
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Sleep Paralysis- Martina

               It was 3 in the morning when I woke up from my deep slumber, and I stayed there looking at the door.  My nightlight was turned off, and the only thing I can see was the dark outlines of the inanimate objects in my room.  In the corner, was my study table, I tried to look at it but my eyes went back looking at the door.  I tried to move my arms, but they stayed in place, then I tried to move my legs, my arms again, then my eyes again, but still they stayed in place.  In the corner of the room there was a shadow, but I tried to wave it off convincing myself that it was just dark and an illusion, but it moved.  I could feel my heartbeat quicken as it got closer, and it reached out to me as if it was trying to get a hold of my neck.  The moonlight gave me a better view of it, but it was almost as if it did not have a face, just a cloak.  When it was a foot away from my bed, as it was about to grabbed my neck it grazed it instead.  Then it started to chant in language I was not familiar with.  He got closer and leaned down, and the headless creature came near to my face.  This thing had eyes as red as blood, but it was almost as if it was glowing, again he started to speak in this language that I could not comprehend.  He leaned down even more so that he would be in close proximity with my ear, then he whispered “Wake up…” and I did.  That morning though, when I went downstairs my family was dead.  There was blood on the floor, walls, carpet, and furniture.  On the other wall, where our grotto was, was the only one clean.  I need to wake up.  This must be a dream.  Surely it is a dream.  Why am I not waking up? I NEED TO WAKE UP.  WAKE UP!


  1. Whoa this story was very chilling and mysterious. Your description of sleep paralysis was spot on, it felt like I also couldn't move when I was reading this. Great job!!!!

  2. Sleep Paralysis is such a scary experience especially when you have it for the first time. I didn't know if it was just me or not that saw inanimate objects and shadows come to life as you laid there frozen, unable to move. I had an experience where I was unable to move but gradually started to move my toes until I was able to get everything else moving and I got out of that position I was in but only to "wake up" frozen in the same position again. Now, I know that sleep paralysis is basically when your brain thinks you are in REM sleep so your body can't move because your brain doesn't want your real body to move when you are moving in your dream but you happen to be conscious. I've read online that you can take advantage of sleep paralysis to enter a lucid dream. But anyways, good job!

    1. I have read the same thing online and tried it once, but it did not work. I think I just ended up in an even scarier nightmare... Thank you for reading my story though!!! - Martina Panganiban

  3. Wow! I really connected to the whole idea of sleep paralysis because i get them once in a while. You described the sleep paralysis in such a detailed way that it allowed me to picture myself as the character undergoing the sleep paralysis. I also found it interesting how you completely shifted the events of the story when the character found their family dead. It was the last thing i expected, but this only added to my captivation into the story. Great job.

  4. Your story is amazingly terrifying not only because it introduces the relatable imaginative fear of the dark and sense of helplessness we've all felt in it, but also because it seems to blur the line between dreams and reality except with gruesome outcome. It's crazy to think of being trapped in a dream or a dream being reality or not knowing the difference. I loved it. Why wasn't the other wall dirtied?

    1. Thank you for reading my story!!! The other wall was not dirtied because an indoor grotto was there, where people usually put a miniature statue of Jesus or Mary. - Martina Panganiban

  5. Great story! The ending took an interesting turn.

  6. Woow, this was spooky! I've actually had this happen to me once...not the killing part or the headless figure, just the paralysis part. It's not fun. But anyway, great story!

  7. WOW! The ending was definitely not what I was expecting. I've never faced sleep paralysis but from reading this, that sounds so terrifying. I did have moments where I would be confused whether I was dreaming or not. I remember one time I woke up from my nap and asked my dad a question in regards to something that happened in my dream and he made the most confused face and asked if I was ok. Your use of diction and imagery really stood out and made your piece seem more realistic. good job!

  8. I really enjoyed this piece. It is a very interesting topic full of imagery. It speaks to a universal fear and that is what makes it all the better! I am exceedingly glad I spent the time reading you work.

  9. I really love all the detail you put into this piece! You really captured the terrifying and unnerving moments that come about during sleep paralysis.

  10. woe. just woe. This sounds like a scary movie waiting to happen. I couldn't imagine like that- in the pitch darkness, not being in control of your body, a super scary monster, better yet seeing your entire family dead! The imagery you used really adds to the overall suspense of the piece and its insane! Great Job girl!!

  11. Very errie!! Love the imagery you incorporated in this piece. It really captures the mysterious and scary feel of sleep paralysis.

  12. The topic of sleep paralysis is terrifying relatable at times and your story really highlights how being seemingly paralyzed can cause your mind and body to react abnormally. Your use of gory imagery emphasizes the fear of the intertwining of reality and dream state and I love it! Great job!

  13. Wowee, i wasn,t expecting that at the end. Sleep paralysis is so scary and this description of it was just the right words to describe it. Spoooooky!

  14. This is unsettling to say the least... but I still want to experience sleep paralysis! Great job!!

  15. I really got the chills while reading this piece! Sleep paralysis is so scary and you really captured the fears anybody would have if they were in this state. The darkness and blood really brought the dream to life and brought out common fears of the darkness and of mysterious apparitions. Amazing job!
    -Bryanna Torres

  16. I love the details you used to make the story seem so real. As a kid, I used to always be afraid of whatever was in my room when it was dark. Good use of imagery and sensory details as well. :)

  17. This gave me the chills (in a good way) it was so creepy, but so full of description that I felt all the emotion provoked. I've always been very interested in sleep paralysis so this was super cool to read!

  18. You did a really great job with your use of imagery in this piece. I have experienced sleep paralysis a couple of times and reading this made me quiver with the thought of that memory. Great job!
    -Alison Bohorquez

  19. wow this piece was really spot on for the whole sleep paralysis part. i liked all the detail that you put into this pice because it made me feel like i was there.

  20. I'm honestly really freaked out by this but at the same time I think it is very intriguing. Well done.

  21. This story hits somewhat close to home actually. I suffer from sleep paralysis probably more often than what a healthy amount is and I've heard stories of people with sleep paralysis seeing demons while they are stuck and that scares me. Praying that something like this will never happen! But anyways great piece and very intriguing!

  22. Sleep paralysis and night terrors are so frightening and you made your story seem so real by your great usage of imagery and detail I truly enjoyed reading this!

  23. okay so this was creepy. I knew I had to comment on your piece when I saw the title because I have lots of experience with weird dream phenomenons so I can definitely relate to you. I love how you ended it and leaving us wondering, "well did she wake up??" You used great detail and imagery and really painted a picture for your audience. -Vanessa Lai

  24. Every child has had a nightmare they wish they could have waken up from, but, your story makes me question what was better: staying in the nightmare, or, waking up to something even worse. The dark imagery really pulled the story together and gave it a demonic feeling. I suppose I'll be sleeping with a night light today.

  25. I am so glad that I have never experienced sleep paralysis. You used a lot of good imagery and I can really tell that an experience like this is something that can really shake someone. Sleep paralysis is a truly terrifying reality. You did a really good job bringing that terror to life.

  26. Such a great story, This gave me chills the way you described every detail of the creature, Sleep paralysis is such a scary thing to go through! great job
    -Melanie Salazar

  27. Despite the creepy description of sleep paralysis you have definitely intrigued my curiosity of it and I look forward to my own experience.

  28. This work describes sleep paralysis perfectly! I used to get these so often, and every time I would finally wake up from it, I would be so tired that I would fall back asleep, within seconds, straight into another one! Anyways, your descriptions are great and the twisted dream that follows the sleep paralysis at the end is also really well done, and it adds a lot more to the work. Thanks for sharing!
    -Chris Kerwin

    1. Same!!!! I used to be so afraid of falling back asleep when I get those in fear of getting another... - Martina Panganiban

  29. Sleep paralysis is terrifying on its own, I get it every once in a while, but you took the scare meter up several notches! With sleep paralysis you sometimes do see dark figures and shapes, and the possibility of harm is the only thing racing in your mind. Its a horrible feeling and you captured it well. Nice job.

  30. Wow! This story was something else, but in a really good way. It was so detailed. It kept my heart beating faster and faster.

  31. Wow, such an amazing story! The details given to the shadowy nightmare creature showed how much time went into crafting the terrifying atmosphere. And it leaves you in suspense, really nice job!

  32. Your story was super well written! I did not expect it to take such a turn, but the ending perfectly describes the emotions felt in the instance of sleep paralysis. Well done!

  33. This was a very interesting story and you had me intrigued throughout it all. You chose a very good title because right off the bat I was interested. Very good job!

  34. I really thought this was a personal narrative when I first read this, which shows how amazing you did describing the situation. I've had sleep paralysis and I'm glad that I never actually open my eyes to some strange creature lurking in my bedroom. A great piece overall! -Ethan To

  35. This story gave me chills. It is well written and has great imagery and detail. I was anxious the whole time of what was going to happen next. Great job

  36. I've heard of sleep paralysis, but I never knew what is was. It truly sounds like an inescapable nightmare. Your use of vivid imagery really tied me into the story and I was quite impressed by the shocking turn at the end.

  37. We all at some point have a bad dream that we can't wake up from because our brains think we are still asleep, so we are stuck in this state of perpetual fear in the nightmare. Thanks for sharing a point that we all experience in our lives but are usually reluctant to share with others.

  38. wow this story really gets ya going. It was very mysterious and i loved it. Your description of sleep paralysis was spot on,
    and i was not expecting that ending.

  39. Loved the suspense in the story! Great job writing a piece with such great imagery that captured me every second!

  40. Good job providing vivid imagery. This gave a hint of mystery and an eerie vibe. Once I read the title I assumed your story wouldn't really end right because sleep paralysis is pretty frightening. Thank God I've never experienced it before!

  41. Wow that was frightening! Sleep paralysis sounds incredibly scary and I hope I don't ever have it. Great job!

  42. Oh my goodness I am speechless! I hope I never have to experience that.
    - Andy Burgos
