
Thursday, November 30, 2023

"The Devil's Muse"--Chidera

Long ago, the kingdom of heaven and the chasmic depths of hell were

linked with mankind on the planet once known as Gaia. There was constant

war between the two entities. One fought for supremacy, while the other

fought for sanctity. Humans, caught in the middle, had their livelihoods

unstabilized. A warrior angel by the name of Saecizril sought to put a

permanent end to the conflict and liberate the people of Gaia.

Saecizril, whose deep slumber had come to a sudden halt, sprung out of

bed to the sounds of the morning choir, signaling for his requested

presence by the Heavenly Deity. He cleansed himself and dressed in his

daily attire: a graceful white tunic with golden accents. Soon after, he left to

attend to his duties as an acclaimed worshiper of the deity.

The deity’s dwelling resembled that of a bountiful garden filled with an

abundance of plant life endowed with the gift of vitality. On a raised throne

in the center of the garden, Saecizril met with the deity.

"O' Lord Zal’Alkain! What a glorious day. How honored I am to be in the

presence of your blessed aura!" he exclaimed.

“Oh Saecizril. Must you flatter me so?” Zal’Alkain jested but quickly shifted

to a serious tone. “Saecizril. I must make a request. You are my most

renowned Seraphim, but as you’ve seen, humanity descends into darkness

more and more as each day of this treacherous war passes. Hell’s creatures

continue to infect the minds of pure humans like parasites. Saecizril, I ask

that you become a Power, a warrior. Execute the demons that plague Gaia."

Saecizril was unnerved by this request, as Powers are ranked lower than

Seraphims. Though Saecizril wouldn’t dare refuse a request by the divine

ruler, “O’Lord Zal'Alkain, How esteemed I am to be granted this

opportunity. I will do it," he said.

The following day, Saecizril was awakened by the choir. This time,

signaling for his departure to Gaia. His attire now consisted of a blood-red

robe with gold-plated armor and a polished sword holstered at his hip.

Before leaving, Saecizril said a quick prayer, asking for Zal’Alkain’s

protection. "Amen," he concluded. Saecizril descended from the heavens

towards Gaia to fulfill his duty.

While on Gaia, Saecizril could truly see the damage the demons had done

to the human species. Humans were enveloped in death, destruction, and


“Those callous creatures, do they have no soul? How could they treat God’s

creatures in such a way?” Saecizril scorned. “By the Lord Zal’Alkain’s

command, I will rid this planet of you evil spirits.” He unholstered his

sword, clenched his fist, and plunged into battle.

The demons Saecizril observed varied in appearance. Some were tall, short,

pale, dark, winged, or clawed.

“Nothing but ghastly creatures, regardless of their outward forms.” Saecizril


With swift and calculated slashes of his sword, he decimated a plethora of

fiends. He traversed the land and seas, exterminating any demons he

encountered. Much to his surprise, the demons weren’t fighting back. As he

sank the sword into their cores, they looked fixedly at him with woe in their


A demon with jet-black shoulder-length hair said to Saecizril, “O’Child.

How I pity you so.” before sinking into eternal rest.

Saecizril saw this as a ploy. “Foul creature. I will not fall for your cunning


Months had passed since the angel had become a warrior. Saecizril was

awakened to another day of bloodshed.

He was greeted with a letter before his departure that read, “The world is

healing, warrior Saecizril. Your killing of those malignant spirits is

progressively mitigating the suffering of mankind. I commend you,

warrior.” Zal’Alkain praised him in his writing.

Saecizril, now filled with the utmost confidence, knowing he is the reason

for humanity’s recovery, got ready and set off for Gaia.

On Gaia, the air felt warm. Saecizril hadn’t seen any demons upon arrival.

He checked the areas that were most concentrated with humans, like

villages, but found no demons. It wasn’t until he traversed the oceans that

he found a single, solitary demon on a barren island. Saecizril descended

upon the demon with his sword brandished. There was a sharp clang! Then

clatter. To the angel’s surprise, the demon also had a sword, which they

used to deflect his attack. The demon, who appeared to be female, had long

white hair, deep gray skin, black-feathered wings, ruby irises, and was

dressed in a long red robe.

“Listen to me, warrior," she said. Her voice was cold, but compassionate.

"For I know that you do not understand what you are doing."

“I will listen no more to what you have to say, demon. I will not fall victim to

your unscrupulous methods of manipulation,” Saecizril retorted.

“Listen to me," she commanded, her tone sharp and unyielding. “Your eyes

deceive you. The world you see is not reality. Your mind’s eye is a plaything,

reducing the land of humans to destruction. Do you not see, warrior?”

“Demon, I have told you, and I will tell you again; your fictitious tale will not

delude me,” he sneered. “Surrender, and I will grant you a painless


“Saecizril. I wish to preserve humanity just as you do."

Terror-stricken, Saecizril responded, “Demon, how do you know my name?

Who are you?” The initial fear he felt at the sound of his name directed his

attention away from the second piece of her statement. Saecizril, in a

cynical tone, responded, “Your kind only seeks to reign supreme over

humans. You show no care or consideration for their suffering. It is the

angels who protect humans from your evildoings.”

“I am no demon, and you are no angel,” she answered.

“You fiend, what are you speaking of? Do you suffer from delusions of

grandeur? What do y--?"Saecizril was abruptly cut off.

“Allow me to introduce myself. Maybe then you will understand. I am

Xaliaera, a Dominion of the heavens. My role as a Dominion is to make what

is unjust, just. I am ruled by the gracious god of our paradise, Emphyrean.”

Saecizril rubbed his temples, unsettled by Xaliaera’s assertion. “Emphyrean?

Xaliaera, you are mistaken. The kingdom of heaven is ruled by--”

Looking towards the clouds, Xaliaera professed, “Zal’Alkain does not rule

the beautiful kingdom in our skies.” She contended, after shifting her gaze

to the ground, “Zal’Alkain is the god of the underworld, the overlord of


Saecizril was utterly exasperated at this proclamation. “Y-you are a teller of

lies, demon. I will entertain this nonsense no longer!” He charged towards

his sword, which was lying on the ground a distance away, but he was met

by the cold hands of Xaliaera on his face.

“I will open your eyes, devil. I will force you to see.” She covered Saecizril’s

eyes and recited a prayer. “Our merciful god, Emphyrean, open his eyes.”

Saecizril’s body ran cold, and his vision blurred. Then, heat. Intense,

scorching, blazing heat. He was in the underworld, though not physically.

Everything was in flames. The heaven he once knew was a falsehood. On

the flaming throne built of skulls and bones, he saw Zal’Alkain, the god he

once thought hospitable. Xaliaera removed her hands from his eyes.

Saecizril felt sick to his stomach and dropped to his knees. “How could I be

so blind?” He thought. He looked at Xaliaera, whose appearance was no

longer that of a demon. Her hair was golden, her skin was auburn, her

wings bright, and her irises aureate. He was astonished by her radiance but

was overwhelmed by fear. He rushed to the edge of the island to look at


“Ah!” He yelled. His skin was ash, his hair the color of blood, his wings

resembled a bat, devoid of the beautiful white feathers, his sclera black, and

his irises red. “What a horrid creature I have become,” he wept, his face in

his palms.

“You poor soul.” Xaliaera kneeled down to the crestfallen demon and

embraced him from behind. “Saecizril, do not blame yourself for the angels

brought to death by your hand. This phantasm enacted by Zal’Alkain upon

you was his way of garnering power and exterminating heavenly entities to

reign supreme. You are good-hearted, demon or not.” Xaliaera weakened

her embrace of the weeping demon. “I hope you forgive me, Saecizril; I

can’t allow this to go any further.”

Saecizril lifted his tear-coated face from his hands. "Xaliaera...?" Before he

could utter another word, he felt the sharp blade of the angel’s sword travel

through his chest.

Through her teary eyes, she looked at Saecizril. “This feeling of clarity is

only temporary. As long as you are alive, Zal’Alkain will control you. I will

deliver you from this world of pain.”

With one last whimper, Saecizril collapsed into Xaliaera’s embrace.

The Devil’s Muse.




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