
Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Beginner’s Guide to Swing Dancing
So not too long ago I met my incredibly awesome girlfriend, Sarah, who is an avid dancer. She practices all kinds of styles of dance, but there is one particular style that presented itself to me, swing dancing. Swing stood out to me because of the Swing Club at our school, where Sarah is the vice president and I regularly visit. She has wanted me to participate in the club and learn swing so I can dance with her, but I had a small secret that really wasn’t a secret at all. I can’t dance. Not at all. I have absolutely zero dancing skills. But about a month ago, with the Swing Club’s Sock Hop Dance around the corner, I decided to throw caution to the wind and give it a shot. Surprisingly, I actually learned a bit. So, here’s my Beginner’s Guide to Swing Dancing, told by a beginner.
So the basic step of swing dancing is called, well, a “basic”. Not very creative but I went with it. The best way I can describe it is you stomp each foot and then lean backwards in a rocking motion with what’s called a “rock-step”, also not a very creative name. It sounds simple enough, and actually probably is, but I had incredible trouble with it. It was and still is pretty tough for me to lean backwards and then jump forward again quickly to do the stomp things, especially during faster songs. This basic is the step in between all the fancy stuff. You want to do a cool spin? Well first you do a basic, then spin the girl while doing a basic, and then continue into more basics. So basically, these basics are a very basic part of swing dancing.
So after the basics, we have the fun stuff. There are all sorts of moves such as the outside and inside turns, the pretzel, the barrel roll, and sweetheart hold that make swing dancing actually a lot of fun. The problem I encountered here was that, as the male, it is my job to lead the female into doing these moves. To lead, you have to be able to clearly indicate with various subtle gestures the move you want to attempt next. Personally, I suck at this as they’re a bit too complicated for my simplistic male brain to comprehend. These gestures include giving a slight push away to the left with your right hand on their left hand to indicate an outside turn, or a slight pull backwards and to the right with your right hand on their left hand for a sweetheart hold. Conceivably, I usually don’t lead when dancing with Sarah.
So I leave you guys with my take on the two key components of swing, the basic and indications. I know my comments on how terrible I am at these moves might make them seem a bit daunting, but it all stems from the fact that I am just a terrible dancer. It really is an easy to pick up and fun style of dancing that I recommend to all, even those who can’t dance. Cause heck, if I could do it and have fun, any one of you can.


  1. Victoria AndriessenApril 23, 2014 at 12:23 PM

    This is such a cute tutorial! Now I really wish I went to that Sockhop! Great Job Reyhan!

  2. "I decided to throw caution to the wind...", for some reason that stood out to me more than any other part, I really enjoyed the way you phrased that.

  3. I had fun reading your "how to swing dance" I even laughed in some parts. I totally feel you, I don't dance myself. I thought it was very sweet of you to give it a try anyways. The way you broke down the steps actually makes dancing seem doable :) Great Job!

  4. Gosh Reyhan! I think it's so cute that you decided to learn to dance because of Sarah :) I loved how your writing makes your voice stand out (idk if that makes sense...I could hear your voice through your writing?) and your humor was pretty great too! I loved the "simplistic male brain" line, it made me laugh. Nice job :)

  5. This was somewhat funny! I feel you man, like anyone can dance. This is a good tutorial great job Reyhan.

  6. Swing dancing is legit. I'm glad you got into it! I've always heard that since the guy leads, it's always the guy's fault. No matter what. Alot of pressure for us guys, right??

  7. Am I allowed to comment? I'm in Ms Cogswell's class....haha, Reyhan, I'm so glad you decided to do this topic! Your real-life humor translated beautifully. And don't lie to the people! You are a very good dancer! And you are also an "incredibly awesome" boyfriend.

  8. Im terrible at following dance steps but the way you explained it sounds fun, good job

  9. Thank you for sharing your personal experience with swing, it makes the reader feel as if they could do it since the writer did(: good job!

  10. I honestly can't dance either so from one bad dancer to another, swing dancing actually seems pretty fun, at least how you described it. You should really thank your girlfriend because simple skills can develop into something greater

  11. I like how you were able to turn a tutorial into something fun and add humor to it. You also made it seem that anyone could do it by expressing how terrible you were at dancing. This honestly made me want to try and swing dance as I was reading it. Oh and the way you incorprated your girlfriend in this was very sweet. Thats brownie points lol. Good job though!

  12. ma boy reyhan gettin it!!! this is actually a good start to newbie starters and was cute and fun to read breh

  13. Aw this is so cute! Props for this, I love how you say youre a terrible dancer, but you still stick to it! I love reading things about dance, good job! :)

  14. This is pretty adorable cause its from a beginner's perspective and just, dancing for the sake of your girlfriend. I could relate with the lack of dancing experience so its pretty brave that you approached swing.

  15. I like how Sarah was still able to motivate you to dance no matter what. I hope you continue to practice and get better with Sarah's help!

  16. I love how you decided to learn how to dance because of your girlfriend that's so cute the way you described the steps seems pretty easy! Good job

  17. This was such a great tutorial! makes me feel like trying swing dancing one day just to get the feel of it. Good Job!

  18. at first I thought swing dancing involved an actual swing.... I don't know how to continue from that. Good job by the way, very informative.

  19. How did I not think of doing a beginners guide to dance! As a ballroom dancer, I personally love this article! Lemme know if you ever need a partner, 'cuz dancing is definitely my thing! See you on the floor!

  20. say what say what the most handsome man in the world can't dance? aha me either man I just two step to everything, but with this I can now swing! good tutorial man thanks for sharing.

  21. I love that you took your personal stand to encourage others to participate. Even though it gives you the inferior position, it in a way tricks others to act as a superior and try it. I love the simple and do-able steps you give to us. Very convincing

  22. i feel like im intruding on a private lesson. Great approach to have a how to guide include personal experience. The paragraph format was a little iffy for me but I can imagine dancing is a complicated thing to teach through text. thank you for sharing:)

  23. I applaud you for being the bigger man and actually "learning a bit". Oh the things we do for love. I am a dancer myself and I think you described everything pretty well for a beginner. Nice Job!

  24. haha I was cracking up throughout your whole piece. Your not so subtle jabs at your dancing ability shows that all though you may not be the next olympian you truly put your heart into dancing. I love the fact that you made the step seem pretty simple. Honestly I never could have described the moves as simple as you have! Great job and keep Swingin'

  25. You have a great way of explaining how to dance you make it seem so fun and easy!!!

  26. OMG, now I wanna try this!

  27. Ha ha, this is so cute to me. I am not a swing dance type but I will definitely try this.

  28. Lols! That was a really cute and simple way for a guide! The personal experience adds the confidence boost to learn swing which is pretty important for newbies. Your emotional attachment with Sarah made this read even better, especially since I know both of you!

  29. I love how you gave us a tutorial but still added your own commentary and made it very comical and enjoyable! Great Job!

  30. Yeah, I remember when I learned the basics of swing dance xD good times.

  31. Yeah, I remember when I learned the basics of swing dance xD good times.

  32. HAHA, I still can't even dance. :) Thanks for sharing this though! It was super informative.

  33. This was really adorable and personable and humorous! Your ability to be lighthearted made this a really easy and fun read :)

  34. I love swing dancing! I completely understand how it might've been complicated for you because I tried to teach my best friend and all of a sudden the "basic step" looked more like rocket science. It was also really sweet that you learned just so you could dance with your girlfriend! I hope you had a blast at the sock hop!

  35. ok firstly, you get major boyfriend points for this! bravo! kudos to you! lol I actually really enjoyed this piece. it was light-hearted and funny and I even caught myself laughing out loud to this. I can't say I'll actually try the dance but hey at least I'll kind of know what to do haha great job!

  36. I enjoyed reading your piece on swing dancing. Great tutorial!

  37. Such a great topic choice: how to swing dance! I am glad you enjoy it so much and encourage others to do the same!

  38. I loved the conversational aspect you brought to the table, it was like I was listening to you explain this to me in person! I thought it was very sweet of you to include your girlfriend in the story and to admit that although you weren't good, you wanted to try something for her! So cute!

  39. I can't really dance that good either so thanks Reyhan I owe you man....

  40. It's so cute that you learned to swing dance because of your girlfriend! :) haha I've tried swing dancing as well and and understood all the steps in your "How to", you explained it very well. Good Job!

  41. you got some balls bro, rhythm isn't really my strong zone either... even explaining the steps is hard. great job.

  42. Lots of fun great job with your piece

  43. How cool! I was excited to read this once i read your title because I was actually considering to join the club, because swing just sounds so fancy and fun. I'm kind of proud of you for giving your girlfriend's interests a chance and supporting the art of swing. I liked reading this and now I know the "basics" if I ever wish on committing to a swing club in the future!

  44. Glad to see you experienced something new, swing does seem like something difficult but fun to experience. Good explanation (: -Rebeca Amezcua

  45. if i had a girlfriend i would learn to dance too. but i dont so im just gonna go watch game of thrones instead. but in the off chance i do get one i will make sure to keep this in mind

  46. LOL This is amazing. your own commentary just adds so much to this useful tutorial

  47. I hope everybody decides to learn swing dance because of you Reyhan. very very good idea :D

  48. This is so cool! I didn't even know you can dance. Thanks for sharing! Great job!
