
Monday, February 29, 2016

What is Terrorism?--Kamran

For many of us, the first images that pop up in our minds when the word ‘terrorism’ is mentioned is that of a Muslim Middle eastern man with a beard or Muslim woman covering from head to toe. To makes thing clear, a group like ISIS does not represent Islam or Muslims. And as a Muslim, I will never defend their actions because Islam teaches us to stand up against injustice and oppression. But if we take a critical look at history, ISIS are certainly not the first terrorists to pop up on the world scene. And since we are on the topic of terrorism, lets define what Terrorism is. By definition Terrorism is violence, fear, or intimidation placed upon a group of people or nation in order to achieve a political, religious, or a social goal. Understanding this, let us apply this definition to events in history. Terrorism is the entrance of the ivory skinned men into Africa claiming they were coming to bring God and ‘tame’ the so called ‘savages’ when they actually came with rape, plunder, and with the intentions to take all the resources Africa had. Terrorism is enslaving over 12.5 million Africans, taking them from positions of royalty and power to positions lower than that of the white man’s cattle. Separating families, putting chains on their bodies, and forcing them to enter boats filled with smallpox and starvation. Terrorism is mentally breaking the African slaves, so that they could pick on the white man’s plantation without any protest. Taking away their identities, and giving them the slave master’s white european names, like ‘James’ and ‘Smith’. Terrorism is turning lynching into a national sport, white communities gathering so they can can laugh and feel proud about their actions. Leaving innocent blacks hung up, beaten and charred like a strange dangling fruit. Terrorism is systematically killing black leadership like Fred Hampton and Malcolm X, who were just preaching to their people to have love for themselves. And terrorism is police violence particularly against black communities. Terrorism is the 1948 Palestinian exodus in which over 700,000 were forced from their homes, to make room for ‘settlers’. Forcing thousands of Palestinian to roam in the desert like Pharaoh did to Moses. Terrorism is Israel dropping white phosphorous on the Gaza strip, burning alive men, women, and children. Terrorism is Israel is dropping bombs on schools and hospitals, because they are filled with ‘terrorists’ and they were ‘defending themselves’. Terrorism is western involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, killing thousands of people and taking natural resources in the name of democracy and liberation. Malcolm X once said: “ The media is the most powerful entity on Earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses”. It is important that we as human beings and intellectual individuals do not let our biases decide what is and isn’t terrorism. It is not fair label one group of people as terrorists, but then try to give excuses to try to justify terrorist actions by the so called ‘good guys’. Next time you see an action of violence done, analyze the situation, and judge it with your humanity; not your prejudice. Sources: "Life on Board Slave Ships International Slavery Museum, Liverpool Museums." L ife on Board Slave Ships International Slavery Museum, Liverpool Museums . N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2016. Morris, Benny, and Mark Tessler. "The Nakba: The Palestinian Catastrophe of 1948." Lost Islamic History . N.p., 23 Apr. 2013. Web. 20 Feb. 2016. "ORB Survey of Iraq War Casulties." W ikipedia . Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2016.


  1. This is a hard hitting piece with hard hitting title! The message of the piece is so strong and makes you think of all the issues covered by media and how we base information and opinions on only that article or just being influenced that its for the "safety" of ourselves when others/innocents are being killed/captured etc for "fear" they are something they are not. Its something when people have to be reminded to think for themselves and not just soak up opinions others make. And you've done a wonderful job reminding those again to step back analyze and then form an opinion.
    -Emmanuel Huntspon

  2. Wow. I really thought this was an incredible piece. It is clear that it is a subject you are passionate about and your strong tone left absolutely no room for dispute. Your interpretation is so insightful and it really adds a layer to the perspective that most Americans are given. It's definitely a stand-out piece. Great Job!

  3. I love your piece because sometimes we forget that terrorism is defined by the person being terrorized and although we may seem like we are the only ones being terrorized, we carpet bomb the Middle East, and meddle with affairs of other countries that in my opinion we shouldn't be meddling with, we have so much to fix at home, why go and fix other people's problems. The sad part is that at this point it's created a snowball effect because as we fight back for an act of terrorism, terrorist see it as a terrorist attack to them and they retaliate as well.

  4. As soon as I started reading i thought of those "random" checks at the airport all because of how one looks. People forget what terrorism means instead they follow this stereotype society has formed. I really like the quote you mentioned about media, it's so true. Too many times do people simply take what is written on social media instead of looking at the true facts. I could sense the passion. great job!

  5. This piece is so fierce, I can tell that your heart is on fire about this topic. It leaves a lasting impression on readers rather than forgetting what we just read. So eloquent and fitting for this time and set the record straight for truth rather than the "talked up" media perspective.

  6. Thanks for clearing up the definition of terrorism for all the ignorant people in the world who base it off of the appearance, race, or religion of a person. Your examples are on point and gives the bigger picture to those who fail to see it. Preach it.

  7. This was an incredible piece. Your usage of parallel sentences definitely helped place emphasis on your passion towards the topic and the hypocrisy that has manifested throughout the decades. You've done a great job to fight back against prejudices.

  8. I loved this piece because this is exactly what needs to be said. It's clear you wanted to send a message, no matter how uncomfortable it was. Nice job, Kam!

  9. The word "terrorism" is too easily thrown around and many people are hurt by it. A whole race can be called terrorists just because of one group's actions. One group's actions can cause hundreds, if not thousands, of people to die. It is heartbreaking, and one wishes to change it.

    Great job Kamran.

    -Brianna Schulz, Period 4

  10. Your piece is very powerful and educational. Educational because you are reminding the audience about the true definition of terrorism and how it has been repeatedly used throughout history and how it is being used today. Powerful because you understand the difference and are unfortunately seeing it unfold before your eyes. Your piece is very deep and provides a new view on how people see terrorism today. Great Job.

  11. Kamran my friend i have known your for many many years and I know how you have always felt towards this subject. If it weren't for you I would not be as aware about terrorism as i am today, great piece and good job!

  12. I respect the piece and the writing. We all have to remember to be aware of the bias of our society, but also to recognize the harsh realities and terrible exaggerations, and as individuals determine what to believe. Kamran, you know I agree with you when your position is rightly justified. Good stuff

  13. I enjoyed your piece very much. Not only does it shine a light towards the true meaning of terrorism but you allowed your personal experiences to convey the theme.

  14. Your writings and your day-to-day rhetoric go hand in hand, you're the most committed man I know. You already know I think this is fantastic, and seeing this from the perspective of a Muslim-American gives an often depressing, draining subject new life. You rock!

  15. I really liked your story because I liked how you used actually events very good job

  16. Provocative no hold bars piece, good job Kamran. It's important that more people be properly educated on the hypocrisies that we western's sadly commit and help to commit in other foreign countries. There will always be those who are afraid and act out violently to protect what they view as "their way of life" and as you can see that sometimes results in the horrible atrocities you cited above in your piece. What is the solution? God I don't know, but don't lose all hope!

  17. Once again thank you brother Kamran for not only educating those who may not be aware of this issue, but also for maintaining faith and determination in rough times like this. Pieces like this can potentially change many peoples mindset towards this issue and finally allow them to have a voice of their own led by actual facts instead of the 30 second video they see on Twitter regarding Donald Trumps ignorant statements. Great sourse of information and great structure, thank you once again!
    -Nahome Woldearegay

  18. Kamran it is so cool that you wrote about this, especially from your point of view. Its really important for us, as the next generation, to really understand terrorism in order to best prevent and protect against it. Thank You.

  19. My man!!! This is a subject that tends to hit a tender spot with people especially when you talk about the Europeans installment of White Supremacy in Africa. Your piece is informative because it teaches us readers to question our prejudice and try to see it from another point of view, which is hard for a lot of people to do. Our society tries so much especially the Western society to erase the dark periods of our time even till today, they water down history and events or the media twists it and turns it into victim blaming. This is a very powerful piece, I'm glad you did it!
    -Oyinda Akinnusi

  20. The piece really put everything into a perspective many of us do not see. Very well written and thought out. -Joshua Kidwell

  21. Alhamdulillah, thank you for talking and clearing up a problem that a lot of people who don't know the internal problem find difficult to understand. A very, very powerful piece that really grounds everyone as to what is- and has been- going on towards the "bad minority of the time". Excellent work, and I couldn't help but catch a Abel Meeropol (Billie Holiday sang it too!) reference with "Strange Fruit". Poetic, with raw emotion that hits the audience.

  22. Your piece couldn't have been more perfect. It was very eye opening with telling the true definition of what terrorism is. Great job!

  23. On a surface level, this writing is emotional, hard-hitting, eye opening, and beautiful; on an intellectual level, this piece is deeply important, critical, and beautiful. Your passion and frustration is clearly emulated in your writing and you write with such conviction and elegance that one can't help but sympathize and understand. In a world of such hate and hypocrisy, it is important that we bring to light to some of the major incongruities, this being one. Great Job :)

  24. Thank you so much for writing this piece and helping all of us open our minds a little bit more to the true meaning of the word "terrorism". The ideas you have discussed are some that I have been trying to expose myself to for the past few years with astonishing effect. It is truly breathtaking to take a step back from the knowledge that I have been socialized into accepting and allowing the truth of the matter to enter my mind. Your piece was brutally honest, fearless, and much appreciated.

  25. Great job!, I love how you showed that the actions of a few do not represent all Muslims, and that Terrorism is committed by all different races, and how you gave an example of terrorism. -Damian Echavarria

  26. This was such a wonderful piece, thank you for that insight, it is agreed that we as human beings have to make our own decision form the right and wrongs of true terrorism, and to leave the biast behind.

  27. If I could post this on every social media site in existence I would, you basically explained what so many of us try to explain to ignorant people everyday. Terrorism has been existent for so many years prior to 9/11, but yet so many people believe the Middle East is the root of it all, terrorism does not define Islam and as a Muslim myself I couldn't agree more with everything you said.

  28. Very glad that you used your own perspective in clarifying such a misunderstood issue. To be quite frank, I too have had a great deal of confusion on this concept, considering that I have not been victimized as much as other minorities. You have done a great deed by delving into this topic. Good Job my man.

  29. I love what you explored in the piece! That ending line, "judge it with your humanity; not your prejudice" was an awesome way to close such an essay that discusses society's prejudices.

    -B Lim
