
Friday, January 27, 2017

How To Ice Skate--Sophia

Well it’s winter now, and there are several of you, who I am sure have gone ice
skating during this season. If you don’t know, I am here to teach you how to ice
skate. For 9 years now I have played ice hockey and know the game pretty well if
you ask me. I get asked by lots of people to teach them how to skate and let me tell
you it’s not easy at first. This is not a step because it’s common sense, but make
sure you wear warm clothes. It tends to get pretty cold inside an ice rink, especially
if you’re not moving a lot. Now onto the steps! Step 1: Make sure you get the
appropriate skate size. This is extremely important because if the skate is too big it
makes it harder to skate. You typically want to go down 1 or 1.5 shoe size(s). For
example, I am a 6 in womens shoes but a size 4 in men’s (make sure if you’re a girl
that you know your size in a men’s shoe) and I wear a size 3 skate. Step 2: Get a
feel for the ice when you first step on. If you aren’t comfortable hold onto the
boards if you have to. This part is important so you can get comfortable before you
actually start to move. Step 3: Bend your knees a little, widen your stance. This
helps you keep your balance so you don’t fall on your butt. Step 4: Now that you
have fixed your stance, start to push off one leg and then to the other to get going.
Be careful not to go too fast and if you do, stop moving your feet and just glide on
the ice. Step 5: Be safe! If you fall it’s no big deal just get up at your own pace, but
you also have to be courteous to the other skaters around you while getting up and
getting out of the way. Step 6: Have fun! Don’t get frustrated if you can’t perfect
skating right away. It definitely is hard and takes time to learn. It took me months
of lessons when I first started to actually be able to skate and compete on an actual
club team. To this day I still have to take skating lessons just to work on my form
and edges, which proves that you always have room for improvement. Next time
you go ice skating remember these steps and enjoy!


  1. Thanks for this post! I always wanted to try ice skating after learning how to roller blade. It was a pain having to fall all those times trying to learn how to skate. I'll be sure to go back to this when I try out ice skating.

    -Andrew Lin

  2. Thanks for the tips, I would definitely consider these steps for when I go ice skating next Friday. Also the last step is actually kind of motivates to not give up everytime I fall which will most likely happen a lot since I'm clumsy.
    -Matthew Jimenez

  3. I think that is so cool that you play ice hockey!! I think it's fun that you did your piece on this because I think many people would enjoy ice skating but are too scared to try. And here you but together six easy steps to follow.

  4. These steps are very easy to follow & understand. I've been skating a few times, but I still need to get the hang of it. I will take your tips in consideration the next time I go!

  5. I really like this "How To" I know that when ever I go iceskating that at first it is hard for me because I haven't been on the ice in a while. I think that next time I go ice skating I'll have to take some of these tips into consideration and most definitely try getting a smaller shoe size to see if that really does help. Good Job!

  6. Wow this piece is so beneficial! I love ice skating but fall down every now and then! This piece will definitely help me on my form so I do not fall on my face! Very clear and easy to understand! Hopefully the same steps apply to skating backwards because I would fall over and over again even after my friend Halen tried teaching me haha!! Overall, great piece!!!
    -Gabbie B.

    1. Halen and I will have to teach you again! Thanks for the feedback Gabbie! -Sophia

  7. This made me really excited to try to skate. You gave so many details and explained it very well. Good job!!!

    1. Thanks Erika!! You should try skating soon, it's super fun! Hopefully these tips will help. - Sophia

  8. Thank you the tips and instruction. I have been ice skating before I was pretty good and it was fun so, next time I go I can be even better. Great job!!

  9. I really enjoyed how easy these steps were described. By following this method i'm sure to not fall as usual. Thanks!

  10. Great piece! I have been skating once and fell a bunch of times but I am still trying to get the hang of it. I shall remember these beneficial tips.

  11. Thank you for your tips Sophia! I've always wanted to go ice skating but I was nervous how my first time would be. I'll definitely keep your tips in mind when I go ice skating one day. Great job!

  12. I am so glad someone finally broke down how to ice skate! I've never been able to go very fast while skating, and this passage showed me that I am not the only teenager who has to be taught still. All of the details and positive reassurance within this passage has made me eager to give it another try! The passage was very easy to understand, and direct.

  13. This was a great piece because I do not know anything about ice skating and this taught me so much! I loved how you used a real life example to make us feel more comfortable with the how to.

  14. I lowkey want to try to ice skate after reading this piece! Very informative and straightforward on how to try to get used to skating fro beginners. Great work!

    1. Thanks Jeremy! You really should try ice skating sometime. I hope it will be as fun for you as it is for me! - Sophia

  15. Reading this made me so happy because I love ice skating! Good job on explaining the steps because I feel like I could use these tips next time I skate again. Good job and thanks for the new advice!

  16. This peace was very detailed and had a perfect explanation. I now want to go ice skating one of these days.

  17. I love ice skating but I'm not exactly the best at it. With this to guide me, I think I will be more comfortable on the ice. Thank you for the details and the explanations! - Lisa Ryu

  18. I truly enjoyed every aspect of your "How To" and I find it pretty fascinating how you actually play hockey. This writing was very informative, I would've never thought that the shoe size was that different. Anyways thank you for nicely explaining tips to do when skating, I cant wait till i put it to use :-)

  19. I think that is really cool that you play ice hockey. I have tried to ice skate before but I am not really good. This makes me want to try again. Good Job
    -Justin Huggins p.5 Solano

  20. I’ve only ice-skated twice in my life. Now after reading this, I have the sensation in wanting to ice skate again! Thanks for sharing this How-To with us.

  21. This tutorial was very well written out. I like that this was exactly the way I first learned how to ice skate myself. Great tutorial!

  22. Oh man, this piece is so inspiring and helpful! I've always wanted to learn how to ice skate, but never really had the confidence to try haha because of your words I'm going to start learning and keep your steps and tips in mind when I start :). Really awesome piece, thanks!

  23. I cant wait to try out these skills someday! All of the details are going to help me not slam my face into the ice. I remember all of the times I have been ice skating.. let us just say that I left the place with my bottom hurting! Thank you for this piece:)

  24. I loved the way you started with a little background. It was a comforting way to connect to the readers. All the details included really made it clear and easy to follow. Very well written!

    -Vivian Chiang

  25. This was very informative and helpful. The steps were clear and simple to follow. The details helped with understanding. I'm actually considering going ice skating right about now. Thanks!

  26. I loved this How-To. I tried ice skating once and it was such a terrible experience for me, because I am so use to picking up on how to do stuff so quickly, but after reading this I feel like I am more informed than I was before, now I feel like I can try again and that it is okay that I do not get it on my first or second or third try. Thanks for sharing and also i think it is really cool that you play ice hockey.
    - Victoria Heredia

  27. I have never actually been ice skating, because I am super scared of falling!! However after reading this piece I want to try it!! The steps are very clear, and easy to follow! Great job! -Lauren J.

  28. I loved reading this. I am terrible at ice skating so this was helpful. -Rachel Smith

  29. I love ice skating! Although I was never good at it, I go almost every winter with my family and we have a blast. These step by step details were great and very easy to understand. Thanks for the tips hopefully they help next time and I can skate without falling:)

  30. I've ice skated once or twice and from my experience, it is definitely a challenge. Being able to play ice hockey is even a harder challenge that's for sure... thank you for the easy and straightforward instructions on how to ice skate.

  31. iv'e been ice skating maybe once or twice in the past, but it is needless to say that i was NOT very successful at it. and i have always wished of being able to skate well, and now i can with these instructions that you have given! Thanks!

  32. These are really good, descriptive tips! I've ice skated before but i was never great at it so I'm sure this will help. Thanks!

  33. This is a very helpful and informative piece that I wish I would've read before the one time I went ice skating. I had a somewhat traumatic experience and now I know that had I done a little research, I probably would've had a better experience. Well written piece!

  34. This was so cute! I love that you chose to do ice skating, especially since it's seasonal! It was super straight forward and very informative, great work!

  35. I love how you instructed on what kind of skates to get because it's very helpful as well as comfortable to be skating with the right ones. I also love skating and this made me want to go do it again.

  36. I've always wanted to learn how to ice skate, but I've always been to nervous to learn. After reading this, I feel as if I can go skate without it being difficult.

  37. Thank you for the tips! I have always been terrible at ice skating, so hopefully these tips might come in handy when I occasionally step on the ice. Thank you for writing!

  38. I've only been ice skating twice and it was super fun!
    But after reading this post I realized that there are things I can improve on and things that will probably make it ten times easier.

  39. I've never been ice skating and it sounds really fun. I'll take your advice and try these steps out, hopefully I make out of the skating rink in one piece. The last part is most important, have fun!
    -Ruben Becerra

  40. I really needed this because I am a terrible ice skater and always fall! I'm excited to ice skate again and try these new techniques.

  41. I love how this was just the same way i learned how to skate. The first time i went, my friends and i all didn't know how and these are the same tips someone gave us that day. (well after i fell 400000000 times) Thanks for this post!

  42. Having never ice skated, I found this interesting. Your descriptions are detailed well enough that I could easily follow them if I was using them to learn. Thanks for how-to .

  43. I've never been ice-skating, but your piece makes it sound like such an enjoyable experience. Hopefully, I get to try one day.

  44. Easy to follow and very detailed!

  45. I've done ice skating before, it was fun, but I always had trouble with it. Sure, it was funny moving around awkwardly trying to get used to maneuvering around in the ice, but it's painfully embarrassing once you fall, which I always hoped didn't happen. Nice to teach people how to do it and giving tips, but you should add one more, when you fall, let yourself fall, or you'll end up slamming the sharp part of the skate into your knee, which I enjoyed so much that I didn't want to do it anymore. Fun memories.
    -Francis Talla

  46. This was so cute! it really helped because overtime i try to ice skate I always end up on my butt. I thought it was cute that you also included the fact that you play ice hockey.

  47. I've always dreaded the day when a friend or my significant other invites me to ice skating. Thank you for a comforting and insightful How-to. I'm definitely bookmarking this one!

  48. I would be honored for you to teach me!! Your directions were so clear. Thank you!! -Keala Naipo

  49. Thank you for this really simple and easy to understand how-to! I've never been ice skating before, but I've always thought that it looked really difficult. However, these seem like really good and simple entry-level pointers to practice with and I'll try to remember them as much as I can just in case I ever go. Anyway, I also liked that you included your personal connections to ice skating and your involvement with a club team. Thanks again for the information!
    -Christopher Kerwin

  50. The thought of even ice-skating has never crossed my mine until I had seen this piece. Your description of shoe sizes, and step-by-step process is most likely going to keep me from embarrassing myself the first time I try it out. Nice work!
    -Jordan Lee

  51. I'be never ice skated but with these steps I'm sure to be a pro! But honestly now I'm temptted to follow these instructions and try to learn myself

  52. I've never been ice skating and I don't know if I'm brave enough to ever consider it. Just in case I do, thank you for our detailed yet straightforward instructions

  53. This reminded me of the first time I skated and fell hard, its definitely something you get better at with practice. Thanks for the tips, I'll remember them the next time I go skating!
    -Keala Naipo

  54. Sophia I love ice skating!! I've only been a handful of times, but I'm pretty good at roller blading; which is basically the same thing, just different terrains. I really enjoyed reading this. It just reminded me that I haven't gone ice skating this winter yet!

  55. Learning to ice skate is certainly one thing on my bucket list! I appreciate how clear you made these steps and I imagine it will indeed take time and practice in order to feel comfortable ice skating. How are you enjoying hockey?

    -Nwojo Abba

  56. This was super informative and I am definitely going to take note of this every time I go ice skating. Without fail, I always fall and hurt myself when ice skating and maybe if I follow these guidelines, it wont happen anymore. Or at least it will happen less.. Thank you for this! Good Job

  57. Ive always been pretty decent at ice skating but these tips really do help, great job!

  58. I always love trying to ice skate, even though I always fall! The next time I attempt to ice skate, I will remember your steps!
    -Tyler Kniss

  59. This was really fun to read. I only wish I read this when I was learning to ice skate!
    - Andy Burgos

  60. Okay so ive been ice skating before and ive fallen multiple times now i know why. This tutorial was very informative and and descriptive. I will no longer fall and break the ice, other than with strangers! BUT THANKS SOPHIA KEEP KILLING IT AT HOCKEY

  61. This is a really good How To. Coming from a professional hockey player like yourself I feel as though I can now just hop on the ice with no problem at all. You did a great job at explaining everything step by step. Good Job Sophia!!!

  62. Wow I didn't know you played hockey that's really cool. I've been skating only a couple of times but I was really young. Good job.

  63. The last time I went ice skating i fell stomach flat on the ground knees first, so maybe these steps will help me next time! good job! -karina l.

  64. Physical activity is an essential part of being healthy. In children, activity helps build strong bones and muscles, decreases the likelihood of developing obesity, and promotes positive mental health. Children are recommended to have 60 minutes or more of physical activity daily.skates
