
Sunday, April 30, 2023

What Happens After--Taylor


The email had been sent out at 1:18 pm stating ¨An important update regarding your application to NYU is ready to view on your Application Status page.¨ I was in AP Spanish class and decided to wait until I got home. At 4:25 pm I opened my computer and sat next to my mom and sisters, a click away from my future that would start with a ¨Congratulations¨ or a ¨We are sorry to inform you.¨ For as long as I could remember NYU has always been my dream school, I had romanticized its big city lights, innovation all around, and a place where you could be and do anything. And plus who wouldn't want to go to a city where Gossip Girl was filmed, but that's beside the point. On my computer I read the words ¨A status update is ready to view¨ with the most fear, nervousness, and terror I had felt in all my 17 years of existence. I clicked on the link. My eyes lit up and I started to scream as the words ¨Congratulations¨ were the first thing that caught my attention. As tears rolled down my cheeks I couldn't have been the happiest person that day on December 15. Now that feeling of being on cloud nine only lasted for about a week, because after that I came to the realization that I would be in a city I've never been to, with nobody I would know, and be 2,752 miles away from everyone, and everything I've been surrounded by my whole life. I started to let the fear of ¨what ifs¨ and ¨doubts¨ take over, turning this amazing opportunity into something that would cause me worry and stress. I worried about what would happen after high school as the future is something unknown. I worried about making new friends, ending up alone, and figuring things out by myself in this new city I was going to call ¨home¨ for the next four years. But as I started to think more about it I looked at the positives of it all, I had got in for a reason, and this new adventure was going to be filled with so many new experiences and chances to try new things. Although leaving high school and graduating is going to be scary for not only me but the rest of the 800 hundred of the graduating class of 2023 at Etiwanda, I acknowledge that it isn't just me who is scared, everyone is but that shouldn't stop me or anyone else from experiencing and enjoying all the wonderful things that are to come. Do I know what's going to happen once I get to NYU, No. But that's the fun of it all. In this world, none of us know what the future holds and if we never take the leap of faith or take risks we will never experience the beauties of this world and all it has to offer. So if you asked me whether I'm ready to graduate and go to college I'd say hell no, but I know that everything is going to be okay and that a big part of me is super excited to start this new chapter in my life. 

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