
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Defying the Box--Jeyovana

The box is a confined space that lacks or has limited creativity and lacks enough space
for the free flowing of ideas. Creativity is the flow of ideas that exists outside the norms. It can
come in several different and unique forms that might only be clear to the owner of that idea of
creativity. Creativity is open to different interpretations of what it truly is and the various levels
of it. I look at certain art forms and situations and based them off my expectation of what is
considered to be the box. I look for things and solutions that are outside the box in order to come
up with unique situations that might give insight to the situations.
This box traps many individuals and prevents the flow of ideas. My creativity is not
limited to the box, however, because I am an out of the box type of thinker. For instance, during
orientation there was a station that me and my team had to solve a series of puzzles in order to
move on to the next station. At first, no one could solve the puzzles cause they kept doing the
same thing and were expecting different results. Instead of jumping straight into it after my first
attempt, I stepped back and analyze the various different ways I took approach this problem.
While everyone was focused on the inner part and working outwards, I decided to look at it from
a different angle and started to work from the outer parts and work my way inwards.
This method turned out to be the correct one and helped to solve the puzzle. My unique
problem solving skills shows that creativity does exist at different level because me looking at
the puzzle from a different perspective that was different than others resulted in the completion
of the puzzle. The box consist of those who think that creativity is the only limited to art related
forms. Creativity is anything that exists beyond the limits of this box. The elements that exist outside the limits of the box are endless because I know that if I remained trap in it I cannot
express my ideas fully. I would be limited to only the ideas that me and the rest of the world
thought of and there would be not originality. Exploring ideas outside society’s norms allow me
to constantly see the world through different lens.
“The Box” is a trap that hold ideas hostage and does not want the creativity to penetrate
it. Creativity stimulates the imagination and imagination is vital to sustaining my control within
the world. Without creativity and imagination, life becomes nothing but constant repetition. The
Box lacks the ability to sustain an environment affluent of ideas and it contains the societal
normal way of living. The normal way of living is to not question anything and to repeat the
same actions and practice the same methods over and over again. These limits need to be broken
in order to create something that is out of the ordinary and once the limits are broken the
creativity is able to prosper.


  1. I liked this thought as a individual who enjoys being creative. Being able to solve a difficult problem or creating something amazing is extremely satisfying. The way you explained this was nicely done :). One thing I wanted to add was that a boxes aren't that bad. I believe that we need boxes of singular ideas and make them into something new in order to be creative. We can take the material of the box or whats inside. We just need to be able to know how to use the boxes.

  2. I like how you show your unique way of thinking. It's good to find different ways of looking at the world or any problem you coe across. Great Piece!!!

  3. I enjoy your metaphorical use of the box in order the emphasize the stunting of creativity and freeness of the mind. I also very well like your own reflection on personal perspective and the analyzation of your own thoughts! Very well written, good job.

  4. I enjoyed your explanation of how limitations may affect individuals from expressing their uniqueness and creativity to the fullest extent. You encourage people to express themselves.
    - Kailah O'Brien

  5. I really enjoyed reading this piece! Very intriguing to have you explain the concept of "thinking outside the box"! Now if only I were capable of doing so.... hmmmm. Again, great job!!

  6. I like how you first explained the meaning of creativity and originality before you delved into your topic. It is important to inform your readers of certain concepts that have mixed definitions and interpretations.

  7. I remember writing about creativity a while back, and I think you have entirely encompassed what we believe it is and how many people choose to express it.

  8. I'm really impressed by how visualizing "the box" came so natural to you. It was really interesting to see that concept from another perspective.

  9. Your metaphorical description of society's "box" on creative individuals wishing to express themselves without set boundaries and biases. Great job on this piece, your potential for writing is so bright and don't let anyone halt your creative side!

  10. I really loved reading this! It's always true what they say "you have to think outside the box" and with you doing that you get a taste of your creative side and that's always a good thing. Good job !

  11. I love how this piece really made me have to stop and think about the topic. I really enjoyed your explanation of how society's "normal" way of thinking traps people. I agree, I think sometimes people think that staying inside the box is the best because if everyone does it then it must be the only right way, when there are actually a million different "right" ways to think.

  12. This something I often think about when trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life. It's good to know other feel the same way about challenging themselves and others.

  13. This is such a wonderful piece! I was first drawn to it by its' title because I was wondering how you would be able to defy a box. But once reading more into it, I completely agree! I loved your puzzle example and just how this piece was written! I can strongly relate to trying to "defy the box" and by just overcoming challenges and not allowing any restrictions prevent you from being successful. Amazing job!
    -Gabbie B.

  14. I like the organization of the piece, it helps it make sense and provides the reader with an understanding of the meaning. Then following to gives us your experiences continuing to better our understanding, awesome!

  15. This is such a intriguing piece. I like how it's consistent through out the entire piece which made it easier to understand. Well done.

  16. I really like how you opened this up. I really caught my attention. I also really liked how you gave a clear and understandable example to help explain what you were trying to say. I really like how through this writing you expressed your own uniqueness.

  17. Your unique style of writing is what caught my attention instantly especially the title. Your perspective of life should be seen in multiple ways and not just one view point. Awesome piece!

  18. i thought this piece was very good some wonderful imagery, there will always be obstacles and i think this piece has a great theme that shows how to handle it.

  19. Your introduction captured my attention and I couldn't stop reading. Having the ability to think freely and beyond social constructs is amazing and it allows you to seek more knowledge.

  20. I like the fact that you compared creativity to a box. I also like the fact that you have somehow been able to break outside of the "box" and show us that we all need to take a step back and think differently from time to time to solve a problem.

  21. Enjoyable analysis, Great work. Good choice of a thought-provoking topic.

  22. You're metaphor of "the box" and your interpretation of creativity is really interesting and really opens my mind. Your work displays how creative you are and how it has no limits. I really enjoyed reading this piece

  23. This is a great piece and I admire your efforts to persuade readers to think outside the box in order to improve and change society, keep life interesting and exceed their limits

  24. I like how you summed up conformity as a box that you can't place yourself in. I think many of us agree in terms of our creativity, seeing as there are no rules or expectations for what we can create. Really nice piece.

  25. Enjoyable piece, it's nice to see how people are aware of how creativity is sometimes ignored, or seems like it's confined to a certain area. unable to be seen by others.
    - Francis Talla

  26. You explained the Box in a new and interesting way that I have never considered. Great job!

  27. The piece lay out an interesting interpretation of a daily object. Indeed, a box can be interpreted in many different ways. Yet, that is also true for many other, if not everything in life. Everything is simple while complicated.

  28. It takes an intelligent person to step and analyze their situations and not act on them spontaneously. I appreciate your perspective on the aspects of creativity and how you work hard to let it flow easily and not be hindered by these outside forces.
    -Nwojo Abba
