
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Alyssa--Extra Submission

Never Forgotten

In my head it was all a thrill
a place where everything seemed real
No worries, no doubt, I took the wheel

A nightmare at first but I changed the route
I know we will meet again no doubt
but I was not ready to let go and pout

His words of wisdom made me much stronger
but sad that I would not hear them much longer
Thinking that this day would come, only made it much harder

But I know we will never part
because grandpa, I will always hold you dear to my heart.


  1. I love how such a short and simple piece could have so much meaning behind it. It's a very beautifully written piece. :)

  2. I love your poem. I think you did an awesome job at rhyming as well as making the lines flow. Even though it's sad, I like how you had control of the situation instead of the other way around. You should seriously write more poems :)

  3. I can say only one word to describe this: perfect.

  4. This is beautiful! Very emotional and even though it is sad, it brings a lot of hope into the mood. Good job :)

  5. Very sad, yet you showed such strength. Well done.

  6. This is so perfect! When I read more into the poem it even made me think of my grandma and grandpa! AMAZING!

  7. Awuh, a beautiful commemoration. Poetry has always been a great outlet to express emotion and i know this was appreciated and hope it helped. Thank you for sharing:)

  8. Awww wow! Great poem keep up with your writing I would love to read more! In assuming that this is talking about the passing of your Gram pa and I'm sorry for your loss, but it truly is great that you are able to honor and hold on to his memory.

  9. This was absolutely adorable! I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have my Grandma or Grandpa. Truly beautiful writing.
    - Hannah Mueller (12) per.3

  10. Aaawww this is really cute and sweet! I like how you revealed at the end who that unforgotten person was.

  11. Wow, I feel your emotion when reading this. It brings back memories of my grandfathers.

  12. this was a prety nice poem not gonna lie. i like the emotional memories put into the paragrafs gj.

  13. I know my grandparents always had a big influence on me and I remember everything that they told me throughout my life and I hope that they don't leave this world anytime soon

  14. awhh... this made me miss my grandpa right now. i know we all lose someone very special in life especially those who are so close to us. made me realize that we all have to respect our elders no matter what, they aren't always there physically but they are always in our hearts.

  15. Ugh this was so perfect! I loved it! Great job!

  16. This made me want to cry ...I definitely can relate because I am really close to my grandpa as well and it is inconceivable to think that one day he might be gone but then like you said I remember that I will always have him with me no matter what happens:)

  17. Very sweet and sentimental, I could feel your love and passion throughout your words and I could understand how precious these moments that you had with your grandpa were and are to you. Easily relatable and beautifully written :)

  18. Ahh~ this was simple and very beautiful. This must have been a hard subject to write about, and I'm proud that you were still able to find the right words for it to flow well.

  19. Honestly I feel the love, this was short but held so much meaning it! thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading it :)

  20. Really great personal piece! I remember losing my grandpa was a tragic loss for my family and I. The emotion really built up to the last line which made a great resolution~

  21. i enjoyed the rhyme scheme and the line phrasing, i believe it helped the poem flow. Another thing i found enjoyable was the shift in tone between poem. overall it was extremely well written.

  22. This is short and amazing! And those rhymes! So catchy. Good job!

  23. This is so sad, but very beautiful. I feel like everyone could relate to this poem with the loss of a loved one. I loved it

  24. I loved it :) I lost my grandpa this past year so I could relate to it wonderfully!

  25. This was very touching and beautiful. Very nice job Alyssa :)

  26. This was so sweet!! It's lovely to see others remembering their loved ones and commemorating them. Well done :)

  27. I cried. whoa did I cry. it's ironic because this is the week of my grandfather's birthday and he too passed away. he was my best friend and this kind of meant a lot to me. so thank you for this. really. it means more than you realize

    1. funny you say that because my grandpas birthday is today!

  28. Very Meaningful and to the point. loved it Great job!!

  29. NO! That was so beautiful. I wish I got to know my grandpa.

  30. aww this was such a cute poem. i loved the way your thoughts flowed. good job!

  31. I just loved your Poem(:

  32. i don't see how you come up with such interesting stuff... this is heartwarming and well done . keep up the cool work

  33. Wow, this was moving. Especially for me since I've lost my grandpa who i was oh so close to. Im getting a little teary eyed now... Good job on this work.:)

  34. This is so cute. It's very simple but I can see all the meaning behind it
    Nice job :)

  35. This was just amazing! It brought back so many happy, but sad memories of my Grandpa.

  36. That was really sweet. I admire the relationship you have with your grandpa and this definitely is going to make me appreciate the time I have left with mine.

  37. So pretty how the lines rhymed :) awesome topic choice, very sincere, and heartwarming!

  38. it was sad but reading it I can feel what you say through the rythm of the words good job !

  39. that was really good! I loved the rhythm it made it flow

  40. This was very heartfelt and honest. I can't think of a better way to remember a loved one. Very well written.

  41. This was so touching. The way you changed your audience at the end to aim it at your grandpa made me do the puppy lip because it was sad but sweet at the same time.

  42. i can relate to this topic very well actually, i still havent been able to find the sane route so to speak.. i guess its something you have to expect sooner or later. Holding them dear to your heart and making them proud is something that can help you very much.. i really connected to this piece
