
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Birds of A Feather--Nick A.

"The police are on their way, for now just stay calm and stay somewhere safe."
3 minutes. 3 minutes is the average time it takes for a police officer to get to his destination, 4 if he's taking his time. I've never realized up until now, with my face pressed up against the sliding closet door, how untidy I've been keeping this small private area. The clothes I put inside the closet are clean and ready to be worn at all times no doubt about that; I can't keep my personal appearance looking disheveled over a small crease in the cuff but this is a different matter altogether. There's a big possibility that no one besides myself will ever be in such a precarious position where their feet is skewed across the floor trying not to step on any scattered objects usually found on one's closet and I must let it be known that this must be the least  enjoyable moment of my life so far. Of all the houses that surround mine, of all the different lives they contain that either dwarf or far exceed my own who most likely even though there must be a slight chance they can relate to my current predicament, why must my life be bothered with the notion of my house being the one broken into? I guess I can put this under the random category that I must admit most events that transpire in my life fall under. Everything up until now has been seemingly by chance so why would this one be any different? Who knows what category of events the robber currently invading my home must of went through to end him, or her, because life is unisex, up in this unseemly profession; what did they do different compared to my own life that led them here? To me? Ok so key word that pops into my mind when the question arises of , "How do I think of myself?" Which is always the same, is average. I lived the entirety of my life as I can assume many others before me have done as well. Elementary I was considered gifted, I read books a little better then the other kids and what does that get you? A pat on the back, one more sticker on your binder, and if you're lucky, another plus on that "A" that by now you were accustomed to seeing. Middle school can only be labeled as the same thing but with a new coat of paint but that certain paint has a certain peculiar name, puberty. Its gross, it was unnatural, well not really but you get the point, and it was timed so perfectly as the time where you just start learning about what it means to be an actual person besides just a kid who blows morals and thought to the wind. I don’t want to talk about it, bad times. Now high school, high school changes it up on you. Now you're introduced to kids who, believe or not, are as a smart as you. It's a weird concept you know? Why did no one tell me I wasn't the center of the world? Don't get me started on the people who just so happened to be smarter then you, because rest assured you don’t want to be reminded of them either. So you're doing this whole school thing fairly alright you're not the top in the class but cmon there is like 30 people in this class what did you expect? You've already come to the conclusion you won't be the best at this whole scheme called life so why not just settle? You're grades are continuing to be a sort of oblique shadow of what they used to be but cmon its high school things are supposed to be harder. Well, they aren't really, you still get things fairly well but the ambition isn't there. You just kind of, lay there at your home, doing what would be considered to many as nothing? Why? If I knew I probably wouldn't of done it but I did and that’s how my life was and continues to be. To be keep waiting on that one day where suddenly I would get it and life started to work again rather then skip like your grandmother's old record player that would skip fairly often but you wouldn't try to fix due to the fear of somehow making it worse. Yet my life is, indeed, not a old record player I can fairly assume that but for some reason I never tried to fix it. It wasn't a good cycle in any case. Repetition, at least for me, started turning into a sort of preview of what my life was going to be. Life started to appear to me as a sort of check list that you had to complete and sadly finish every single day without fail. These weren't choices I was making out of enjoyment or passion but ones of indifference and boredom. Whoever designed this whole concept of mortality never had the thought that once you start this process you can never stop. Life never pauses and that didn't truly appeal to me and now, with my body displaced in my bedroom's closet listening to the burglar who most likely lived the same life as me yet chose to explore their options possibly with minute differences then my own get progressivly closer to my impromptu hiding place did I start to wonder if this cycle should continue. The door gives way to blinding light shined in my face.
Well that’s disappointing.


  1. This is a very intriguing piece. Your style of writing is different from the norm and very interesting. You easily catch all the major details and feelings most people have in elementary school, middle school, high school, then about life all summed up in a story I thought was going to be about a robbery. Great Job!

  2. This is a great piece of writing! I love how the narrator thinks so much back, to the elementary school days. I can really relate to what the narrator is thinking about. Great job! -Lisa Ryu

  3. I can relate to the way you described how life is never ending and how you're truly just another average person in the world. Your examples were also very convincing. Nice piece!

  4. The way you told the story made me think of the way they have a main character in the beginning of a movie go through some crazy stuff, so in this case, he's hiding from a burglar, then the movie freezes and rewinds back to a point so that the main character can explain how he/she got to that point. I like how the disappointment the character feels about his life makes the end when the character is found by the burglar insignificant. Your message that "life never pauses" is very true. Good job!

  5. Wow, first of all, you have a true talent in writing. I love how you smoothly shifted from the character hiding in the closet from the burglar to the character's reflection of his past. This truly reminds me of that saying of how people's life flashes before their eyes when they near death. Overall, great job on keeping me intrigued throughout the entire story through the use of the character's relatable experiences.

  6. Great story! I love the tone and the way it's written in a stream of thoughts flitting about the narrator's head. The final part's comment about the pervasive, yet dull nature of life's repetition is extremely relatable. The ending is great because of how the narrator reacts to being found by the burglar, in a sort of resigned and indifferent way that's both comical yet understandable. The way you described the disillusionment of students and the simultaneous death of their passion is particularly accurate as well.

  7. I liked the lesson that this piece portrayed, but I was kind of confused as I continued to read, but this was a good piece. Good job!

    1. Yeah I get that. Now that I look back on it the transition between the robbers life and describing the narrators was pretty sudden. The way the narrator talks can resemble rambling so it's understandable if it's hard to follow at times.

  8. This story was amazing! It made so much sense and I'm pretty sure that it'll connect to everyone that reads it. Great job!!

  9. This story took my mind in so many different places and I laughed as I related to you and felt the disappointment as I read the last line aha I liked it. It built me up for something but then you pulled my leg and gave me nothing. -rachel smith

  10. I like the details and imagery you used, Nick!Great story line and such and engaging and interesting piece to read -Alexis Chiong

  11. This piece is very intriguing, it took my mind in so many directions! The path of your writing is so diversifying for such a hectic scenario of a robber in the main character's house. Keep up the great work!

  12. Your story reminded me of a novel...well done! I got the impression that the story was being told from the perspective of a young high school girl. However I did not understand if the narrator enjoyed repetition or was simply just used to it?

    1. Truthfully the narrator is whatever you want it to be. Who the character is isn't important, but rather how they have lived is what makes you relate to them, atleast that was supposed to be the intended effect. The narrator could never enjoy repetition due to it being a foreshadowing of their future and uncertainty of the future is what fuels the narrators almost somber perspective, but, as there is no real alternative they must go on and face each day just like the last.

  13. I love how in the beginning you hook the reader and then once you have their attention you takes them to so many different places and emotions. Then we came to the end, you built up this story leading to a intriguing ending and then left it blank, very clever.

  14. Your descriptions of school were spot on and are easy to relate to at times. You did a great job of delivering the thought process of the narrator to us as though we were them, having these thoughts ourselves.

  15. This entire piece made me feel somewhat self-reflective. The way you seemed to pose questions to yourself made me want to answer them as well. A lot of people can relate to the feelings that high school brings most of us but sometimes we feel alone, we feel average, or not even average. This piece served as a good reminder that we in fact are not the center of the universe, and others feel the same things we do. Great piece!

  16. Your piece was so interesting! All of the imagery and detail you used, really kept me hooked, good job!

  17. That beginning was a great hook! It was like a ladder, climbing up to where you want it to be. I like how you incorporated things that many can relate to. For example, puberty. That was a really good one!! Nice connection.

    -Vivian Chiang

  18. I don't know how you so artfully captured the very process of a train of thought itself but its flawless! I love it! -Mackenzie G

  19. This was so interesting it was truly so enjoyable to read!It was a relatable story and I love your use of detail.

  20. I like how you showed how the mind pretty randomly goes from topic to topic in your head without getting too confusing. It was shockingly spot on and relatable which kinda made me feel better about myself :) I love how after the gap in the plot you brought it back at the end and then left us hanging wondering what happened. Super clever. -Vanessa Lai

  21. I really enjoyed this story! It was easy imagine myself in place of the main character due to how relate-able they were. I liked how the the story began with a strong hook, and in the end managed to pull the story back while still leaving a cliff hanger.

  22. This story was written so good. I loved how you showed the person's process. The imagery in this story was used very well, because I was literally able to picture it in my head. Great piece!! -Lauren Juarez

  23. I really admired the fact that you established the drastic transitioning between elementary school, middle school, and high school especially when you talked about high school and how its a smaller picture of what life will be for us in the real world once we graduate. I developed a sense of anxiety while reading because I didn't realize that all you had said in this piece is everything that has applied to me so far in my life. What remains is just the fear of the unknown and what the future has to offer to us.

  24. Your insight towards school and the monotony of life were very relatable. I think it is great that you included it in the story and showed that it is perfectly normal to feel that way. We often close ourselves off and fail to acknowledge that a billion others are going through the exact same things we are. It is both comforting and disappointing to have many people share the same sentiments.


  25. Amazing story! I love use of details you incorporated into this piece. Well done.

  26. Wow, that took a turn; When I first started reading I thought this was going to be a suspense thriller in which the speaker needed to escape the house, but this instead is very true to life in that while the speaker is in this perilous situation the mind wanders to life. The regrets and harshness of letting ambition slip away in a fear that most students have: the unknown and future. Even leaving it on a cliffhanger alluded to this idea, leaving us in suspense even if we never find out the answers. Overall, amazing job on this piece!

  27. This is a very interesting story that shifts its focus to something the reader wasn't expecting. The way you used the robbery to shift focus from that event to the speaker pondering life and how it never pauses is fantastic. There is so much detail in the speaker's reminiscing of their life, and wondering about where everything went wrong, that it captures well the reader's attention. The ending, after the speaker's own self-reflection, makes me respect life's continuous nature while you're alive, because you never know when it will actually end, and you'll regret your wish for it to do so. Thank you for sharing this piece
    -Chris Kerwin

  28. Loved the progressive thought process laid out in the piece. The overall build up to the final words was satisfying and I found the entirety of this highly relatable. Good shtuff!!!

  29. The story is great and the imagery allowed me ti visualize the everything and kept me intrigued.

  30. The story was great, the imagery and details kept me intrigued. Also it was amazingly relatable

  31. The tone of the story was great and when the narrator thought back to his elementary school days, it mad me sad inside just thinking about how fun they were. Great story I really enjoyed it!

  32. It was such a different take on hiding from a burglar, usually I would think that the person would be scared out of their mind but instead your character is contemplating life and how these two people could have been living the same life. I also liked your comment on how life is unisex. Overall your piece was interesting and pleasing to read.
    - Ashley lucente

  33. I really enjoyed the story, i felt i was also apart of that journey throughout the years. Its incredibly relatable keep up the great work.

  34. Wow, this story was extremely well written. The way the whole anecdote about life is put into the middle to show the thought process of the speaker was handled beautifully, with it lasting long enough to distract from the predicament introdueced in the beginning, but not long enough as to seem droll or boring. Good job Nick!

  35. Your piece was very interesting and relatable to me. No, not the robbery that was described very well, but the school experiences. Also, the way you brought in the old record player just was done so smoothly. What a great work! -Keala Naipo

  36. This story reminds me of my friend who had his house broken into also by three burglars, and he was in the same situation, hiding from them in the upstairs bathroom. I like the way you present the speaker's whole concept of life, his thoughts and regrets, all into one flashback the speaker has before he is discovered by the burglar.

  37. Such a compelling and interesting piece. Your use of detail really kept me wanting more. Nice work!

  38. This piece contains a lot of imagery that makes the piece completely relatable to me. I enjoyed the intro and and attention to detail the most! Very well written piece.

  39. I really like how you describe the smack in the face that most of us had when we entered high school, that realization that we aren't smarter than most of the kids in our classes like we used to be. This hits close to home for me especially since I was considered gifted as well in elementary and middle school, only to feel so much more inferior and not enough to keep up with some of the other kids in my classes. While it is a learning experience, most of us get through feeling comfortable and confident in our abilities which is the most important thing, I think, when it comes to growing up. Nice thoughtful piece

    1. I'm glad you can relate. One of the beauties in our world is that everyone is their own unique experience. No one will ever be the same and for that reason the only person you can compare yourself to is you. For people to love you you must first love yourself and the moment you are comfortable with your own being is the day life's monotony isn't so boring.

  40. It was nice to read this one! Very relatable to most people which becomes something they would have some love for already, and starts and ends strong with a nice hook. - Francis Talla

  41. The Imagery you use is impeccable! This was very relatable... loved it!

  42. I like the imagery you use to strengthen the development of the story overall. The hook also makes the reader feel like sitting on the edge of the chair and wants to read more.

  43. I loved reading this. I was so immediately hooked by the first couple of sentences and you were able to grasp my attention instantly. It kept me intrigued throughout, and used great imagery and detail that allowed me to capture the story in my mind.

  44. Thank you for sharing your perspective on life and how we perceive our education system and life. Your commentary was humorous and I appreciate your intriguing perspective on life.
    -Nwojo Abba

  45. Your use of detail and imagery really made this piece intriguing. Great job! - Jade Bobeda
