
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How to make Garlic Parmesan Carrots--Jeremy

So far in your life, you have probably already heard of garlic parmesan fries, garlic
parmesan chicken wings, and maybe even garlic parmesan pasta. But have you heard of garlic
parmesan carrots? If so, you amaze me... but if not, then try something new! I remember going to
Florida for spring break last year on a carnival cruise that was heading to the Bahamas and tried
it for the first time. Since it was a cruise, all of the food on the lido deck was cooked from
professional chefs. These garlic parmesan fries that I’ve tried were really prepared diligently to
have such a distinctive taste. The taste is dependable on how you prepare it.
● 2 carrots (or more)
● ½ Teaspoon : Salt
● ½ to 1 Teaspoon : Pepper
● 1 Tablespoon : Garlic Powder
● 1 to 2 Tablespoons : Vegetable Oil or Olive Oil
● ¼ Cup : Grated Parmesan Cheese
● ¼ Cup : Chopped up Parsley
First, you must grab a cutting board and kitchen knife. Then place two carrots side by
side on the cutting board. Secondly, cut each carrot in half horizontally then again vertically;
then cut each one into thirds for a total of 12 small sized carrots from one carrot each. Thirdly,
put all the cut carrots into a bowl. Then afterwards, grab all the ingredients and mixed them in
the bowl together with the carrots. Next, get a sizable oven pan for the amount of carrots you
have; before placing the carrots onto the pan, place either wax paper or foil over the pan. Preheat
the oven at 375℉/190℃ then place the pan of carrots into the oven for approximately 17 to 22
minutes. Lastly, take it out of the oven and just sprinkle a little bit of parmesan cheese and enjoy
your food.


  1. Even if i wasn't hungry when reading this i would've started to salivate. Great directions they were clear to me. -Rachel Smith

  2. I enjoy carrots, especially when they are drowned in ranch...I mean served with a healthy serving of ranch. I'm usually to lazy or tired to make actual food ( food that isn't heated up in the microwave ) but this recipe seems simple enough. I can actually see myself making these and it gives me new way to eat carrots.

  3. I'm normally not a fan of vegetables, but this dish sounds and looks great. It sounds simple to make, so I'll have to try it sometime. It's interesting reading about foods outside my usual bowl of rice with side dishes. Take me to the Bahamas some time!

  4. As a big fan of carrots, I will be definitely be trying this recipe. Looks very simple and easy to make with these excellent directions. Ingredients and materials were clearly stated so it was very easy to follow. Great Job!

  5. New food is so exciting to me. Who wouldn't thought garlic,Parmesan, and carrots could be combined in that matter to make a delicious dish. This is a must try for me especially with such easy directions there's no way to mess it up. Thanks for the new recipe :)

  6. At first when I read the title, I was like what??? Garlic parmesan carrots? Interesting. But this recipe actually sounds very delicious... I definitely want to try it! Great job!! -Lauren J.

  7. I never would have thought of combining garlic, carrots, and parmesan cheese but this sounds really delicious. The directions are also really simple and easy to follow so I may just have to try this out myself sometime.

  8. Your directions were clear and straight forward, sounds like a healthy and delicious option! Nice job.

  9. This dish sounds amazing. Carrots are good by itself, but garlic parmesan carrots will have an extraordinary taste. The directions are easy to follow and I can't wait to make some of my own!

  10. Sounds like a lot of fun to make and, even more fun to eat. Cool recipe the directions were very straightforward.

  11. This dish sounds so good. And it is true, I have heard of many garlic parmesan dishes but never garlic parmesan carrots. i am usually one for baking and never really cooking, but now after reading this, I really want to get in the kitchen and start making some of this! thanks for sharing!

  12. First impression of seeing "carrots" and "garlic parmesan" in the same sentence was definitely not something to look forward to, but after reading through this recipe, I feel like I will surprise myself with the unexpected taste. I am also very surprised to see that it is a very simple recipe unlike other garlic parmesan recipes which require much preparation. Great job! - Lisa Ryu

  13. I've never heard of Garlic Parmesan Carrots but now I want to try them because you made them sound to delightful. You did a great job at explaining how to make them. Good job!

  14. Jeremy this sounds sooooo good! I am a big fan of garlic.. and carrots.. so this was definitely right up my alley. This could be a much healthier substitute for regular fries, or even mashed potatoes. Especially because my mom has been wanting to go on a diet, I will definitely share this with her for a dinner idea. Easy ingredients and steps too, and thanks to you, I can follow your directions step by step! Thank you very much!

  15. I'm not really particular about carrots, but just reading this made me crave them-especially because garlic was right in the title (I'm a big fan of garlic). You made this easy to follow and I can definitely see myself making these carrots soon. I also liked how you related your discovery of these carrots in the beginning of your entry. You did a great job writing this 'How to' and making me actually want to eat carrots.

  16. I have had other foods with garlic and Parmesan, but never carrots. You kept the instructions concise and I would like to make some garlic Parmesan carrots. Well done!

  17. Thank you for this new recipe! I love carrots and will soon try this one day. Your directions were easy, to the point, and informative. I can't wait to cook this up someday and enjoy this seemingly delicious dish.

  18. I love garlic Parmesan yachting so when I saw the title I was like I have to read this and make it. It seems very easy and simple to follow. This is definitely going to be a snack I have to try.

  19. Hey Jeremy, I think this recipe is really interesting and the reason to why I chose to read it was that from the title when I read carrots I told myself that I need to read this, because I severely dislike and hate carrots. I hate carrots mostly when they are cooked, but honestly this recipe and all of the ingredients incorporated with it might really change my opinion about cooked carrots. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us and very well descriptive by the way.

  20. Garlic Parmesan anything is great and carrots are no exception, your directions were extremely clear and the dish seems relatively easy to make. I hope I can make them soon! Great work :)

  21. Wow I never would have though garlic and carrots would go well together. This recipe looks pretty simple to make, the directions you gave were straightforward and understandable. I will have to try it. Great job!

  22. I don't really like vegetables, but garlic parmesan carrots suprisingly sound really good. This seems like a pretty straightforward recipe that I'll definitely be trying soon :) Great job!

  23. These sound amazing and I LOVE carrots! I never heard of garlic parmesan carrots though so I am super excited to try this dish. Your directions were very clear and easy to follow. You also were very descriptive which made it easier to visualize, which only contributed to my excitement to make a new food. Awesome job!
    -Bryanna Torres

  24. Ohh, I love me some carrots.. I want to go on a cruise some day also now that you mentioned that the food is cooked by pros. And this dish sounds so yummy. I love food, and this makes me love it even more!

  25. This was really helpful and informative. Can't wait to make it myself!
    -Andy Burgos

  26. Jerms, this recipe sounds great but knowing me I'm probably going to end up putting them on pizza and referring to the pizza as "healthy" great recipe!

  27. I personally don't like carrots in general but after reading this you have changed my mind and made e actually crave carrots!
    I liked that you were fun in the way you described how you came know about this recipe and overall I thought the piece was fun and inviting.

  28. wow this is actually really interesting, and id love to try this someday. The recipe is also very informative and explains everything so well!

  29. This dish looks so simple to make and I definitely and going to try it one day because carrots are my second favorite vegetable. When I read the title I knew I was going to be hungry after I finished reading it.

  30. Well I think carrots are disgusting, but this is a cool and funky twist. I might just try it now that i have a vivid explanation, and it sounds rather tasty. So ill give the carrots a shot, thank you for sharing your knowledge to us. - Vincent Santos

  31. Carrots are amazing and garlic seasoned food is amazing. What's a good way to enjoy both? This recipe. Good thing I've had this before because now I want it, I already know its good, and now I know how to make it. Thanks.

  32. As an enemy of carrots, hopefully this will make me like carrots more. This seems like a simple and easy dish for an amateur cook like me. Very nice.

  33. Food always captures my attention, it's the process of cooking that I dislike. However, seeing as though the ingredients here are readily available to me and there would be minimal time dedicated to this dish, I would love to try it!

  34. The first thing when I saw the first two words of the title, I thought the piece was about Garlic Parmesan Fries but when I saw carrots I knew this was going to be interesting. This piece made my mouth water reading it, making me want to try making them in the near future.
    -Austin Z Gifford

  35. At first I was a little bit skeptical of this recipe when I read the title of this submission. Don't get me wrong, I love carrots and I love most things that involve garlic and Parmesan; however, I would've never speculated combining them into one dish. Now that I've read through the recipe I am more open to the idea of consuming this dish. I'm eager to try it some day. Thanks for sharing this.

  36. This is a great way to turn a rather boring (but tasty) vegetable into something that is not only interesting but that also seems really delicious! I like carrots and I really love cheese and I can just picture myself eating this perfectly seasoned and cheesy dish right now! But I digress. Your instructions are simple and clear and the recipe itself seems like a fantastic choice, so I think I will try it! Thank you for this recipe!
    -Chris Kerwin

  37. Wow carrots?? That actually doesn't sound all that bad, I will def have to try it!!

  38. This is actually incredibly interesting to me, as a fan of garlic and Parmesan but a reluctant carrot-eater. With the added flavor, this sounds like a perfect semi-healthy snack for lazy days or after school!

  39. This piece made me so hungry!! Garlic and Parmesan anything is my weakness and the way the diction you used made me very excited about trying this!

  40. These are so good !! Nice to hear that someone else eats them Nice peice !
    -Justin Huggins Period 5 Solano

  41. First of carrots are gross. BUT GARLIC PARMESAN CARROTS SOUND FIRE. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and allowing me to taste a new edge of flavor. I will now experiment in the kitchen and take my time and enjoy this new found creation. Thank you for amping my flavor profile.
