
Monday, February 24, 2014


Visual Inception
            Have you ever met somebody who didn’t look their age? What about reading something differently than what it actually said? Through our eyes, we send signals to the brain to memorize and recognize different surroundings and people. However, sometimes we can tend to perceive something in the wrong way or in various ways. For example, visually seeing strangers, we make assumptions that create false information as to who they truly are. “HI! What college do you attend?” “Oh, I’m a freshman.” “WHAT. YOU LOOK LIKE YOU’RE IN COLLEGE! YOU LOOK SO TALL AND MATURE AND, etc...” “Lol. Yeah I get that a lot.” These goofball conversations are all fun and games but really make you wonder “Why did I see him/her like that?”
Another visual inception that is widely controversial today is the understanding of religious texts from The Bible. Throughout history, our great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great………..ancestors have always tried to interpret and share their understandings of this great, great, great, great, great, great……..REALLY OLD text. Even up to today, we still ponder upon said old text and relate them with our lives. However, because of differences in interpretation, many religions have branched like the Orthodox and Anglican Churches from the book. These branches visually perceive the text in a way where they felt it was either different from the original meaning or disagree with the teachings from it.
To just sum it all up, our eyes are evil beings and are the reason we can’t be like care bears or power rangers. Overall, perception has always been an interesting thought. Why is it that we see people as something else? Why do we read the same text but understand it in different ways? I guess it comes down to seeing further than what is seen. Visual inception? No, overthinking.


  1. Really insightful. I wish I was a care bear or a power ranger.

  2. I love the line about care bears and power rangers! Lol but this piece really made me think, especially about seeing people differently than they truly are. It's like people watching; we look at somebody and can almost immediately sum up what we THINK their story is or what they're about just by their appearance or the way the present themselves, but again WHY do we see them that way? Food for thought, most definitely!

  3. Dang...this was like some literature inception! You really got me thinking why we see things the way that we do. Definitely an interesting topic to think about. Nice job! :)

  4. This really made me think about how people are so quick to judge. Why do we do that? think people really need to get to know the person before they make an assumption about a person. Great job!

  5. I love the irony in the end, asking if it is inception or over thinking and yet you/we are over thinking the idea of different perceptions. Fresh idea, reminds me of how Mrs. Solano always says to question everything.

  6. Very interesting & insightful. It showed me a good understanding of how you think. Great job!

  7. This was really good. I loved how you showed the reality and truth of our world. Everything in this was true. Good job!

  8. I thought this was hilarious, especially "lol. Yeah I get that a lot." Who actually says "lol" when they're talking? This entire visual inception was mind blowing.

  9. This was a really interesting subject to write about and did a great job explaining what you though about it

  10. hmmmm....never thought of the idea of peoples percepetions before, but it really is an intresting topic! Im just glad we have the abiltity to think our own thoughts unlike the people in Brave New World! Great topic.

  11. When I think of reading and visual inception, I think "words within words within words within words...." as I'm in a dream within a dream within a dream. Thought provoking!

  12. This also proves how your first impression to someone means a lot or is very important because we take what we first see and make infernces and assumptions about that persons life story. good job.

  13. I really like your conclusion. I was thinking of possible answers to your questions and when I read "over thinking", I realized that was exactly what I was doing LOL. You brought up some very good points, reminds me of how we all have different interpretations for the same poem.

  14. this was so quick what the heck! aha please expand. You can't just open like three cans of worms and leave them! You gotta coax the worms out of the can with words. i feel like the religion discussion was a great point and wish you would have spent a little more time, drawn from personal experience, what does visual inception lead us to? You played it real safe in asking more questions than giving information, i hope next time you reveal a little more of your insight. I know what i think, i'd like to know a little more about what you believe.

  15. I understand what you're saying, perception is everything. I have some people coming up to me thinking I'm a Freshman, and others thinking I'm 21. It just depends on what one thinks before knowing

  16. Very insightful I have me a different of how people see other people

  17. I'm happy you chose to write on a topic not many people think too much about. I liked how you didn't just focus on the visual side of this, but other things that have other interpretations as well.

  18. I can see what you are trying to say, but could there be a little more? I really liked it but I want to hear more on the subject. But this was great! I liked it!

  19. Very Interesting perception there! I like the way you perceive perception. You also made brain hurt a little towards the end.

  20. This was an interesting topic to think over not just how we see others visually, but the way people form a unique interpretation of something, and how its something personal to them; yet its strange that with these various perceptions we manage throughout to conform to something and become linked.

  21. Pretty insightful topic and explanation, i enjoyed reading your piece. interesting style as well.

    Aside from that though, it was an extremely well written piece. I loved how it connected physical anatomy with our mental perception of things. Now im thinking more into why it is that I see some people different than others...

  23. Interesting topic. Very insightful and makes the reader think. Quite simple, but sent a great great great great...message :)

  24. This is something even myself don't often think about and how what and why we say certain things. good job!

  25. If i say so myself i thought the crossed out text was super funny, especially because no one has done that. I agree with you on this one though, our eyes are evil.... no im just joking but we do judge before we actually meet someone and thats a bad habit. Who knows whats right and wrong anymore?

  26. you literally just blew my mind. this piece was comical and is definitely something different then what is usually read on the blog but i found it funny (especially the part about the power rangers)

  27. It was great to see your perspective, and how it relates

  28. This covered so much in such a small amount of words, however I'm glad it's short because it leaves us all with the chance to ponder these questions ourselves.

  29. Very Insightful and interesting!!!!! Good Job

  30. This is so good! I really liked how you thoroughly explained that we all have our own perceptions into people, that is why so much of our world is being based on judgement and you brought a good topic because we experience these types everyday in our lives. Great work !

  31. I love how in the end, you put over thinking and ohh that crossed out line, made the piece, it was brief but you got the point through(:

  32. This was very intellectual. I'll be honest I didn't get half of it, but it did get me thinking. Good writing!
    - Hannah Mueller (12) per.3

  33. I loved how this made me stop and think. Great topic!

  34. you got the wheels in my brain turning so fast hahah, wow... this was really good, it made me really think about the way i perceive things! great job!!

  35. I super like these a lot because they make me think a lot. It's so true how we all have different opinions about this. I also like how you brought religion in this too.

  36. The way I start looking at people is a little different now because the first impression is everything. Well done!

  37. Thank you for your piece it is something I have never come up to. It really captivated my mind, and also made me think which was the golden grail. You presented an idea that is very disregarded in our human nature and that is that judgment which can be false, as well as our hunger for understanding and the struggle that is involved, and the way that you introduced that was really well done with the reference to the Bible. Although cut down on the repetition I see the emphasize you are trying to place but it is not working quite well. Other than that well done.

  38. The use of the "greats" was a bit much, but overall enjoyable! :D

  39. This is a nice to change to the way most of us, including myself, think on a daily basis. Really helps put how we base things off of it's face value in perspective.

  40. There are so many interpretations of interpretations and I loved how in this you addressed a lot of them! This was really good! Me gusta! Very thought provoking!
