Eyes: commonly known as the two sphere shaped organs behind the eyelids that living
organisms use to see. Appearance so simplistic and common to the normal human being that its
deeper meaning is often overlooked. Eyes are the entrance to the soul. A doorway so mysterious
and intricate, others tend to forget to take a moment and encode what there is beyond its surface.
“There is more to this than meets the eye”(Collins), even when it comes to a literal sense of the
eyes you meet.
Much of what we appear to be on the outside is how we hope for others to perceive
ourselves. We tend to be perfect figures with miniscule dashes of personality we find difficult to
conceal despite our efforts. In spite of our cracks revealing reality, especially with those who
have gained our trust, our raw selves are tucked away so trickily, even oneself may find difficult
to solve. Every living creature has a difference in their eyes, both literally and emotionally. From
eye shape, eyelid structure, eye bag stiffness, and the numerous colors splashed around our
pupils, it gives a background of who we are as a person. “Eye color is determined by variations
in a person’s genes” (National Library of Medicine). This tiny detail displays a whole
background of ancestry and where their family once came from. Culture cherished by many in
the past was hand created and viewed by eyes similar to those now. The sturdiness and position
of eyelids speak more than words allow, demonstrating life’s complexities overpowering one’s
ability to have a moment of rest. Splashes of dark red packed onto the eyelid with a shimmer of
gold and a thin, complex wing lining the eye expresses artistry that will hopefully go to notice.
The differing sizes of pupils reveals tranquility or tension that can only be discovered from
beyond. Taking a small moment to appreciate the eye structure of one discloses the start of who
they are.
Eye contact, an action of looking into the eyes of another. With mixed feelings of hating
the idea while others feel respected and appreciated, taking a moment to do so deepens our
understanding of individuals. As you look into the eyes of a mother, overworked by high
expectations in the office and a continuous need to help her children, you can see the devotion to
all she does, no matter the laborious cost. The light blue eyes of the old man, similar to the color
of a slightly cloudy sky on a warm, spring day, convey his cherishment of his last remaining days
with his wife. Unless pausing for a moment, none of this would have been noticed otherwise.
“Research finds that a direct gaze is associated with confidence, interest, and attraction”
(Psychology Today). If time is not being taken, not a single understanding of what one
desperately needs to convey, but can not verbally say will ever be heard. Not a single connection
of understanding what they believed only they would understand can occur. Not a single feeling
of being valued after years of consistently being shoved to the side and ignored by those who
you thought had their best interest in you will become of it. Patience is key. In order to feel
acknowledged and an authentic connection to those surrounding, a moment of genuine eye
contact is necessary. Not only does it leave others feeling cherished, but we are able to see what
they are hiding within.
What could be the human body’s most mysterious, truthful, authentic piece can in reality
be the most revealing to the soul. Deep down, stories, difficulties, feelings both emotionally and
physically are present, but buried for the right individuals to discover. A simplistic pathway to an
unbreakable bond takes a moment of forbearance, trust, and staying open minded to understand
what others do not outwardly release. Being aware of the surrounding environment proves in the
end to educate your mind more than focusing on your personal stressors. Others not only teach
us about themselves, but about the world in which we did not know beforehand. In order to
survive in our most content state, valuing others is crucial. Therefore, those spherical organs that
help living organisms to see, may mean more than what you realize from first glance.
Collins. "There's More to This than Meets the Eye." Collins,
www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/theres-more-to-this-than-meets-the-eye. Accessed 19 Oct. 2022.
National Library of Medicine. Genetics. MedlinePlus, medlineplus.gov/genetics/understanding/traits/eyecolor/.
Accessed 4 Oct. 2022.
Psychology Today. Sussex Publishers, 25 Sept. 2021,
ch%20finds%20that%20direct%20gaze,be%20a%20sign%20of%20trustworthiness. Accessed 4 Oct. 2022