To my guardian angel,
I hope you see this..
It’s your birthday soon and I find myself thinking of you more and more, wondering why I haven’t
seen you.. Why you haven’t come to visit me. If I would've known your last visit was your last, I
would've continued to sleep just a little longer because all I want is to know you since I never
received the chance to do so properly. I am upset with myself for taking our time for granted,
not asking the right questions for you to answer to fill my void of you but now all I have is this
one visitation and the memories from others. Along with your birthday, the holidays approach
and it’s just another reminder that you are not here to celebrate these events with and the family
continues to hide their grief through smiles and they don’t give you the recognition you deserve
and talk about you. Truthfully, I find it selfish when they do this, not including you in the holiday
festivities as if you left us purposely to hurt us but of course those weren’t your intentions.
Therefore, I am left here unknowledgable about you, your likes, your dislikes, what made you
smile, what made you laugh, what made you sad, how you felt when you looked at me. I want to
know anything and everything about you, after all I am your daughter. And with that being said, I
am 17 years old and I already know I will live a life not truly knowing my father through my very
own memories but through others. Every night is a routine where I look to your picture on my
nightstand and hope to see you in my sleep and every morning is a disappointment because
you weren’t there. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. And that forces me to
wonder if you think of me as much as I think of you. I hope I’m not forgotten in your world
because you definitely will never be forgotten in mine. I find it ironic that I have strived to always
remember you, when I never even knew you. All I ask is that you visit me more often because it
seems you are the only one who can provide the answers to my questions and maybe even fill
my void. I hope to see you tonight... as I do every night. Please remember to visit me more
Happy Birthday..
Rest In Peace, Omar Reed
This piece really hit me, Somijah. Its amazing how much you care for your father yet you didn't get to know him. I think thats such a beautiful type of love to have. Family is key. You sound like such a sweet and caring girl and no doubt about it that your father is looking down on the beautiful life you're leading yourself in! Stay strong, girl! You have love all around you(: Good job on this piece & thanks for sharing such a heart felt story.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness. Reading this gave me chills! This is such a powerful and meaningful piece! Also, your creative title fits so perfectly and is very unique! This is such a great piece, and I admire you so much for your hope, refusal to give up, and strength! Amazing piece Somijah!!!
ReplyDelete-Gabbie B.
This was a beautiful piece and I enjoyed getting to see some of your emotions, especially with such a life changing loss at such a young age. I understand you when you say it's unbelievable when family members try to forget about past situations to simply ease the pain, yet we have to continue to push through and never forget. Also, great use of vivid details, good job.
ReplyDeleteThis was truly amazing and touching. You handle this peace with such gracefulness by putting across a powerful message. It is amazing what emotions you can portray through words. Great job, stay strong girly!
ReplyDeleteThis piece was phenomenal Somijah, very gracious and heartfelt towards someone that you still continue to love. I felt the power behind this piece and the message you wanted to send to your "guardian angel". Outstanding work!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. I know it's hard losing someone but you've managed to make your grief into a beautiful piece of writing, which is so awesome because I struggle expressing my emotions even by talking. Keep it up :)
ReplyDeleteThis piece is an amazing work; It's so intimate to be shown the way in which you grieve and I thank you for that. strangely, this work gives me a sense of peace and acceptance and I believe it to be the way in which you handle your loss. Very appreciated and very well written.
- Joey Barron
Oh my goodness this piece was so sincere and beautiful. I was crying as I was reading it. Thank you for sharing this with me, I know it must have been really hard to write, but it was very strong and powerful. Your father would be very very proud of the young woman you are today, continue to do what you are doing. Beautiful piece Somijah!
ReplyDeleteThis piece is so sincere and you can feel the raw emotions in the piece, Thank you for sharing your experience with the blog. I know it must be really hard since it is so intimate. Beautiful piece!
ReplyDeleteThis was a really moving and touching story. I love how you started off with the title "guardian angel" and kept the character hidden until nearly the end. It was a mystery not knowing who you are talking about and it pulled me in even more. Nicely done with the ending too, the last phrase really got me.
ReplyDelete-Vivian Chiang
Reading this gave me chills. I definitely can relate to losing someone that was close to you and I know how hard it is to talk about it. Your piece had so much emotion and was so heartfelt, thank you for sharing it was beautiful! -Sophia Cordura
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss. This was a beautiful piece with such raw emotion. I truly feel your pain and cannot begin to know how you feel. Overall, it was a very well written piece.
ReplyDeleteThis piece was phenomenal. All of your emotions were flowing through me, especially after I figured out who you were talking to. The mystery of who you were talking to was very engaging. I hope you do see him one day and that it's one of the best things you've ever experienced. Amazing job!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing something so deep with us. Loss is hard no matter who it is or how close you are. I hope you keep staying strong.
ReplyDeleteThis piece is so genuine and honest and I commend you for allowing you to express the emotions you feel so openly. Dealing with a loss is never easy, but I think that as you grow and continue to live with it, it ends up making you stronger (which I know for a fact is true for you). I also think it is important to bring up the good times from the past and not to neglect the life that was once with you and your family. I hope you enjoyed your holidays and continue to enjoy the rest of your senior year knowing he is still loving you.
ReplyDeleteThis piece is very beautiful and so full of emotion. Thank you for sharing your personal story. I love how you are still connected to him even though your family suffered. You are a strong girl and I don't believe I've ever appreciated reading a story so much.
ReplyDeleteThis piece is wonderful and made me cry. It is amazing how you perfectly describe the experience of losing a loved one in such a beautiful way. Great job! Stay strong.
ReplyDeleteI admired the way you used your pain to write this wonderful piece that hopefully comforts other to know they are not alone in their pain, while also demonstrating to you that you're not either. It was a great read and the title stood out.
ReplyDeleteWow this is a really touching piece. I like how you didn't say who it was, which kept me questioning. Then the way you put it was amazing. Love your writing.
ReplyDelete-Harley Liera
All kinds of emotions hit me at once reading this piece. It's true what they say, although one may look happy,you don't know their story or their emotions hidden behind their beautiful smile. I'm sorry for your loss. Great job on this piece.
ReplyDeleteThis really hit me. People take things for granted and not realize it until its really gone. Life's short and you gotta make the best of it because there's no guarantee that it will be the same tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your story. It is truly powerful.
ReplyDeleteThis piece was really touching and sincere. I can relate to how you feel because I also experienced regret and frustration of not becoming closer to my grandpa when he passed away. Beautifully written!!
ReplyDeleteWow Somijah I want to start off by saying that it is very courageous of you to share this personal narrative with everyone, because it really conveys a lot about you and your emotions. Personally it would be difficult for me to write what you wrote, because I think with every word I write tears and tears would be soaking my keyboard. I would like to comment on one thing and that is that I truly believe that you are always in your fathers world not forgotten and I think he would be proud of the beautiful, outspoken, and intelligent young lady that you have grown up to be.
ReplyDeleteThank you soo much dude! Yeah, it was definitely hard to write but after submitting my piece it was just a wonderful feeling of relief really. I don't talk about him enough and i'm glad i was able to on the blog. -Somijah Reed
DeleteSomijah, I haven't gotten to know you super well over the past like 4 years that I have known you, but this year especially I am beginning to realize that you have been through quite a bit of rough stuff. The fact that on the outside you have built yourself to be such a fun, loving, energetic, and beautiful person really makes me respect you even more because of your strength. You are a great person girl, and don't let anybody (including yourself ) tell you otherwise. Much love
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I'm so sorry for your loss. The raw emotion and sincerity you put into this made it one of the most touching and beautiful pieces I've been fortunate enough to read on the blog.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful and intimate piece, just filled to the brim with sincere emotion. It was such a powerful piece that I could just feel it ripping at my heart strings, wonderful job and thank you so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThis meaningful and sincere piece, thank you for sharing this despite how difficult it must've been. Your writing was beautiful, great job!
ReplyDelete- Jade B.
Hey girl, I really loved your piece. I felt the emotion from it and related it to someone who I lost, a person who meant everything to me. I often wonder why she does not visit me in my dreams either. Thank you for sharing this. The way you wrote it and expressed the emotion was done so well. -Keala Naipo
ReplyDeleteSomijah, this was so touching, reading this left me speechless. It brought tears to my eyes as I read along and found out who "my guardian angel" was. The ending especially pulled at heart-strings. This was well written, thank you for sharing with us.
ReplyDeleteThis piece made me realize how I take my dad for granted, it reminds me of how lucky I am to have him by my side especially in times of need. -Martina Panganiban
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that was difficult to express, but you did it in a touching and authentic way nonetheless. Definitely touched me.
ReplyDeleteThis piece was beautiful, and really made me think. I started thinking about why we don't talk about a person or why we avoid the topic when someone passes away, rather than remembering and embracing them and talking about them. I loved how it was somewhat ambiguous in the beginning and then all ties together in the end. This piece was so genuine and beautiful I'm sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteWoah. This is one of my favorite pieces on this website. Your feelings were really apparent and powerful.
ReplyDelete-Andy Burgos
what an amazing piece. Tears began to fill my eyes as I continued reading. I hope your dad visits you, not only in your dreams but also in the little things. Amazing job.
ReplyDelete-Nicole Campos
This piece really caught my attention because of how you described every detail and made it meaningful of sincere. This story has to be my favorite because it's a piece that actually got to me and I was able to feel the emotion this piece brought. This piece was really amazing and you did a wonderful job!
ReplyDeleteSomijah, I love your piece. Your piece is real. This is a reality that some of my closest classmates have come to know and while it is extremely unfortunate and it often becomes defining, it's nice to see a refreshing outlook where you define him as your guardian angel.
ReplyDelete-J'Noie Parker
ReplyDeleteI can truly never understand the empty feeling you have in your heart, so i will not pretend to know exactly how you feel; but, I truly am moved and uplifted by your courage and strength. I am in love with the way that you smile through all the hard times and the way that you see your father as a guardian angel is beautiful. I am incredibly sorry for your loss and i hope that one day you will be reunited with your father and that all your unanswered questions be answered.
I aboslutely adore this piece. It warmed my heart and I loved all the emotions and tones the story gave off to me. Great Job!
ReplyDeleteWhile i read this piece, slowly slowly I learned how much i really understand how you feel. With you amazing word choice i think us the readers can put ourselves in your shoes. I wish he got to know you Somijah, because you really are an amazing person and i am so glad you chose to write about this. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so deep and heartfelt, which makes this one of the most beautiful pieces that I have read so far. I could feel all of the love and the passion you put into writing this,and am truly grateful that you shared this. Amazing work!
ReplyDelete-Jordan Lee
Reading the title I was expecting something a little bit different. But oh my gosh this piece is beyond beautiful and its amazing that you have all this love for your father who you didn't get to know.
ReplyDeleteWow! Just amazing on how you describe your guardian angel even if you knew little of him. I love the choice of diction because it was more towards positiveness.
ReplyDeleteSomijah, you are so strong for writing this piece, these types of emotions are so delicate and you were able to put them on paper proving how strong you are. Your piece was so amazing, really brought me to tears because of how real the situation is. Keep strong, great piece!
ReplyDeleteSomijah this really touched my heart. I love how you expressed all of your feelings in this piece and have this strong love for someone you've never even met. Very well written!!
ReplyDelete-karina l.
Somijah, this was truly beautiful and filled with love . I like the reaching out to your "guardian angel" in this piece. You poured your heart out and i know for a fact everyone who read this felt everything you put down. Thank you for sharing this with us, i admire you for that.
ReplyDeleteThis was such an amazing and emotional story! I loved how much effort and detailed you were in describing your feeling so touching and moved me to think of my own griefs such a beautiful story !!
ReplyDeleteThis letter was so pretty. The raw emotions behind the piece really touched me and I want to say thank you for sharing something so private with us. I personally believe that we have guardian angels watching over us, and I don't doubt that yours read this with a smile on his face and continues to watch over you. Beautiful job!
ReplyDeleteThe title drew me in, but your writing ability truly captured my attention. I appreciate your writing even more because I know the amount of strength it took to write about such a sensitive topic. I hope your questions are answered sooner than later.
ReplyDeleteThis piece was so raw and sincere. It's kind of weird how I feel this same way about my late grandpa and it just so happens that his musical group, The Colts, have a song entitled "Guiding Angel"; I always listen to it when I start to miss my grandpa. I love how intimate this piece was and believe you did a fantastic job. I'm sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteThis piece had a heart touching tone that accompanied well with the emotional story. I like the point made by the piece that what lost could not be regained, and thus we should value more on what we have.
ReplyDeleteI loved this writing piece. It played out as very poetic and had a deep sense touching feeling to it. The piece was very well written and I enjoyed reading it good job.
ReplyDeleteThis is so pure and sweet! I enjoyed this read a lot and you sound so sencere and eloquent in this piece. Great writing style and i love that this is told from first person perspective, it made it that much more emotionally catching.
ReplyDeleteI love how genuine this piece was and how you truly put your heart into this, you are an amazing writer and I found this writing so beautiful and poetic, as well.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very beautiful letter to your father. Your message to your guardian is powerful and encouraging. It takes strength to post something like this and I appreciate you expression of love and remembrance.
ReplyDelete-Nwojo Abba
Wow this was so amazing. The emotion and heart you put into this makes this such a precious piece, well done!
ReplyDeleteWoah. This piece really hit me because I can relate to your situation. It may not be my father, but other loved ones that have gone up to the better life. This was touching and good to read because it was genuine and something I can relate to aswell.
ReplyDeleteThis piece really hit! The entire time it made me think of someone I missed as well! I really loved how you tapped into emotions! Really great piece.
ReplyDeleteThis is an amazing piece! I absolutely loved this piece.It was so emotional and hard hitting, it helped me pictur everything that was happening my own way.
ReplyDeleteThis is the most emotional and personal piece I have read so far, which is a little painful to read, but I enjoy it because I can relate to it and I understand how you feel.
ReplyDelete- Francis Talla
Somijah this piece touched my soul, and I believe that you're on of the bravest people I know especially after reading this. I can honestly tell that you poured your heart and soul into this.
ReplyDelete-Jeyovana Griffith
I felt emotion throughout this piece really beautiful!
ReplyDeleteBeing that i have not yet lost someone very close to me i can not empathize with your emotion and i can hardly understand. But i can tell that this person was very influential and the way this was written gave me a realist perspective on how it really is to lose a loved one. Your piece was very sentimental and heartfelt and thank you for sharing.