
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Brandon--Death by Bratwurst

Day 81: Slept surprisingly well last night, considering that I've been stranded on this moon longer than it took for Phileas Fogg to travel around the world. I've officially run out of spaghetti and beef stew MREs, so now I'm going to be stuck with bratwurst, tuna and bean burritos until I run out and die on this rock. Don’t ask me why we packed bratwurst MREs; there weren’t any Germans in my freaking crew, so I don’t have a clue. Don’t even get me started on the tuna meals. Last time I tried it, I threw it up while on the training gyroscope back at NASA. Its actual taste is sorta like tuna, I suppose. It reminds me of elementary school cafeteria tuna, except they managed to make it remarkably more terrible. It doesn’t feel like tuna in your mouth. It’s like tuna pudding. The worst part: IT COMES WITH TORTILLAS. I’m not against tortillas or anything, but you just don’t eat tuna tacos in my book. You use tilapia for a fish taco. End of story. I think I’ll pass on tuna for breakfast. I’ve never had the bean burrito, so I guess I’ll chow on that for the most important meal of the dizzle. Burrito Update: It was a marginally edible brick. The goods news is that I can use one as a weapon if any aliens pop out and test my temper. Then again, if guns don't work too well on Predator, I'm not sure if a burrito will do well. I'll just feed it to the alien, and it'll probably flee in terror. I should’ve saved a spaghetti MRE for my last supper. I used to think that the best thing about shipwrecking on a moon 12 parsecs away from Earth is the night sky. It sounds beautiful and all, but this moon orbits a black hole, so it's nighttime all freakinday. The only light I get is from distant galaxies. Majestic as the sky may be, I still miss the radiance of the good ole’ Sol. Imagine a child growing up on this planet? They'd have a nightmare trying to draw the sky in crayon. Back on Terra, you just draw the sky with a orange semicircle in the horizon, maybe a cloud if you're feeling frisky, and exactly 7 v-shaped birds. If I somehow survive this, I definitely have to boogie down to the beach and get some vitamin dizzle. There was another moonquake. I don't know much about space tectonics, but this is the second one in the past 13 hours. I wasn’t sure before, but they’re occurring at shorter intervals. And every time, I swear they’re gaining intensity. I hope it's not a Kaiju. I really gotta hand it to JPL; they really thought a lot of things through. The spare oxygen generator came in handy after the main one broke down when I accidentally kicked it while doing exercise. Just another reason to hate exercise. Seriously though, the ship remained perfectly intact after the crash. The impact wasn’t really so bad, except for the whole part where I’m the only surviving crew member. I especially miss Captain Organa. I wouldn’t mind sharing MREs with her, as long as she took her fair share of tuna. Emergency landing airbags and seatbelts could’ve used a little more attention. But I am grateful that the construction of the ship wasn’t offshored to China or something. Day 82: I was just awakened early by another quake. This one was some San Andreas kind of business. I’m going to eat some Bratwurst for breakfast, put on my suit, and check out what happened. I urinated in my spacesuit about 11 minutes into my adventure and dipped to record my findings. These definitely were not moonquakes. About 3 kilometers out, there’s a crater with a giant, luminescent egg. I’m going to change my underwear, listen to Adele, and return to the crater. I really don’t want to go, but if there’s something out there, then it’s my responsibility to report it. If anyone finds this, and I don’t log another entry, then don’t go towards the crater. End of Journal


  1. I like the tone of voice this was written in, makes the character very interesting. Superb writing and excellent storytelling that should be built upon, though your skill is quite refined already. Also, I crave a continuation, what's with the egg?

  2. I like the Star wars references " its the ship that made the keso run in 12 parsecs or leia ORGANA nice story man.

  3. Your story is very well written. I loved reading it.

  4. Makes me feel like living in Space isn't all that it's cracked up to be...

  5. I really love the tone it was written in and the variety of references you made in it.

  6. I love how snarky the character is, sounds like someone that I would have made up! I also like how the ending leaves you knowing that the crater is deadly without stating it explicitly. Nice Job!

  7. Oh wow, I love the story and how it is casual but detailed, it is very easy to connect to. I loved reading it, I wish I could read the whole journal entry. Great Job!!

  8. I love reading your story I like how you did what day it was and what event took place on that day

  9. In your story I like how you told the readers what day it was and what Event happened on that specific day

  10. I thought the story was a very creative twist of the Martian. The tone and dialogue of the main character kept me in laughter and grabbed my attention. Great work!

  11. The many references to all the science fiction in your story were fun to look for. I think that it is interesting the explorer has food as his main concern, maybe it was survival that was his main concern. It was a fun little piece.
    -Anthony Giliberto Jr.

  12. I really enjoyed reading your story, I like how it was told from a first person point of view. -Leila Cornett

  13. Very original! "Vitamin dizzle" lol

  14. loved it i loved how you were really detailed in your story.
    Ashley Lowman

  15. This was really funny. It reminded me of an application I just completed on my phone. I especially liked to line where you described how kids draw the world, so very accurate, even for me now.

  16. A genuinely told story, while also being written in the most non-chalant of circumstances. I admire the way you structured each section, considering that each line creates a sense of growing trouble as time goes on. Great satirical work.

  17. Nicely written story. I really enjoyed reading it.
    ~Ryan Kang

  18. Great story and I love the fact that it's written in the form of a journal entry of some sort. Lets the reader know how long it's been since a certain event has happened and such.
    ~ Gregory Gomez P.3

  19. I love all the sci-fi references in this piece. I also loved the tone the character had; so nonchalant and humorous about his misfortune.

  20. The title just had me wondering what the whole story was gonna be. It ended up being really funny with that amazing reference to Star Wars. -Brian Rojas

  21. I loved the characters within the story! The tone was also quite excellent. Keep writing please! Keep growing.

  22. I love your word choice and many descriptions of the different kinds of space foods. Awesome story!

  23. Found your story really entertaining especially with all the references to popular science fiction.

  24. I love the way this was written. I feel like a storm trooper lost in space

  25. I love the way this was written. I feel like a storm trooper lost in space

  26. Found this one to be pretty funny. Loved the piece. Keep up the great work! :)

  27. KAIJU! How cute! I love the light tone for such a dark situation to be in; its a great contrast that gives the piece life. The down-to-earth attitude the narrator has makes him all the more interesting and, somehow, relateable. Excellent work.

  28. HAHAHA OH BRANDON YOU LITERARY RASCAL. First of all, thanks for tantalizing my dialectical taste-buds with the humorous (and rather generous) usage of "freakin" as well as its variants. It's little additions like that which create an engrossing comedic atmosphere, but you still had some cool dramatic tension with the ominous moonquakes and impending death by starvation. Very impressive and reminiscent of "The Martian" in all the right ways! And I'd love to know what's in that egg someday!
    -Christopher Trevino

  29. I enjoyed it from the start! Great story! I loved the dialogue between himself, kind of reminds me of myself when I eat the last cookie and regret it afterwards because all I'm stuck with is disgusting wafer cookies ��

  30. Has a Star Wars/ Star Trek feeling to it. Hilarious and nostalgic at the same time. Great Work Brandon!

  31. This entry was very funny, hysterical at times but very entertaining. When I first began to read your piece I immediately thought about the movie "The Martian" with Matt Damon and the scene where he ran out of ketchup. You had a Star Wars reference which is pretty cool, and the dialogue was very interesting. This astronaut needs some vitamin drizzle. Good Job!

  32. Very interesting, love how creative and imaginative it is.

  33. I loved the references that you made and actions of the characters are very interesting. I really liked this piece!

  34. I really liked your piece because it relates to the real worlds' radically increasing possibility of space travel to other planets. Keep up the great work! -Damian Echavarria

  35. I really like this piece because of the humorous tone of the speker and how it left us all on a cliffhanger.
    -Shaniya Trotter

  36. Very calm, considering his circumstances. Found it very funny.

  37. Very light-hearted with the tone, despite the somewhat unfortunate situation. This would probably be close to what my reports of my space adventures would be, especially the critiquing food part. Very mysterious ending as well, overall great read.

  38. I enjoyed the dialogue it was funny and how you think kids think about the world.

  39. You commentary on the food was hilarious. Full of NASA and Star Wars references. Great job

  40. i love this peace, very creative really made me imagine the whole set -janier

  41. the tone was very deep and made me actually imagine the whole story, it was great!

  42. Interesting approach using a journal entry for your piece. Nice detail thank you for the submission

  43. There is a great amount of precision in your imagery that served to effectively engage me as a reader. I thoroughly enjoyed your themes and stories and found it appropriate considering the popularization of space themed storylines. Overall, great work!

  44. So much imagery to fill the readers mind while reading ! Great job

  45. I would love to see what those other 80 days had in store
    -Bobby freeman
