to anyone because you might now see them next time. Great job!

  3. Even though this was short, it said a lot. In a few words you captured precisely what regret feels like. I really liked how perfectly you were able to convey our brains' second-by-second thought process when we say something hurtful in the heat of the moment.

  4. The shortness and effect only enforces the meaning of the writing. It really shows that little things you say have a big impact on other people.

  5. It is amazing how you were able to covey mystery, intrigue and emotion is so little words. This is truly an wonderful story.

  6. I like how every single word has a huge impact of the overall message of the piece of how losing control for a short amount of time can truly have a huge impact to your life. I love how although the piece was short, it captured the reader's attention to find out what the speaker is exactly talking about, yet kind of know what the situation the speaker is facing. Overall, you did a fantastic job!

  7. I love this piece so much!!! I feel like a lot of people could relate to this, not only those in a relationship, because sometimes I do this with my mom and at the end I feel so bad for even opening my mouth. - Martina Panganiban

    1. I totally agree with you. When i was writing this i too thought of my mom and all the times ive talked back and argued with her and the more i thought about my actions, the more i regretted it because if my mom was to die tomorrow i dont think i couldve been able to live with myself knowing that in her last moments she was hurting because of me.

  8. This piece does a fantastic job at demonstrating how important it is to filter our words before we let them out. Great job, I was drawn in immediately.

  9. The shortness of this piece has no impact on the power of its message. While people may says "words can't hurt you", they definitely can. The tongue is the most powerful part of the human body it has the abilities to both build-up and destroy our relationships with the people around us, so use it wisely.

    1. I totally agree with you. As well as with how the tongue is the most powerful part of the human body, in my opinion, anger is the most powerful emotion that the human has because if it is not controlled (like our tongue) it can destroy something that has maybe taken months to build within seconds.

  10. Alittle can convey alot which was demonstrated in this piece. It is very true that what is said can not be unsaid, that is why we should think before we speak. Love this piece!

  11. Your piece was so small but it had such a big impact. You were able to express so many feelings and thoughts, good job!!! -Erika Eklund

  12. A lot was said in this piece through such little words. It was very empowering and shows such a deep message to the audience. Great work ! -Alexis Chiong

  13. This is a very short piece but such sentence and word is organized so well that it gives such and intense message that gives me chills. Good job!

  14. Your piece was so powerful.I immediately began to rethink all the angry words I have said to multiple people in my life, hurting them and later realizing I did not mean it but it being far too late. Your piece definitely got me thinking about the effects my words I have on others and how words are irreversible. Thank you for contributing such a thought-provoking piece!
    -Bryanna Torres

  15. I love this because, it show how little words can have the biggest impact. I like how you were also able to write this with such emotion and few words.

  16. I love how you said so much with such little words. This is an amazing piece, I love the structure and the meaning. The way it is in first person and a conscious thought really provokes emotion even more. Loved it!

  17. I think the length of this piece really emphasized your message. The length of the piece made us, the readers, focus and place much more emphasis and meaning on each word. I really made us scrutinize each sentence, much more than we might have in a long drawn out story. It is not how much you say but rather the impact those words hold.


  18. The shortness of this piece really makes what you said very powerful. I like how you were able to get your point across with just a few words

  19. I really enjoyed this piece it has a strong message, by showing that words hurt and its hard to take the back after they were said.

  20. The brevity of you piece is directly related to those short moments of anger we sometimes have. The fleeting moments and the immediate regret felt afterward. These feelings are so distinct and understandable and you writing helps it flow.

  21. Your piece taught an important lesson with few words with an impacting lesson which is very impressive! It really made me think about actions and how i should act in the future, as well.

  22. Your piece taught an important lesson with few words with an impacting lesson which is very impressive! It really made me think about actions and how i should act in the future, as well.

  23. I love how powerful this piece is beginning from the title, to the few but meaningful words. This is a great piece because it really shows the impact of our words and how our words affect others. People affected will carry these "unthoughtful words" with them for their entire lives, and I love how you really depicted this by saying that even a few words can be just as impactful and powerful as paragraphs. Amazing piece overall!!
    -Gabbie B.

  24. The simplicity of the prompt really brings about the reality of saying something that you don't mean.There's really not a lot of time to make up for it and the shortness really highlighted that. I know that sometimes I say things that I don't mean, and it's always hard to make it up to that person. You did a really good job and I applaud you for making it so realistic. More often than not, the guilt of a mistake lingers. Good job.

  25. Such a short story but you got out the message so incredibly, I love the meaning that this story has, a lot of people can relate. Great Job
    -Melanie Salazar

  26. Short and still very impactful! I enjoyed this, I really did. I love that you showed how quick words are said and how short your fiction was, really conveys to your audience how little can be said but so much

  27. Your piece says a lot and I think we can all relate to this. We often times say things in the heat of the moment when we're thinking with our emotions and it does at times end up hurting others.

  28. This peice is short yet the message behind it leaves a very big impression. I love that the story really pushes you to read between the lines. Great job!!

  29. Well, hotdog, that was great. That was a beautifully written and so impactful. With the few words used you manage to have an immense impact. It gave room for other imagination and feelings to grow more curious. It shows few words can go a long way.

  30. The truth is, anger is an emotion that all humans can embody. The way it is channeled is the important factor. Like many others, I can definitely relate to this because I have said things when I was mad that I later regretted. This piece was written well and allows the reader to understand the importance of thinking before speaking, whether it be a joke or while angry.

  31. The brevity of the piece reminds me of the tiny stories we did in the beginning of the year. It sends such a powerful message that a few words can mean a lot even though it may not seem like it, just like your piece. It reminds me of my past mistakes and how the present could have been drastically different if I just kept my mouth shut. A very powerful and excellent piece. -Ethan To

  32. This short story hit on a topic we all have, where we accidentally say something hurtful and can't take it back because we didn't take the extra second to think about what we were going to say. Thanks for bringing up this topic we can all relate to.

  33. I truly like this piece and how us as readers can add our own interpretation as to what was said and how the girl ended up hurting herself. I commend your ability to express such a message about quick tempers and saying things you don't mean and how that affects the lives of those around you. Great job.

  34. I was really impressed with the amount of power you were able to put behind a small number of words. I enjoyed how it was extremely relatable since I am sure we've all said and done things we didn't really mean in the heat of a moment.

  35. Though it was brief, I really enjoyed this piece. I, myself, am guilty of speaking without thinking of what I am saying or the impact that my words may have on the person I am speaking to; my mother can vouch for me. Reading this piece was like attending a therapy session; it made me reflect on what I've done and target something that I need to work on in the future. This piece was very powerful. Splendid job!

  36. I can truly relate to this. There have been several times where I regret the words the came out of my mouth and my apologies were too late. Then I realize I should have just kept my mouth shut. This piece clearly explained how people need to think before they speak and your message was delivered instantly, good job!

  37. That was short but very deep and powerful. It is always a good idea to think before you speak and I know I could be a lot better about it.

  38. Wow! I love how relatable and sincere that piece was. It's refreshing to read something that doesn't have a happy ending.
    - Andy
