On October 29, 2016 I was in Santa Barbara visiting my boyfriend Dallin. It was date
night and we decided to grab some frozen yogurt and walk down the beautiful State Street and
window shop. It was the weekend before Halloween and all of the college students had come out
to party. We saw a “Cinderella” fall down to the side walk and act like a child while her “Prince
Charming” tried to help her up but seemed a little dazed as well from intoxication. It was
freezing cold outside so we hurried back to my car. After we had finished our frozen yogurt we
tried to come up with a fun activity to do. We decided on rock climbing even though I am
deathly afraid of heights. We found out that they closed early due to the festivities of Halloween
so Dallin suggested we go jump off Goleta Pier. He didn't think I would actually say yes, heck I
never thought I’d say yes to jumping off anything over five feet. Maybe it was the sugar from the
yogurt or the fact that I’m crazy for him and like going on adventures with him but I said yes to
both of our amazement. As we drove to the pier I bombarded him with questions of sharks and
death and landing wrong and he reassured me that it was safe and that he had done it many times.
I was so anxious that I felt sick as I drove and anxiety was swelling up inside of me as we neared
the beach. I parked in the almost empty parking lot near the base of the pier far from the light of
the cafe that was open to a few college students snuggling to keep warm and drinking hot
chocolate. I got out and took my shoes and socks off and locked the doors and stashed my car
keys on the tire. I left my clothes on because it was freezing cold outside and I wanted to savor
the last feeling of warmth I felt before plunging into the cold abyss. The pebbles of the parking
lot were hard beneath my soft feet and I cringed as I felt little shards of glass here and there
almost cut me. Dallin had the toughest feet so he didn't notice and he seemed to not notice the
cold either. The pier was long and it seemed like it took forever to get to the end of it. A few
fishermen were out doing some night fishing and they looked at our bare feet as we passed them,
and walked to the end and found a dark corner. I looked down over the thick wooden railing and
saw the dark glistening waters below and saw dark shadows and shapes and pictured sharks
waiting for me. I heard the water softly lap against the pillar of the pier and thought it could have
been a nice romantic setting if we had just planned to walk out there and stare out at the ocean
and not jump in. I was so scared out of my mind that I started shaking and breathing rapidly.
Dallin told me I didn't have to do this but I felt that I needed to prove to myself that I can do
crazy things. I wanted to experience doing something out of my comfort zone. The next ten
minutes were spent with me hyperventilating and then calming down and Dallin picking me up
and setting me on the railing to position me and then taking me back into his arms as I freaked
out and realized how high up we really were. Finally I was able to climb over and step onto part
of the foundation of the pier underneath and waited for him to climb over and join me. We stood
there holding hands and staring at the water. I looked at him and wished I could be as fearless as
him. He looked at me and said that he has done this jump five different times and each time he is
just as scared as his first time. I felt comfort in knowing I wasn’t alone in my feelings and waited
for his count to three. I closed my eyes and let him pull me with him. I had enough time through
the fall to scream and then not scream and then scream again right before I hit the water. My
body sank so low into the water that it took longer than I had anticipated to reach the surface. I
knew the water was freezing but so much adrenaline was coursing through me that it felt warm. I
saw Dallin make his way to the ladder underneath the pier and I followed, feeling giddy and
nervous of the creatures that could have lurked beneath me. We climbed up to the maintenance
level walk way underneath the pier and sat there. I started shaking with cold and the realization
at what I had just accomplished and Dallin hugged me and said he was so proud of me for doing
something that I was scared to do. We gingerly made our way up the steps to the top of the pier
and past the fishermen staring at our wet clothes. As soon as we got back to the car, we stripped
down to our underwear and cranked up the heater. I was still shaking but I was smiling.
This personal account was great and really just charming overall. The voice in it was just so sincere. Sounds like an exhilarating experience.
ReplyDeleteThank you. It was. -Rachel Smith
DeleteOh my gosh! I can't believe that actually happened! My Rachel, who cries at the thought of roller coasters, jumped off of a pier in the middle of the night! I liked the first person perspective in which this story was told; it helped me build a better image of the setting. Though, let me just say, if you jump off of an object more than 20 feet in the pitch dark with a boy again, you have a long lecture coming your way, from your very concerned cousin.
ReplyDeleteGet out of here haha. Thanks i hope my perspective gave you some thrills. -Rachel Smith
DeleteYour writing does a fantastic job of involving a great amount of detail and imagery that it makes the reader feel like they are right their with you on the pier. A simple retelling of an event is easy enough, but to fill it with incredible detail and sensory images to engage the reader is very difficult and I think you did it wonderfully! Great job!!
ReplyDeleteThank you It was fun to write about. -Rachel Smith
DeleteYou described perfectly the anxiety a person feels when he/she steps out of his/her comfort zone. Your experience is something that people in a teen novel or teen oriented movie would experience and makes me more determined to do adventurous things like going skydiving!
ReplyDeleteThis story was very well written and overall captivating. The way that the speaker is able to go out of her comfort zone and face her fear for the experience was really inspiring to read. Nice job
ReplyDeleteI think it's so important how people should always try something that is outside their comfort zone, so that they would know what their true limit is. -Martina Panganiban
ReplyDeleteI couldn't help but smile the whole time I was reading this. The relationship you two have is so sweet and sincere, and congratulations on doing something out of your comfort zone. Great job.
ReplyDeleteThe title was very intriguing from the start and as I read I began to get more into the story. THe story flowed very nicely and was very tense and interest throughout. Good job.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like it was a really fun day! I thought the amount of detail you included in your writing constantly caught the reader's attention and made it an enthralling story. I especially loved how the theme of the piece revolved around participating in things that force you out of your comfort zone. Good job Rachel!
ReplyDeleteThis was cute , the way you described it showing how you felt and how he comforted you in a scary situation. I also liked he detail I felt like I could see you guys jumping in.
ReplyDelete-sereenah soare
This was such an adventurous story! It was really like a scene out of a movie! It really caught my attention and dragged me into the story, so great job!
ReplyDeleteThat night you had, that is how life should be, well, that's what I think, personally, especially if it's with someone you care about. Should always be doing something really stupid with each other, like jumping off the pier, or having Harry Potter battle with Romanian candles, lighting fireworks in the house, all that which seems terrifying, is always exciting. The rush of adrenaline and the feeling of invincibility with slight fear and stupidity, that's how I think life should be, or, at least its best moments. It's nice to be boring and relax from time to time.
ReplyDelete-Francis Talla
I really admire what you made of your experiences with your father. How you turned them to be part of your personal growth and found the positvity in it.
ReplyDeleteThis piece was amazing Rach! I completely relate to facing your fears and how perfectly you described the excitement and nervousness that leads up to it and the proud moment after. Great job!
ReplyDelete-Keala Naipo
I really liked this piece. I like how you included the positive impact it made on you. Good job.
ReplyDeleteI loved that you went out of your comfort zone and got to do something amazing with the person you love. The piece itself was very intriguing in that you described your fears but also made sure to include the fact you were calmed merely by your boyfriends presence and did something amazing. It sounds like a great experience to have. Great job !
ReplyDelete-Bryanna Torres