Growing up, I was a very spoiled kid but I wasn’t the only child. I had two other brothers and a
sister from my father, but we were all spread apart and we didn't see each other often. With my
mom, that was a completely different story because I was her first and only child at the time.Like
I said before I was very spoiled and I got everything I needed and wanted. I went any and
everywhere with friends and other relatives as much as I wanted too. Every time I will go out,
my mom would buy me a new outfit and she still does to this day. Life was great for those first
10 years or so, but a lot of times it would get lonely.Being the only child has its perks but the
Bitcoin was that you had no one to play with or talk to you. I enjoyed going to school because I
had a lot of friends who I could play with at recess and daycare and I was never lonely. It was
only when I got home and I'd have to play by myself in my room and sometimes talk to myself.
Then one day it hit me and I realized I needed a brother or sister. So I prayed to God and begged
my parents for a little one and 9 months later, my little sister Dallas came. Like everyone else, I
was so excited that I was a big sister. I was ready to change diapers, make bottles, the whole
nine, I was ready to go and do my big sister duties. It was fun having another kid in the house,
but as we got older, she started to be annoying like any other younger sibling. Sometimes I
would think to myself that I should have been more specific when I prayed for a sibling. She
would always follow me and talk to me about nothing all day and night. She always asked to
sleep in my bed or watch my TV. If I tried to leave, she tried to leave right along with me and
when she couldn’t come, she would cry. When she got older and really began to talk, that’s when
I started to REALLY get in trouble. She would tell my mom everything I said and did, even
when I bribed her. It’s five years later I thought it was going to be Dallas and I until I go off to
college and one day my mom tells me she’s pregnant again with my little brother! I was excited
but then I knew I was going to be the permanent babysitter and never leaving the nest. I thought
Dallas was bad but my brother Kaden has her beat and like any 1 year old, he gets into
everything he can reach or get his hands on, especially when he climbs and jumps on the
furniture. Even though, they both may get on my last nerve from time to time, I love them dearly
and wouldn’t let anyone or anything happen to them.
This is such a sweet piece. Great style of writing! I loved it.
ReplyDeleteThis story made me laugh and i am so grateful that i am the youngest. I realize now why older children grow up with the most patience and knack for tolerance. -Rachel Smith
ReplyDeleteThis was so cute! I'm the youngest of two so I don't have any experience with little siblings, but I felt like you were so descriptive about your siblings that it made me feel like I also understood how much of an impact they can have on your life. Good job!
ReplyDeleteI know younger siblings can be a pain. Trust me I have little brother... but at the end of the day he's still my brother who I love more than anyone else in the world. I admire your patience with dealing with your siblings.
ReplyDeleteThis story is relatable and well executed. I think we have all felt annoyed by ours siblings while loving them at the same time. This is really a great piece.
ReplyDeleteI liked how descriptive you were in telling all that you looked forward too and dreaded once your siblings came. I can definitely relate. Great job!
ReplyDeleteThis story is very relatable, because I feel the same way about my little cousin. I was very excited when she was born, but then when she grew up I got annoyed a lot. Although I get mad at her all the time, I know that my life would not be the same without her. - Martina Panganiban
ReplyDeleteI thought I was an only child until I met my brothers and sister when I was 8. I know they can be a pain sometimes and I love how your story is so relatable with how they tell your parents EVERYTHING! It perfectly describes your love you have for your siblings:) great job!
ReplyDeleteThis is very cute! I can tell that you really do have a special appreciation for your siblings because you took the time to write this well-thought-out story about them. You probably had so many other things you could have written about, but in the end, it's them you chose. Great job! After reading the other scary and sad submissions others wrote, this was a good one to lift my spirits!
ReplyDeleteYou made me remember how much my little sister would bug me and how much I love her anyways. Good Job!! -Erika Eklund
ReplyDeleteI definitely know where you're coming from because I, myself, am a big sister also. I relate to the part where you where you were ready to take on the big sister role but then as time went by, they started to become annoying! Great piece !
ReplyDeleteThis story is endearing and very descriptive in defining the undeniable love we all have for our siblings, despite how much we think we do not like them at times. I like how relatable your topic is and I'm sure a lot of people can see how your perspective aligns with their own about their siblings and their own role as one themselves. You wrote it very well, very sweet.
ReplyDeleteI totally get you! I was an only child until I was 10, and I was very spoiled as well. Even though my 6 and 7 year old sisters annoy me so much, they make my life more interesting and fun. I wouldn't want to be an only child again, because most of the time they follow you around is because they want to be just like you when they grow up. :)
ReplyDeleteThis story is completely relatable and as I kept reading this piece, it brought my mind back to what home is like. Having little siblings can be fun but once they start "talking" like you said, it can get troubling. I admire the patience you have for your siblings and how you can keep a loving mindset toward them even if they can get a bit out of hands. Great piece ! -Alexis Chiong
ReplyDeleteThis makes me thankful that I have always been the youngest even out of my cousins. I thought this was a very cute story and showed the changes in your emotions very well!
ReplyDeleteThis makes me thankful that I have always been the youngest even out of my cousins. I thought this was a very cute story and showed the changes in your emotions very well!
ReplyDeleteWe have all been through so much with our siblings! I loved this piece, it was so cuuute! Made me feel good about being the youngest!
ReplyDeleteThis was so sweet! The descriptions you have and the actions of the characters in your piece made me think about my own family and my own little brother. The imagery of it was great, the familiar emotion was portrayed well, good job!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you very much so enjoy the company of your siblings. You piece lighthearted and enjoyable
ReplyDeleteI'm the youngest... now I wonder if that's how my siblings viewed me. At least if they did, I know that they (probably) still loved me! What a great, fun piece.
ReplyDeleteIt was nice seeing it from a different perspective because I am the youngest in the family. It was very descriptive, which is amazing. I love how you wrote in a first person perspective because then it's easy to follow the emotions.
ReplyDelete-Vivian Chiang
I am the youngest but I can see how my sister probably felt with me when I would always want to follow her or taddle tale. I love how you ended your piece on how no matter what, you will never let anything happen to your siblings and I strongly agree with that.
ReplyDeleteHaving siblings can't be easy! There will always be pros and cons but at the end of the day, we got to love them. This was a great piece!
ReplyDeleteThis piece was so sweet! As my mom's only kid and my dad's youngest, I always wanted a little sibling but this makes me slightly more thankful that never happened. But it's always so nice to read about people who love their siblings so much, and even when you described the negative aspects it was still fairly easy to tell that there was love under the irritation.
ReplyDeleteAs the youngest child out of two, I can definitely confirm that we are both annoying and a handful. Your story really interested me and gave me some insight into what my brother had to deal with when I was growing up. Though I do not like to admit it, I looked up to him and always wanted to follow him around and mimic him, similar to how your little siblings behaved. Being an older sibling may come with undesired responsibilities, however, to your younger brother and sister, you might just be the coolest person in the world.
ReplyDeleteI love this piece because I'm sure that almost everyone can relate to this! Most of us have siblings, and this makes us thankful for them! SOOO cute!! -Lauren Juarez
ReplyDeleteThis is such a cute and sensational story, because it shows how when we demand for something really bad and finally get it we then in return regret it if it doesn't satisfy us or go they way we expected it to go. I would just like to point out that it's really hard for me to relate since i'm the youngest of five, but I can relate to how older siblings are as painful and annoying as the young ones can be. It's really funny because at times and it is of the norm for siblings to fight and disagree, but I believe that's what builds such a beautiful bond between siblings. In the end of the day no matter what conflicts rise between siblings, they always have each others backs in good and bad times and just like the saying "blood never becomes water."
ReplyDeleteAs an older sister, I can totally relate to this entire situation. I have three younger siblings and at time I feel like ripping my hair out. Younger siblings can honestly be so stressful. But, like you, I would do anything for them. I really do love my siblings so much. I like how you made this piece so relatable. Good job.
ReplyDeleteHaha wow, I really enjoyed reading your piece because I can actually relate to this. It's comforting to know i'm not the only older sibling who has thoughts like this about their little siblings. The unconditional love aspect is wonderful, good job!
ReplyDeleteSuch a great story because everyone can relate to this in anyway. I think this is such a cute funny story , really enjoyed reading this
ReplyDelete-Melanie Salazar
Aww Kam this is so cute! I have always been the younger sibling and I am well aware of the fact that I am "annoying" to my older sister but that is what younger siblings are for. Your story was very relatable and very well written. Good Job Kam!
ReplyDeleteI can relate so much to this. They start off cute then they learn to talk back and develop their own personality and sometimes attitude hah. But no matter what they're always out little siblings and love them unconditionally.
ReplyDeleteAww this was such a cute piece. I'm the oldest sister and my little brothers and my little sister are such a pain sometimes, but I love them dearly. Well done.
ReplyDeleteYou're such a great daughter and sister for sticking up for them and helping your mom. I really like the little details you put in when wanting a new sibling.
ReplyDeleteBeing the youngest out of my siblings Ive always wanted a younger brother and sister but this made me realize that i dont want that all. Such a great piece!!
ReplyDeleteAs the oldest of four, I can relate. Great expression of the feelings between siblings, heartfelt and good writing.
ReplyDeleteConsidering that I am the youngest child, it's interesting to see a new perspective on the way of life of an older sibling. I never knew you prayed for your parents to have another child, but Dallas and Kayden aren't too bad. I know you love them dearly but I am also sure you learned a life long lesson of desperately wanting something until you actually have it.
ReplyDeleteI can totally relate, especially the whole thanking God for your sister and than as they get older they do get annoying but will always give you company and laughs.
ReplyDeleteThis piece was funny and really made me smile and appreciate my silbling.
ReplyDeleteAs an only child, I understand the nature of growing up alone and having all the needs I had satisfied. I liked the way you compared your benefits of being an only child with the struggles of being a big sister, yet you still would rather have them than be alone, which I believe speaks for many of us.
ReplyDeleteI can totally relate to this and I understand how you feel! I'm the oldest out of my all my cousins and siblings and it does get frustrating sometimes! But anyways this is written very well and clearly comprehensible
ReplyDeleteAye I know exactly how you fell, having a little brother of my own as well as four nephews, I was the de facto babysitter and while they're all annoying I wouldn't trade them for the world
ReplyDeleteThis story was adorable. You perfectly described the initial excitement of having a younger sibling, as well as the terror when that little sibling grows into a toddler. Great job on this piece!
ReplyDeleteSuch a relatable writing considering that I am the youngest of six children. After reading this, I felt even more thankful for my older siblings
ReplyDeleteLoved how heartfelt this was! I'm a big sister so I completely understand! Good job!
ReplyDeleteI found this soooooooo relateable. I myself am the oldest out of 4 and its a STRUGGLE because its like every 5 seconds I am trying to calm myself to not strangle my younger siblings. But eventhough they irritate my soul I love them regardless and sometimes being the older definitely has its perks :))
ReplyDeleteThis piece is very cute and relatable! It's funny how you talked about the stages of having a younger sibling. I am the oldest as well and I've started running out of tricks to save myself because my siblings just talk too much, especially when I bribe them. Yet, as you do, I still love my siblings and will do anything for them. Great job!
ReplyDeleteThis piece is very relatable because I'm the youngest in my family...super sweet.
ReplyDeleteIt is such a heart warming yet interesting piece. In fact, I placed as the youngest child in my family and never in ever did I thought about what my elder siblings are thinking about. This piece gave me pretty much an idea and why I should appreciate them more sometimes.
ReplyDeleteThis story was cute. I am the youngest sibling,so it's kind of funny seeing the viewpoint of an older sibling. As the younger sibling I can verify we try our hardest to be as annoying as possible but hey, that's what little siblings are for.
ReplyDeleteThe demand of our siblings! I can relate to this situation on many levels. At the end of the, I love siblings just as you do. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDelete-Nwojo Abba