
Tuesday, January 28, 2014


         Currently I’m watching the small black cursor on the blank computer screen flashing on and off the screen.  I’m trying my best to put words onto the screen and yet, it remains blank.  My fingers hover over the keyboard, but they never press down on those lettered keys.  They never form the words that need to be written.  I find myself moving the mouse and then the internet is showing up on the screen.  Minutes turns to hours and then I remember why I was on the computer in the first place.  I decide that maybe I should go downstairs and find something to eat and then I will definitely resume on starting this.  The hands on the clock seem to speed up, passing each number like they are racing each other.  Day turns to night and still nothing is on the screen.  Starting the daunting work is the worst part.  Most students in school go through this process when trying to complete something. 
         Procrastination, the word that defines our lives as students.  Specifically, procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something.  We all go through this endless torture of having to write that one paper due at 11:59 and not starting it till ten at night or the failed attempt to finish that one project, which was assigned in the beginning of the semester, and putting it off till the day before it's due.  We even do this with the simpler work we are assigned or the tests we have the next day. We seem to persuade ourselves that the morning of or the period before is enough to finish the assignment or to pass the test.  As teenagers, we always find a way to procrastinate on starting something, whether it be involving ourselves in social network sites, watching television, or playing video games.  We also seem to always have an excuse as to why we weren't able to finish or start the task we were assigned.  Everytime we get the grade back for that assignment, which we waited to do till the last minute, or the poor test score we received, we ask ourselves why we got this score.  Why did I wait till the last minute to finish or why did I not study for this test last night, instead of the period right before?
         As students we are plagued with this, as I call it, an illness of procrastination.  Right now, I am deathly ill with this illness.  I promised to myself I would finish this or at least start it during winter break, but now it is the night of the day it's due.  Throughout typing this, I still find myself minimizing this word document and going to the internet on my computer, all while I'm trying to watch my TV shows.  Even though I know this is going to be due, I still have procrastinated till the last minute to finish this.  After every time I've procrastinated on doing something, I make a promise to myself that next time I will give myself a sufficient amount of time to finish and yet I still procrastinate on doing everything.  What are the reasons I do this to myself?  Why do I wait till the last minute to finish everything?  What is the point of adding on the extra stress of trying to finish something?  I ask myself these questions every time procrastination gets the best of me.


  1. I definitely agree that procrastination is an illness. Procrastination seems to be our worst enemy at school! Very well written, nice job :)

  2. Ha this is truly a great article that shows that illnedd that plagues me as well. But look at me I am defeating the evil scum procrastination and writing my comments on the very first day and not waiting til the last day as per usual. Intresting topic and well written!

  3. YES! Someone finally wrote something about the REALITY of us TEENAGERS! lol ! This is very true and when i do procastinate its usually on the deadlines that are due next week, next month, or even the the next day, i don't know why we do it but it is a habit that we need to stop but can't because it is part of life. We all have other things that are important to do first and the less important to do later, in this case usually the hardest one are to do later and the easiest are to do right away! This is a great piece Michael! good job!

  4. Haha did you procrastinate, this procrastination paper? ;) haha just kidding, but gosh, this is just me. My life is just procrastination. Good Job, Michael! :)

  5. Its funny how you wrote this on procrastination because my sonnet was about procrastination too. I personally struggle through procrastination just about everyday. Too bad there isn't a cure for this illness because it is killing me softly.

  6. I loved it because of the weird confusing irony that you are saying that you have nothing to write about and procrastinating but really, you are writing. The way you wrote it made me forget that im actually reading a paper but instead made me think that im inside the head of a procrastinator.

  7. michael. hahahahahahhahah You boob. I can guess your inspiration for this one. i dug the relate-able language. The common use of "we" was risky but justified due to the large quantity of students whom have contracted this "illness" I'd also commend your use of hyperbole, but part of me just doesn't see it as an exaggeration aha thank you for sharing:)

  8. this is the most relatable blog post ive ever read. you hit every point so perfectly Michael but now you made me feel bad for procrastinating... anyway, awesome piece. really thought provoking

  9. I love how you wrote about something that relates to us teens procrastination is such a pain

  10. Procrastination is an illness but that's why I take medication called coffee & it helps me do my work.. You should try it! Great job!

  11. I love how you wrote about this topic and I'm pretty sure everything about this is pretty true. Good job!

  12. Nice abstract idea! It really is something that's strange. I feel its some habit we pick up on as we face new things in school and become involved in new things. We label it as "Senioritis" but I personally believe its "Studentitis". Really awesome topic of choice!

  13. Michael this is my lifeeeeeee man!!! haha. Good read and nicely put together.

  14. I can relate to every bit of this piece. Awesome work and thank you for reminding me of my daily struggle. lol!

  15. LOL, Senioritis is indeed a terrible disease whose only cure is graduation, that is, until college knocks on the door. Everything you wrote, I feel like it all rushes through my head every time there's a test or project due the next day. You hit it right on the Nail!

  16. My god... This is exactly what is happening to me! Story of my life ugh. Good work!

  17. I feel like I go through this process whenever I have to type something for any of my classes and it just seems to be getting worse. I loved your conclusion sentence!

  18. Procrastination, Senioritis, laziness... it all sucks and you described it perfectly great job!

  19. this is completely and positively true, and it can be literally almost connected to anyone! liked the way you described it too (:

  20. Oh boy, waiting till the last second to do something, just like my comment, its horrible but you described it great.

  21. Everyone can relate to this and that's the best part about it. Nice work !

  22. breh!!! im diggin this too. im pretty sure everyone can relate bc they all procrastinate but this stuff tru and everything well written

  23. This piece is soo true. I always do all my assignments at the last minutes. This was a really good piece and I liked that you did it to something that a lot of students can relate to.

  24. hahaha, this piece was the definition of our lives, i found it so funny you wrote about procrastination when you procrastinated to do your blog entree. I wonder when we will find out the way to solve our lack of interest in things before they are due, if you find out be sure to let all of us know!!

  25. I understand that 11:59 p.m. struggle! yess I love how you gave real, relate-able examples of just how much we procrastinate as humans everyday. You speak the truth Michael!

  26. I am too fighting off the urge to procrastinate, it is like the demon to my angel: the angel being that of learning and the demon coming in and destroying everything. Nice job michael!

  27. I LOVE this, how I can connect makes me laugh!

  28. Yes ...don't you know AP stands for advanced procrastination. We are often the best at it too we are masters of waiting to do something until we absolutely have to. I founding ironic that you were procrastinating while writing about procrastination. Thanks for the honesty :)

  29. Yes Michael! This is the story of my life. I like how you ask the question "What are the reasons I do this to myself?" omg I don't know! You definitely reminded me about all those times I studied a class period before the test and starting papers at 10 at night. So relatable its crazy! Good Job my friend! :)

  30. So this is why I waited until the last day to write these blog comments haha. Good descriptions, good job.

  31. This has got to be my favorite submition. This is completely true and so many people can relate to this lol. good job.

  32. this is just perfect. it sums up my entire life as a student in three paragraphs

  33. a clear definition of me lol, your writing is great

  34. I think I. as well as everyone can relate to your blog post. Great Job!

  35. Procrastination is SUCH a disease. Everything you have written about is true here. This piece is very easy to relate to and has great style.

  36. This whole paper is so easily relatable! and its excellently described

  37. You are definitely right. I think this was a great topic because obviously all of us can relate to this. You described it perfectly!

  38. Yeah that describes all the deadline inflicted projects/assignments I have to do. Because procrastination is so easy and putting off ask doesn't seem bad. But I agree, that we need to be more self-motivated.

  39. Oh the irony. This piece was something we could all relate to. It is rough and I liked how you added the examples and personal things you do that distract you from working on schoolwork. But I know it's a struggle and I send you strength!
    Nice work on this one!

  40. Yes, I can relate to this, I am such a procrastinator. Great use of examples

  41. You have pretty much defined procrastination and used a great argument to define it further. It is true to its entirety whether we do it sometimes or all the time it becomes a habit that late turns into a parasite that feeds of you until things get bad you can no longer to anything about it. Except you it off its juice :) . still we should instead take the info that you have gave us and really take some action.

  42. I really enjoyed reading this. I can relate to this , procrastination too.

    -Garrett Lachase
