
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Taking On Challenges--Ahniah


All my life, I've been encouraged to take on challenges. Most of us have. When you demonstrate a sliver of proficiency in any subject, you are immediately prompted to take it to the next level. We do relatively well with an average course and are later told to have a schedule full of the most challenging classes. And we typically do just that; we listen to their advice and embrace more challenges. Yet, when we fail to remain in these confined expectations of perfection, we are made to feel awful. Self-deprecation takes over when we don't get that perfect score on a test or when we don't manage our time well. Shame and stress are the emotions we feel most due to challenging ourselves. Collins Dictionary, similar to most people, recognizes that "taking on challenges" is "something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination." We realize it is a tedious affair. Yet, it's pretty ironic how we mitigate others when they fail to demonstrate consistent proficiency, even though failure is expected. These negative perceptions undermine most of the hard work we put in or the time we dedicate. Thus, many view accepting challenges as unbeneficial and are discouraged altogether, labeling our potential unfulfilled. 

I'm not too fond of the detrimental notions we set when seeking risks. How are we to go on and achieve success when we are ripped apart for any mistakes we make while trying to improve? A shift in mindset is needed regarding challenges, a more optimistic and inclusive approach that acknowledges struggles and embraces imperfections. We should find solitude in the prospect of leaping into the unknown, risking failure and hardships. Of course, we will only sometimes ace every test or understand all the content instantly. We may struggle and not perform as well as we want, but we should recognize that we are growing. Progress may look different for everyone, and we should be content with that. All challenges should stand for improvements and growth within the individual. We must recognize and appreciate all our time spent learning and perfecting our understanding. Our putting in the effort and work ethic needed, even sacrificing our health and social outings along the way, were all valuable. Simply attempting challenges and seeking improvement in and of itself is an accomplishment. Progress is inevitable as long as we put in valuable time and effort and learn to criticize certain habits along the way. Challenges should be seen as opportunities to be content with feeling inferior at times. Difficulties are bound to arise, contradicting our previous notions of ourselves as "perfect" and "intelligent" people. Being uncomfortable with your current self is crucial to reaching new heights. These humbling experiences are necessary for us to desire to challenge our current limitations and seek improvement. Accepting challenges should be seen as a means of problem-solving. Not to mention that the desire to take on challenges should stem from a genuine interest in learning and gaining insight. Truly grasping a complex concept should be gratifying, as progress is most rewarding. In the end, challenges should be seen more constructively, emphasizing the significance of mistakes and establishing self-confidence through a growth mindset. 

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