
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Lunar Control--Francine

    Does the moon have control over humans? The moon has always been constant in all humans’ life as it rotates the Earth, promising to always provide light in our nights. This moon has been the center of global calendars and other custom beliefs. Earth’s natural satellite influences many factors within our environment such as controlling the rising and falling of the sea tides through its gravitational pull, as well as guiding corals to release their sperms and eggs into the ocean on a full moon creating a colorful blizzard of red, orange, yellow, and white particles. People often say that the moon affects their mood, energy and behaviors. They even say that the lunar cycle impacts our fertility, menstruation and birth rate. However, even though the moon and its gravity controls the water currents within the ocean, it does not affect the 75% of water in our human bodies. 

    Although the moon may not have many direct physical effects on humans, it could heavily affect humans psychologically. Most menstruations occur during the phase of the new moon which is when the moon is practically invisible. This is why people say that the lunar cycle affects fertility, menstruation, and birth rate since women are most fertile during their period. In addition, this is why some women are depressed, irritated, and have low self esteem while the moon is gone. In an experiment in 2021, researchers found that on full moons people get less sleep and more REM (rapid eye movement) in their sleep which can result in sleep apnea. The explanation for this sleep mishap is that lots of people tend to get anxious and a sudden change of behavior on a full moon. 

    Furthermore, the moon may have control over humans through the connection of time. In various cultures, the moon has been a reference point to calculate the date, meaning that it tells people when to celebrate holidays, fast for certain religions, and perform rituals. For instance, the Greek, Roman, and Chinese people use the 12 moon cycles and sometimes a 13 moon cycle to keep track of the seasons throughout the year. These seasons help them also determine when to harvest foods or collect taxes which can affect humans economically. Also, the moon was used by Christans and Muslims to tell them when to celebrate Easter and Ramadan which includes fasting for Muslims and for some branches of Christianity. The fasting process may affect human health as it can impact blood sugar control and blood pressure. 

    Lastly, the moon can control some behaviors in those who hold the custom of astrology. 25% of the people around the world have faith in astrology as they also believe in the moon’s role in their horoscope. One’s horoscope is determined by their zodiac sign which is based on the month they were born. All the different people with zodiac signs, also have different moon signs which are established by the exact time that someone was born. Believers of this custom believe that their moon sign can predict their future, personality, emotions, desires, motivations, strengths and weaknesses, and relationships. All of these factors can influence someone’s decisions, behaviors, and their interactions with those around them. 

     In conclusion, the moon may have control over humans whether it be psychologically, physiologically, or spiritually. The way the moon can influence human life is ultimately up to an individual's specific beliefs, customs, and perspectives. 


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