
Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Quadraplegic...that's me.Trapped...that's how I feel. Alone...thats where I am in my life. Unable my job description. I can't dance, I can't walk, run, jump. I can't sweep anybody off of their feet. I can't get down on one knee to propose to my future wife. I can't feed myself, or even wipe my own butt; I am incapable of taking care of myself why bother living? I can think of one reason. Her.
    I watch her from my chair in the corner of the room. She is so good with kids, thay just flock to her. It pains me to know that I could never give her any. She smiles at me and I feel alive. She hugs me and  the feeling in my body is restored. For a split second I feel able and then I remember I'm not. "Hey!"she says casually. Her brown eyes full of warmth. "Hillo." I reply. Wow I can't even say hello. "I'll see you for Bible study later right", she says. "Of course", I say.We part ways.And that's it, that's all it takes to get me through the next day.
    We used to play together when were kids you know, before the accident. We would play tag, hide-and-go-seek, capture the flag, football, soccer, you name it. Our moms would joke about us getting married and growing old together. I always thought that after we graduated we would do just that. I never thought to cherish the moments we had together, playing tag and all. Now I am twenty five, she is twenty three and I can't even give her a hug or say hello apparently. Try getting a date when you can't do anything. Oh hey Julia would you like to take me on a date where you have to push me around in a wheel chair? feed me? and don't get me started on bathroom trips! God please, I need your strength, help me to find someone who I can love and be loved by.Help me to lean on your understanding.
    Unworthy...that's me. Lonely...that's how I feel. He has one of the biggest hearts and the cutest dimples. I sneak a peak at him during the church service, his little niece with her pigtails sitting in his lap. He is so good with kids. It pains me to think that I could never give him any. I found out early on that I couldn't bare children, I just never truly thought about it until now. I can't imagine anybody would want to marry a barren woman, especially a man with as much love to offer as Roman. God please send me someone to love and care for me liked Roman.
   It's so bright outside today. The summer breeze caresses my skin as I gaze at the most beautiful kindhearted woman in the world. My heart skips a beat as she comes towards me. She waves at me and smiles, I wave back beaming...And then she stops and her jaw drops and she begins to tear up ."What's wrong?", I say concerned yearning to walk over to her and comfort her. I lean forward and that's when I realize what I just did. Julia stutters, "Did you just wave? Your hand and... you leaned forward...but you can't ...but ????"And right then I knew she was the one God sent for me.


  1. Victoria AndriessenApril 23, 2014 at 12:22 PM

    I loved the switch of the characters point of views! Great Job Ocean!

  2. The way this was formatted is truly unique, and I commend you for that! The first paragraph really tugged on my heart the most. Very well done!

  3. I love your story. When I first saw the word "quadraplegic" I had to look it up because I had no clue what it was. I really liked your story because it reminds us that miracles do exits and all we have to is keep our faith and our hopes high.

  4. OMG Ocean, this was perfect. The fact that they both found themselves unworthy of each other was just AGGG, perfect. I thought they were going to part ways, but it ended so happily! Amazing job :)

  5. This was amazing! I really like how the speaker in the beginning is the man and then it switches from the girl and then back to the guy again. This is perfect, it reminds me of a movie but i don't remember the title but it seemed familiar. I loved this story. Good Job Ocean!

  6. This was the best submission posted. I haven't been as impressed at any other. I thought for a second that you were recycling a story or a movie while I was reading it but if this is original, well done.

  7. This was great, I liked how you showed what they both felt and thought, good job!

  8. Holy cow!! this was so amazing! i absolutely loved it! You took the story in a beautiful direction, it warmed my heart (: good job!

  9. Such a sad but beautiful story. The switch of perspectives really helped me understand the mutual feeling the two felt

  10. I literrally read that last part twice! I had to make sure my eyes didnt decieve me. You couldnt have written this any more beautifully. im speechless! the format..the different points of view....the plot...the vocabulary....the way the charcters both felt about themselves..and each other..and the miracles... all perfect! Great Job!

  11. ay im diggin this story man.pretty cute and all but dont understand the ending "she was the one god sent for me' part gj

  12. I love the story and how you had different perspectives all in one story. I haven't seen a story like this in a while, good job!

  13. I really enjoyed how you gave us both of their perspectives, and I was surprised to see that they're characters were so similar in being held back by something. Great job!

  14. How nice! I thought it was sad but interesting you chose to write a character with such heavy burden and seemingly lost potential. But it built up towards that ending where the slightest movement caused a profound impact to the relationship of the two characters.

  15. This story is very touching I realized how important holding on to faith is I love how you have the point of view of someone who is disabled

  16. Great Job Ocean I loved your story! This reminds me that you should never give up because miracles are bound to happen.

  17. This is awesome! It hit me right in the feels.

  18. Awesome. hahah I had to reread Roman's part I was like wait what is that the same dude, he can move?! I was almost as excited as Julia, great story!

  19. Oh my gosh I loved it!!! It was such a beautiful story! You can almost feel how the two of them are made for each other. I particularly love the "I cant dance" as the first comment ;) it was a beautiful piece!

  20. I loved this, the two different sides of the story and the theme of "love can conquer all". It is really inspiring to think that anything is possible. BEAUTIFUL!

  21. oohhhhhh ocean. Why cant we all have these happy endings? That was beautiful first person work. Did you not title the first paragraph so we would have that shock value in him moving when we realized it was the quadriplegic and not some love triangle thing(thank you for not facilitating one by the way)? Thank you for sharing:)

  22. Thanks to everybody that commented :) I really appreciate the feedback! Kevin...To answer your question about the ending...Roman prayed for God to send him someone to love and be loved by him. When he realized that a miracle occurred and he could wave to Julia he new that she was the person God sent for him to love and be loved by.:) I hope that helps?

  23. Wow litteraly Ocean your story gave me shivers!!!! It's funny becuase I think In our own individual ways we all struggle with the feeling of inadequecys. Your descriptions were on key and truly compelling. I love the fact that you were able to show your faith in your writing without being over the top. Good job girl! I would looovee to read another one of your posts so keep writing!

  24. You did a great job with your story, it was interesting to read from the beginning to the end.

  25. You did an amazing job on your story, it was good from the beginning to the end.

  26. Wow, I love the view of life and what it is and isn't

  27. I love this piece. It helps people keep faith in all possibilities!

  28. This read was remarkable in so many ways! Your use of Point of View and Imagery really conveyed the characters and their emotions as they admired each other from afar. Then, the miraculous ending added the sweet icing to the whole cake which left me feeling like Olaf the Snowman!

  29. This was so beautiful! Never give up on what you truly want to do in your life! Great work!

  30. The ending was just....awesome. Really no other word fitting enough for it ;P It's cute that they finally found their lobsters, because you know, lobsters mate for life haha

  31. I love that you brought religion into this. :) This was truly a lovely piece of work.

  32. Oh my goodness!!! The end of your lovely story made me so happy! Awesome job, you really sucked me in and had me interested until the end.

  33. I love the ending! It's perfect! This was a great story and I loved how you showed the two perspectives of them because I was wondering if he had a chance when it was just Roman talking. This story left me happy.

  34. From the first one, I loved this story. Is that weird? It started off unique and I loved it! Then you switched POVs and I died lol my heart was breaking for a second when I thought Roman was a different guy haha I got upset for a second but then I realized it was still him. Great story Legacy! ya did good girl!

  35. I really enjoyed reading this piece. I liked how you used both of the characters points of views. Great job Ocean! Yaass

  36. I love your work so much. The ending warmed my heart and just shows that God is able :) Awesome job!

  37. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Ocean this was beautiful. I literally felt like I was getting lost in an amazing novel. I absolutely loved the two perspectives you had from Julia and Roman and you definitely ended that absolutely perfectly!! You gave me chills! Great job!

  38. I loved how it showed the different point of views of Julia and Roman. That was really great! Awesome job on this piece!

  39. OMG this is the cutest thing I have read on this blog and I love it so much! I love how you tell the story from both the characters view points and the hope and faith behind it ugh its adorable! Lovely work :)

  40. OH MAN OH MAAAAN!! im such a sucker for stories like this especially happy endings. I feel like i was peeking in through their life just a little bit im honestly so glad that Roman was about to move again and their happy ending (?) can finally begin. Loved the story!! -Rebeca Amezcua

  41. this is so classical, i find these types of reads pretty cool. i like the way you think about perception. it cant be a great story without a happy ending right ? - awesome job

  42. The way that you included both perspectives really immersed me into the story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

  43. i had to punch a wall to feel like a man again. the piece is very intriguing and i found it to be a delightful read

  44. The organization of this is very interesting with the play on perspective. The ending was soooo happy :)

  45. Loved how you wrote this piece. The intensity and both points of views. Good work!

  46. This was such a cute story! I love your creativity & emotion, & of course, who doesn't love a happy ending! Great job!
