If zombies started to roam the streets eating your close friends and family what would you do? Would you be prepared physically? Mentally? Although a zombie apocalypse may never occur in your lifetime, it is always beneficial to prepare for extreme occurrences that require prior planning and knowledge to aid in your survival. As a close family member of individuals who are actively serving in the military and or Veterans, I, Emmaline Torres, will be your guide to plan for a disaster... zombie style!
#1 The first thing to prepare for a zombie apocalypse is to watch the movie Zombieland, a 2009 American zombie comedy film directed by Ruben Fleischer starring Jesse Eisenberg (Now You See Me, Batman vs Superman), Emma Stone (Cruella, La La Land) , Woody zharrelson (Venom, The Hunger Games), Bill Murray (Groundhog Day, Ghostbusters) and many more amazing actors and actresses. If these people can survive through an apocalypse, so can you. This may sound silly but the movie has a list of survival rules that will help you. Let’s Get down to the nitty-gritty.
1. Need to be able to out-run zombie (good shape)
2. Do not be stingy with your weapons
3. Most vulnerable when sitting on a toilet so beware
4. Need to be ready for a crash
5. Last thing you want is to have too much luggage
6. Do not risk your life just to make yourself look good
7. Stretch/ be prepared
8. In case you are caught off guard know a way out
9. Cannot always count on yourself
10. Check for zombies hiding in the backseat of cars
11. Maintain happy and sane state of mind
https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.talenthouse.com%2Fitem%2F2222344%2Ff418f2a8&psig=AOvVaw0GvudA2KrvYD XKX5nXR6zJ&ust=1635023175236000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCMiQvaT23vMCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAQ
#2 Stock up on MREs (meals ready to eat). The Meal, Ready-to-Eat is a high calorie meal in lightweight packaging made specifically for service members when out in combat. It comes in a small package with a decent amount of food that will keep you full. You do not have to be in the military to be able to purchase them. On average an MRE can last 3-5 years and over 10 years if stored in a cool area well under 75 degrees fahrenheit. 4 Purchase some canned goods as well so to go along with your pre packaged goods.
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSnIaH5q7oKDNWdOikIcEmBGCoyGpxyX5BoNA:https://m.media-amazon.com/images /I/91-l5nnNAYL._SX569_.jpg&usqp=CAU
#3 Become friends with a member of the Kardashian family so you can get into their expensive underground bunker. Most families living in America do not have an underground bunker to keep them from the outside world. While the Kardashian bunker will save your life, it does not guarantee that their family won't drive you mad. At least you can finally live the lavish life you have always been dreaming about.
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.dailymail.co.uk%2F1s%2F2021%2F04%2F09%2F04%2F41526646-9452133-image-a-37_16 17939219831.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Ftvshowbiz%2Farticle-9452133%2FKeeping-Kardashians-Kim-Kardashian-s hops-survival-bunkers-entire-famous-family.html&tbnid=9qEfHJmU9lSHfM&vet=12ahUKEwjAr-nQkN_zAhUEhZ4KHeg-DPsQMygAegQIARB4 ..i&docid=d5Od4C5Sa5muuM&w=634&h=357&q=kardashian%20bunker&safe=active&ved=2ahUKEwjAr-nQkN_zAhUEhZ4KHeg-DPsQMygAegQIA RB4 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ4eNo-HWIgC2R7ugzKYNkBTBCfN2rUc2TeI4c0u1aWDfOeg_GW3av8AmHZe082 59G81DI:https://media.radiocms.net/uploads/2021/04/09113948/1_SDC_MDG_-kim-kardashian_19193JPG.jpg&usqp=CAU
#4 Learn how to fish and hunt. If it is safe to live above ground then a good skill to acquire beforehand is fishing and hunting. You won't be able to go to Target or Walmart and pick up groceries anymore so you will have to fend for yourself. Since most humans around the world will be zombies, it will be just you and the natural world. Fishing teaches you great skills like patience and persistence. Even if you do not have an area to fish or hunt near you, you will need persistence when it comes to taking down the zombies. One wrong move and you are done.
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRXE24JhJGORIOUkkHsZwbswuqi-kC-WigaCRBa9VPXAWqMA5dZtKWp9u14K64E7s K_I00:https://meekerchamber.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/hunting_fishing_page_meeker_colorado.png&usqp=CAU
#5 Adopt a local dog from your nearest animal shelter. You cannot rely on humans all the time but a trusted guard dog, lazy pup, little munchkin, or schmoopsie poo will always be by your side. Dogs sense danger and know when their human is feeling blue. A zombie apocalypse will most likely have you feeling down in the dumps so adopting a dog is the best way to go. Dogs also teach you responsibility which is a characteristic everyone should obtain at some point in their lifetime.
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTE7woVUqrYzBiYmQDZNv-6ynbrKR7cspvrE2uaJrrYm-7HpxmQNE_tRuXxgV78Y5P wVX8:https://lifebeyondnumbers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/dog-best-friends.jpg&usqp=CAU
I hope this guide helps to keep you alive and well no matter what type of disaster you may be planning for.
Emmaline this is a great How To post! I love the "befriend a Kardashian" step as that is something doable for many haha. I think you did a great job encapsulating the necessity for preparing for a zombie apocalypse. Great job!
ReplyDeleteHi Emmaline! I think this is a very creative post, especially with all social references. I think you did an amazing job trying to bring the audience together and creating a satirical environment. -Pooja Patel
ReplyDeleteWonderful step-by-step guide while still being comedic. While yes, a zombie apocalypse is completely fictional, I believe that if it were real, your steps would actually hold true. It's an enjoyable piece of fiction that references the real-world which I favor greatly.
ReplyDelete-Francisco Rosales
As a person who enjoys zombie media, I had a good time reading your piece, Emmaline! While providing useful tips and commentary, you also included comedy which made this piece even more entertaining. Well done!
ReplyDelete- Kylie Andrews
I really enjoyed your "how to" guide and appreciate the comedic twist you chose to put on it. I would never have thought to try to rationalize an apocalypse for the blog and I love your creativity. Your references to modern day pop culture like the movie "Zombieland" and the Kardashians really furthered the intrigue of this piece. I loved your easygoing tone throughout this piece and it almost felt like one of those scenes where the main character talks through rules, just like they did in Zombieland. It was a truly amazing guide!
ReplyDeleteI truly appreciate you listing out some important details everyone should be aware of if a zombie apocalypse were to ever arise. Zombieland is such a great movie and its very funny so I liked to see you drew some inspiration from there:)
ReplyDelete-Isabella Meza
I loved this! The intro made me want to keep reading and I am glad I did! Who knows, we never thought we would be in the middle of a world-wide pandemic but here we are, definitely taking notes!
ReplyDeleteI thought this piece was amazing because not only did it give some helpful tips, but it also added humor to the mix. I thought the Kardashian part was hilarious.
ReplyDelete- Julissa Zavala
Great post, and great website. Thanks for the information! ซีรี่ย์ฝรั่ง